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2040 Responses to "The Bore Hole"
Mr. Know It Allsays
224 – nigelj
“There is also the fact that America was far more prosperous under Obama than in previous decades.”
In case you did not notice, under O the entire world economy nearly collapsed, and we never had a robust recovery – it was a slow ramp back up. Yes, I know it started under Bush.
“Although obviously you want to minimise illegals, but all administrations have worked to do that.”
Wrong. None have done anything more than give it lip service, there is no wall, we do not require e-verify, there are no penalties for hiring undocumented workers, cities refuse to turn over criminals to authorities, etc, etc, etc. But it’s too late now, the demise of the USA is written in stone at this point, unless something drastic occurs like an armed revolution; although many would prefer to just split the country into 2 nations – that would be my preference. The DemonRATs won. The USA is finished. Y’all happy now? You’re going to get what you deserve, and unless we split the country, it ain’t gonna be pretty:
227 – nigelj
” I couldn’t agree more, but America already does this, and very thoroughly…”
Wrong. Tell me again how those background checks work when people sneak over the border undetected. You aren’t listening to CNN and MSLSD are you? Based on BPL’s comment 235, he may be as well.
Victor Grauersays
#227 MARodger: With or without various El Niño temperature spikes, Victor the Troll insists “there is no long-term correlation” between global temperature and atmospheric CO2 (except between 1980 and 1998).
V: Don’t blame me. The absence of long-term correlation is displayed very clearly in Grumbine’s scattergram — only he omits the dates, making the climate history difficult to spot. Once we take the dates into account, it becomes clear that the diagonal that’s supposed to indicate a correlation is limited to the period ca. 1980-1998. Before 1980 (corresponding to 335 ppm), we see what looks like a random jumble. After 1998 (corresponding to 370 ppm), we see a period where CO2 levels continue to climb where temperatures either level off or rise only slightly.
Your version covers a longer time period, but the result is essentially the same, aside from the spike produced toward the end by the El Nino of 2015-2016. Your insistence that the presence of this spike somehow compensates for the clear lack of correlation displayed in your own scattergram over a 16 year period is indeed touching. Sorry, but a statistical correlation is defined as “the degree to which two or more attributes or measurements on the same group of elements show a tendency to vary together.” ( https://www.dictionary.com/browse/correlation ) Data collected over a 2 year period can’t possibly compensate, presto chango, for a period of 16 years where the attributes very clearly do NOT vary together.
MAR: So it doesn’t matter that we can calculate the linear correlation between global temperature and atmospheric CO2 to produce a line rising with remarkable consistently from bottom left to top right.
V: Oh yes, the “correlation” can be calculated for sure. As Grumbine indicates on his graph, the correlation coefficient he came up with is 0.78. Which tells us something very useful about the value of such a calculation. I.e., that, in itself, it is meaningless. In the absence of a critical analysis of the sort I’ve performed, the numbers mean little. Literally: garbage in garbage out. Aka pseudoscience.
As usual, MAR chimes in with his usual mix of silly invective, pointless blather and meaningless bluff. His amateurish attempt at psychoanalysis is belied by his mis-spelling of “subconscious” as “subconscience.” Just in case one might assume it’s a typo and he’s not a nitwit, he does this twice.
He then goes on to demonstrate his utter lack of reading comprehension by once again totally misconstruing the scattergram analysis I presented on my “grubby little” blog page.
MAR: What the moron is perhaps getting at is that he can happliy cherry-pick some sections of that 120-year-long record and of these cherry-picks he found only the one 1979-98 provides the same result as the “very strongly correlated” period 1900-2019. So I don’t see that such an analysis would lead to his denialist assertion that this full 120-year period shows no correlation when his eyeball was telling him it was “very strongly correlated.”
V: No cherry picking needed, Mr. R. All you need do is match the CO2 levels with their corresponding dates and the problem becomes obvious. He of course fails to grasp the all important distinction I’ve made between a purely statistical correlation and a meaningful one. Does he fail to get it because HE’s the moron? Or because he is, very simply, in denial. Probably a bit of both.
He then proceeds to link us to a couple of graphs that make no sense whatsoever. He really seems to have gone over the edge at this point. I guess I have that effect on him. In one we see a bunch of funny little red dots all lined up to illustrate “calculated temperature using CO2 correlation.” Sorry Mr. R, but I have no idea what you are getting at. Temperatures are depicted by displaying temperature data and correlations are depicted by displaying scattergrams. What is your point? The second graph is even more confusing, especially since he references three lines but displays only two. And what pray tell is “temperature calculated from CO2 correlation”???
