While there have been some recent set-backs within science and climate research and disturbing news about NOAA, there is also continuing efforts on responding to climate change. During my travels to Mozambique and Ghana, I could sense a real appreciation for knowledge, and an eagerness to learn how to calculate risks connected to climate change.
Recent events have shown incredibly high rainfall amounts that have devastated cities and countries, as well as droughts that have exacerbated the risk of wildfires. It is well known that global warming gives more extreme rainfall, and this is primarily explained as a result of warmer air being able to hold more humidity. It is, in other words, the Clapeyron-Clausius equation that describes how the water vapour pressure relates to temperature.
An additional explanation for extreme rainfall amounts is how daily rainfall is unevenly distributed over Earth’s surface area. There are now several papers documenting that the daily precipitation falls on a diminishing fraction of Earth’s surface over time, based on satellite data, reanalysis data, and global climate model simulations (Dobler et al., 2024 and references therein).
Changes in how rainfall is distributed over Africa can explain both flooding as well as droughts, and it is important to derive reliable information about the probability of heavy rainfall in order to be prepared for what the future climate will bring.
It is urgent to start climate change adaptation because of the rapid global warming (e.g. pulse.climate.copernicus.eu) and global statistics show that temperature and rainfall have already become more extreme. Also, climate change adaptation may send a message of the urgency and importance for mitigation.
In Mozambique I helped organise a CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study (FPS) workshop in Maputo where we worked on capacity building based on an open source tool for empirical-statistical downscaling. This tool is useful for studying consequences of climate change and providing valuable information for climate adaptation (Benestad et al., 2025).
One particular type of adaptation measures is connected to climate and health which is going on in Ghana. The annual meeting of the SPRINGS project was held near Akosombo in the Volta catchment, and one of its aims is to provide estimates of future rainfall to feed hydrological models in order to calculate the water quality and model the spread of pathogens that lead to diarrhoea outbreak.
This knowledge will be used for policy-making and intervention strategies for both water management and health planning. To get a better understanding of the local situation, we inspected a pumping station, as shown below, with water treatment and water supply to the communities.
The water provided by the pumping stations and the water treatment plants, however, doesn’t always cover all needs, and the alternative is to fetch water from the Vota river.
Manure and feces on the ground and in the fields spread into brooks and rivers when there is heavy rainfall, and we need robust estimates of how often we can expect days of heavy rain to assess future risks of such health problems.
We use a very simple formula to estimate how often we can expect days with heavy rainfall, and the graphics below gives an example of observed (red) and calculated (black) annual frequency of days with more than 20 mm in Maputo, Mozambique. A similar calculation for Tanzania gives a similar good match, and we expect to find a similar match for rain gauge data from Ghana once we get access to it. This calculation is only based on the annual wet-day frequency and the wet-day mean precipitation (Benestad et al., 2025).
Both the workshop in Maputo and the SPRINGS project exploit this simplified and approximate estimation of heavy rainfall, which is a step towards extreme rainfall amounts, but nevertheless not quite sufficient for rainfall amounts in the excess of 100 mm/day.
Another important part of the SPRINGS project is the co-production of knowledge, involving a diversity of disciplines and cross-disciplinary collaborations. The connection between academia and the scientific community on the one hand, and the society on the other, is becoming increasingly important. Climate change is making the news in various ways, and challenges for Ghana involves both migration pressure and flooding.
We also know that similar problems can be expected in both Europe and North America, and that climate change affect animal and human health.
Another thing that I like to emphasise is that we have the necessary knowledge about climate change based on science and data. The Earth is continuously monitored through satellites, instruments on the ground and in the air, and Earth’s climate is reproduced through extensive model simulations (If you cannot get the information from American sites, there is the Copernicus Climate Change Services; “C3S”).
We also know what is needed to stop global warming: the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane must stabilise, and the forests must be protected.
- A. Dobler, R.E. Benestad, C. Lussana, and O. Landgren, "CMIP6 models project a shrinking precipitation area", npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, vol. 7, 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41612-024-00794-z
- R.E. Benestad, K.M. Parding, and A. Dobler, "Downscaling the probability of heavy rainfall over the Nordic countries", Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 29, pp. 45-65, 2025. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/hess-29-45-2025
Thank you for your inspiring work Rasmus and for explaining it to the wider community.
Thank you for this article. I recently found an African magazine, The Continent which lacks some modern formatting/scrolling conveniences, but provides a window on another part of the world.
On page 6 of 27 page PDF at https://www.thecontinent.org/_files/ugd/287178_1966ab5738d54cd2a3194d5ddae6d756.pdf [issue 192. march 1 2025]
“Namibia: Oil kaiju champing at their drill bits
“Petrochemical giants like Total, Shell and Chevron are scrambling to strike oil in the Atlantic off the Namibian coast. Galp, a Portuguese oil and gas company, said this week that it had found some.The state petroleum corporation has a 10% share in the venture so some money might stay on the continent. Which should totally make up for the whole world-on-fire thing.”
& page 10 of same issue
‘We prepared for a natural disaster – just not this one’: Botswana was overwhelmed by the rapidly changing climate. As the world gets warmer, and its weather less predictable, it will not be the only one
“Rain is a scarce and precious resource in Botswana, a mostly arid country. This scarcity has fuelled a collective yearning for rain that is fundamental to Batswana culture. …. In particularly dry years, it is not unusual for the president to ask the country to come together to pray for the heavens to open.
“Last week, nearly half a year’s worth of rain fell in 24 hours.
“In Gaborone and surrounds, it rained until cars began to float down the streets of the capital. It rained until bridges and walls collapsed, and people were swept away by the rising waters. Fifteen people were killed. It rained until the Gaborone Dam, which just a few months ago was two-thirds empty, began to overflow.
““After a prolonged period of drought caused by El Niño, the rains were influenced by the remnants of Tropical Cyclone Dikeledi, which came from Mozambique and South Africa””
Juste une question Mr Rasmus : Le Mozambique et le Ghana sont sujet aux catastrophes naturelles depuis des siècles. Pour le Mozambique par exemple, on sait que cette région d’Afrique est confrontée, depuis que ces événements sont répertoriés (plus de 80 ans), à des phénomènes extrêmes, notamment des inondations et des sécheresses : cyclones, débordements du fleuve Zambèze, le phénomène El Niño pour les sécheresses et les feux de forêt.
Pour le Ghana, des archives montrent que des sécheresses notables sont répertoriées depuis le début du XXe siècle, et avaient au XIVe siècle déjà, occasionné d’importants mouvements démographiques vers le centre et le sud.
Cela n’a donc rien à voir avec le changement (ou réchauffement selon), climatique, pourquoi ne le signalez vous pas ?