Hopefully readers will appreciate the new look we have given the site (you may need to reload for it to work properly). We have added some new features attached to the buttons above – an index which may prove useful in navigating the site, a more prominent Search function (which searches posts and comments), a link to the archives etc. This has allowed us to reduce some of the clutter and hopefully make this site a little more user friendly. If there are any problems, wrinkles that need to be ironed out, or if you have suggestions for further improvement, let us know at contrib -at- realclimate -dot- org.
Good job.
A section of books reviewed here might be a good idea. Spracking of which, Lovelock’s new book seems to demand a critcal review by other climatologists. Any such planned here?
oups! There is not enough space for the “Archive” button. It isn’t in his place. I’m using Mozilla Firefox 1.5 on Ubuntu (Breezy) with a screen resolution of 1024×768 px.
[Response:Hmm. I made the buttons a bit smaller but it might be a css issue…I will investigate. – gavin]
In my opinion your “New Look” looks great. The growing RC site is now easier to use. Thanks very much for these improvements.
Thanks folks!
(If I were to quibble, I would say that the graphic at the top could lose about .375 of an inch off the bottom… )
Looks good! I really appreciate the index, (having all the titles listed on one page is a great convenience) and the easier to get at search box.
I would also like to see a complete listing of posts in chronological order, (ascending or descending, probably most recent on top makes sense) maybe a link to such on the “Archives” page…?
Graphic and top menu is very nice, but it does take up too much vertical real estate.
I like the picture. You can really see those anvil tops.
Awhile back at RC, I said I wanted to share my recent Alaska climate station temperature plots with others at RC, but that I’d need advise in where to put them. I didn’t see a reply at RC. I’ve been loading them into my ClimateArchiveDiscussion(CAD) yahoo group, which now includes the temperature plots at Alaska and other stations in the Midwest, and hydrologic traces at river stations. To view the plots (as photos), people would need to join the group. Only members of CAD can access the Photos directory. I think a few people may have joined CAD from RC in order to view my temperature plots. It seems like there should be a place for people to put their plots for discussion at RC.
People can join by going to:
Hmm… I think I’ll need some days to get used to this new design. What are those black cubes behind the “RealClimate”? And the website is only filling half my screen. I’m using Firefox 1.5 with a 1280×1024 resolution.
Now it is all right.
>>oups! There is not enough space for the “Archive” button. It isn’t in his place. I’m using Mozilla Firefox 1.5 on Ubuntu (Breezy) with a screen resolution of 1024×768 px.
>[Response:Hmm. I made the buttons a bit smaller but it might be a css issue…I will investigate. – gavin]
Could those dark shapes be nuclear cooling towers?
Emitting water vapour?
[Response: They are cooling towers, and so that is water vapour, but they could be from any kind of power station – coal for instance. But it was a stock image, so I’m not sure of the provenance. – gavin]
hey hey hey! Is this a kind of happy new year kind of new look? =)
Please put me [back]on your subscribers list . This is my second request. You need all believers– even ones with funny names. Tapasananda