It’s hard to take you seriously folks, when your “scientific arguments” are so heavily laden with insults and ad hominems. It doesn’t take a Ph. D. in psychology to identify the obvious signs of defensiveness — which tells me that deep down you have doubts about the “science” you profess to have mastered.
CCHolley: The time of day is defined by the position of the sun, correlation has nothing to do with it.
V: When last I checked, sundials are no longer widely used, CC. We use clocks now. And watches. According to my watch it is now 2:11 PM. No need for me to check the position of the sun. Moreover, for the enlightenment of all the “scientists” posting here, a correlation is a correlation, even if one term is defined by the other. Correlation is based simply on the relation between two sets of data.
And speaking of the sun, I’ve given the issue some thought and realized that comparing the lack of correlation between solar output and global temperatures to a lack of correlation between CO2 levels and temperatures is ludicrous. CO2 levels are now up to 415ppm, roughly 125 units higher than the level in 1890. That’s close to 1/3 the current level. On the other hand, variations in solar output over any comparable period are miniscule compared to the total energy output of the sun during any similar period. Actually “miniscule” doesn’t begin to describe such a huge difference. If total solar output rose from 1890 to present at a rate proportional to the rise in CO2 levels, you can bet there’d be a crystal clear correlation with global temperatures. Of course, the Earth would be toast, so let’s pray that never happens.
Thus, attempting to compare the effects of solar variation with those of CO2 levels is grossly misleading. (Now where have I seen that term before?) The fact that there is NO long-term correlation between CO2 and temperature cannot, therefore, be so easily dismissed. And by the way, that lack of correlation has nothing to do with “the physics.” As I’ve stressed more than once, correlation involves a relation between two sets of data. Period. Physics has nothing to do with it.
And speaking of correlation, I’m amazed at the degree of ignorance displayed in these pages when it comes to my critical analysis of the three misleading scattergrams presented by MAR, BPL and Grumbine. There is no way you can make a silk purse out of those sow’s ears. Yet we see so many here turning themselves inside out in an effort to do so. Yes, Wolfe used monthly rather than yearly data, so what? The rise from the “mid-70’s” to the “late 90’s” is displayed clearly enough in his graph despite the apparent “noise.” So what’s your point? As far as the last 5 years are concerned, sorry, but a period of only 5 years cannot possibly produce a long-term correlation where none was apparent in the 130 years prior to that period. Why would anyone think it could?
Now as far as “the physics” is concerned: science is filled with hypotheses based on a combination of math and lab tests. And in the vast majority of cases such hypotheses have failed to obtain support when tested in the real world. Real world testing is especially important in the realm of climate, where all sorts of factors that can’t be replicated in the lab come into play. The ultimate real-world test is therefore the test of whether or not a rise in CO2 levels will in fact produce a rise in global temperatures over time. When we see a correlation between the two for only a 20 year period from the late 19th century to the present, it looks very much as though “the physics” as tested in the lab has failed to produce the predicted result when tested in the real world. While correlation does not necessarily imply causation, causation is in fact very much dependent on correlation.
So, OK, I’ve been reminded that other factors are involved that might well be masking a correlation that remains hidden. Fine. Now demonstrate to me what those factors are and how they operate to obscure the steady rise in temperatures necessary to support your hypothesis. Because without such real-world support, “the physics” you so confidently point to is falsified. And sorry but it’s not enough to simply produce a list of factors, such as volcanic eruptions (or lack of same), solar irradiation, industrial aerosols, etc. The existence of factors that MIGHT POSSIBLY be relevant, is not the same as supporting evidence.
The problem is especially acute when we consider the well-known 40 year period from ca. 1940 through ca. 1979, when temperatures first took a 10 year plunge, then leveled off, while CO2 levels were soaring. The odd notion that an underlying temperature rise was masked by the presence of industrial aerosols was thoroughly debunked by me several months ago on these pages when I displayed a series of temperature graphs from regions with little to no industrial activity. Guess what? Temperatures failed to rise in these regions as well. Simply pointing to effects such as these as though they amounted to supporting evidence when clearly they don’t is a sign that there is something very wrong with the thinking behind “the consensus” we are continually being reminded of.
I wonder why so many flawed papers indicating manmade CO2 is causing global warming is not yet retracted. Many peer-reviewed paper showed it is a flawed propaganda but still that theory gets funding and promotion. Is there some very basic thing wrong in the policy of climate science?
Alberto Bunkersays
3 Barton Paul Levenson
Most of the state-of-the-art CGCMs have the double-ITCZ problem. They are characterized by too much precipitation over of the Tropics (e.g., Northern Hemisphere ITCZ, South Pacific convergence zone, Maritime Continent, and the equatorial Indian Ocean), and are often associated with insufficient precipitation over the equatorial area. The models without this problem have very poor predictive performance.
Dan DaSilvasays
Quote: “The question everyone has is whether this extended range is credible.”
The question that should be asked is whether ANY of the climate models are credible. The enormous range of ECS gives the answer. In any honest modeling endeavor, a convergence is required before any claims of credibility.
Dan DaSilvasays
Providing ration thoughts to climate alarmists and expecting anything rational in return is not rational. However, It is fun to kick the hive once in a while.
Dan DaSilvasays
As a dedicated climate denier, I would like to know how to collect my payoffs from the oil companies. Does anyone here have a phone number or address?
I have a friend called Mickey Orlando Mann. Mickey lives and works in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
According to the “weatherbase.com” website, these are Mickey’s current temperature statistics:
– annual average temperature = 13.3 degrees Celsius
– average winter low temperature = -3.6 degrees Celsius (for January)
– average summer high temperature = 30.6 degrees Celsius (for July)
In summary, Mickey normally experiences a temperature range of about 34.2 degrees Celsius over a year, with an average temperature of 13.3 degrees Celsius.
Mickey is very worried about global warming. He knows that global temperatures have risen by about 1 degree Celsius since pre-industrial times. If global warming increases by another 0.5 degrees Celsius (taking us to the 1.5 degrees Celsius temperature limit), them Mickey expects that his quality of life will suffer.
If global warming increases by another 1.0 degrees Celsius from the current temperatures (taking us to the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit), then Mickey expects that his quality of life will be seriously affected.
Mickey is so worried about the prospect of reaching the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit, that he has worked out what his temperature statistics would be, if that catastrophe were to happen.
These are Mickey’s global warming temperature statistics, if we warm by another 1 degrees Celsius (taking us to the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit):
– annual average temperature = 14.3 degrees Celsius
– average winter low temperature = -2.6 degrees Celsius (for January)
– average summer high temperature = 31.6 degrees Celsius (for July)
In summary, Mickey would experiences a temperature range of about 34.2 degrees Celsius over a year, with an average temperature of 14.3 degrees Celsius.
But you don’t need to worry about Mickey, because he has a global warming contingency plan. Mickey’s parents gave him the middle name of “Orlando”, and Mickey has always dreamed of moving to the city that he was named after. If things get too hot for Mickey in Philadelphia, then Mickey plans to retire to Orlando, Florida, like many of his older friends have already done.
To take his mind off global warming, Mickey decided to look up the current temperature statistics for Orlando, Florida, to see what temperatures the people who live in Orlando are currently experiencing.
These are Orlando’s current temperature statistics:
– annual average temperature = 22.9 degrees Celsius
– average winter low temperature = 9.9 degrees Celsius (for January)
– average summer high temperature = 33.2 degrees Celsius (for July)
In summary, Orlando currently experiences a temperature range of about 23.3 degrees Celsius over a year, with an average temperature of 22.9 degrees Celsius.
Looking at these temperature statistics, Mickey suddenly realised that the people who live in Orlando, Florida, are currently experiencing temperatures far, far hotter than Philadelphia will have at the 2.0 degrees Celsius limit. How can they live in such extreme temperatures?
The current average temperature in Orlando is 8.6 degrees Celsius hotter than the average temperature that Philadelphia will have at the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit.
The current average summer high temperature in Orlando is 1.6 degrees Celsius hotter than the average summer high temperature that Philadelphia will have at the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit.
Mickey wondered why any sane person would move to Orlando, Florida, when it is currently far, far hotter than Philadelphia would be at the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit.
Mickey thought about this for a while, and then he saw the answer to his question. All of the people who live in Orlando, Florida, are mad.
Splitdog Homeesays
121 in LA we are all going to die.
@81 Barry Finch
It’s quite amazing how these “greenhouse gases” with their “springy covalent bonds” suddenly decide at this man-made abitrary point called the tropopause, I’m not going to be a greenhouse gas anymore,I’ve decided to hang around in some of these other spheres, including the thermosphere, and shield the planet from the 1360 watts of radiation blazing down from the Sun 24/7.
@164 Astringent
“blackbody radiation” …. black body… black…
Nothing to do with colour….riiiight I hold a black ball and a white ball in either hand facing the Sun. The black ball gets hotter…. but it’s nothing to do with colour…riight.
What colour is a red parrot, Astringent? That’s right… it’s blue. Norwegian blue.
@ 162 BPL
You don’t quite get it ,do you, BPL. It’s 1360watts/sq.m at the top of the atmosphere NOT your 340watts/sq.m., as depicted in Trenberth’s looney EEB diagrams. The 1360w/sq.m is a real measurement from real satellites…. your 340 w/sq.m at the TOA is just imaginary, concocted on the blackboard, calculated crap. You’ve geometrically whittled down the 1360w/sq from the Sun before it even arrives at the TOA. … you’ve got only 340w/sq.m arriving at and passing through the TOA.
The 1360w/sq.m at the TOA is a YEARLY GLOBAL AVERAGE, BPL. It must remain as it is… It’s the nett result of a flickering, waxing and waning Sun. They wait one year to get that result. You’re surely intelligent enough to realise that a YEARLY GLOBAL AVERAGE cannot be mathematically worked on any more. You’ve already got the answer, the maths is over. You’re already at the bottom of the page…you’re trying to muck round with the number at the bottom of the page with the double lines under it. …the 1360w/sq.m.
It’s reality… a measured reality, its even now observed in the thermosphere where nitric oxide and CO2 molecules are seen to glow red hot, with an active Sun. (SABER study) .. no way is that 340w/sq.m of yours,CALCULATED at the TOA, capable of achieving that. .. the 340w/sq.m. at the TOA is total bollocks.
It’s 1360w/sq.m at the TOA, BPL. Harden up and get used to it.
@91 Ravenpaw
I always thought it was called the “RADIATIVE greenhouse effect” Good luck with trying to slow the speed of radiation from the air molecules to the spaces between them and further into space. Einstein would have been very impressed if you’d managed to refute his constant for the speed of light.
Significant temperature rise from 1910 through ca. 1940 while CO2 levels remained relatively low (“[Research] has shown that the temperature rise up to 1940 was . . . mainly caused by some kind of natural cyclical effect, not by the still relatively low CO2 emissions.” Spencer Weart, “The Discovery of Global Warming.”)
Global temperatures dropped or remained steady over a 40 year period, from ca. 1940 through 1979, while CO2 levels rose significantly.
Global temperatures rose only slightly from 1998 through early 2016 over a period of 18 years (the notorious “hiatus”), while CO2 levels soared.
Hence: NO correlation between CO2 levels and global temperatures for the last 110 years at least.
” . . . many consider wildfire as an accelerating problem, with widely held perceptions both in the media and scientific papers of increasing fire occurrence, severity and resulting losses. However, important exceptions aside, the quantitative evidence available does not support these perceived overall trends. Instead, global area burned appears to have overall declined over past decades, and there is increasing evidence that there is less fire in the global landscape today than centuries ago. (“Global trends in wildfire and its impacts: perceptions versus realities in a changing world” – published by the Royal Society, 2016 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4874420/)
And yes, of course, as we know very well, each of these findings can be “explained” in various ways and by various means. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that in each case the raw evidence does NOT appear to support the current state of alarm over “climate change” that is currently sweeping the world, prompting draconian demands that could easily destroy civilization as we know it.
J Doug Swallowsays
#110 21 Dec 2020 at 6:49 AM Barton Paul Levenson says: “BPL: Start here” to, I assume, believe that he is answering my call for the empirical experiment, that is repeatable, that demonstrates that the essential for all terrestrial life on Earth trace gas, that makes up only between .03-.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere and is 1.6 times more dense than that rest of the atmosphere, CO₂, has the ability to change the Earth’s climate.
These experiments listed here could be done; so, why can’t what I ask for be done and reported on?
Albert Einstein addressed the theory of quantum entanglement. In Dec. of 2011 this experiment was carried out:
Quantum Entanglement Links 2 Diamonds. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=room-temperature-entanglement
Speaking of Albert Einstein, he had an answer for those continually trying to claim that there is a consensus for their flawed, unproven hypothesis regarding anthropogenic global warming, climate change or whatever the charlatans now call it: “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of the truth” Albert Einstein.
Meanwhile this is what Barton Paul Levenson offered up to answer my call for valid experiments regarding CO₂;
“However, despite widespread scientific discussion and modelling of the climate impacts of wellmixed greenhouse gases, there is little direct observational evidence of the radiative impact of increasing atmospheric CO2”. That sure proves nothing about CO₂ causing the Earth’s climate to change, much less its temperature to rise.
“Here we present observationally based evidence of clearsky CO2 surface radiative forcing that is directly attributable to the increase, between 2000 and 2010, of 22 parts per million atmospheric CO2”.
How does the purported, “clearsky CO2 surface radiative forcing”, explain the Earth’s temperature hiatus?
Although the absolute probability of a 20-year hiatus is small, the probability that an existing 15-year hiatus will continue another five years is much higher (up to 25%). Therefore, given the recognized contribution of internal climate variability to the reduced rate of global warming during the past 15 years, we should not be surprised if the current hiatus continues until the end of the decade. Following the termination of a variability-driven hiatus, we also show that there is an increased likelihood of accelerated global warming associated with release of heat from the sub-surface ocean and a reversal of the phase of decadal variability in the Pacific Ocean. https://www.nature.com/articles/nclimate2531
Barton Paul Levenson’s ‘proof’ that CO₂ causing the Earth’s climate to change & its temperature to rise reminded me of these assertion made by Mark Twain about the alarmist take on what they call their climate change ‘science’.
“There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such trifling investment of facts.” Mark Twain
“What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” Mark Twain
“The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance. … How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!” Mark Twain
J Doug Swallowsays
#214 25 Dec 2020 at 2:06 AM nigelj says: “The Bering sea is a small part of the arctic, so the records are of very little use. Did you even read it? Proper reconstructions show the following”. Did you even read this where what you copy/pasted says this; “To gauge what Arctic sea ice was like before then, scientists use a combination of historical records and proxy measurements such as marine sediment cores”. And then they go on to offer up this unsubstantiated bit of conjecture; “Taken together, these records indicate that the current Arctic sea ice decline is unprecedented in the last several centuries.” which is total nonsense, that some uneducated folks seem all too willing to believe.
The National Academies of Sciences report, “Dispatches from the Front Lines of Climate Change”, has this picture with no explanation regarding the date that this occurred on so I looked it up and it was on Apr. 19, 2004. Naturally the report did not want to tell us that on 11 August, 1958 the Skate had become the first submarine to surface at the North Pole.
North Polar Region (Apr. 19, 2004) – The crew of the Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Hampton (SSN 767) posted a sign reading “North Pole” made by the crew after surfacing in the polar ice cap region. Hampton and the Royal Navy Trafalgar class attack submarine HMS Tireless took part in ICEX 04, a joint operational exercise beneath the polar ice cap. Both the Tireless and Hampton crews met on the ice, including scientists traveling aboard both submarines to collect data and perform experiments. The Ice Exercise demonstrates the U.S. and British Submarine Force’s ability to freely navigate in all international waters, including the Arctic. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Journalist Kevin Elliott. (RELEASED) (Photo by JOC Kevin Elliott) https://www.csp.navy.mil/Blog/Blog-Post/Article/691920/uss-hampton-surfaces-on-top-of-the-world/
J Doug Swallowsays
#214 25 Dec 2020 at 2:06 AM nigelj needs to notice that it actually looks like there was less ice at the North Pole when the USS Skate surfaced there on 11 August 1958 than when the Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Hampton did the same thing on Apr. 19, 2004. That would take some miracle for nigelj to come to understand that what he has been telling me about the Arctic and its ice has been simply false crap of the worst kind, that due to his brainwashing sessions on the amazing powers of the trace gas, CO₂, nigelj believes without question.
USS Skate (SSN-578) Becomes the First Submarine to Surface at the North Pole
USS Skate (SSN-578) made submarine history on 11 August 1958 when it became the first submarine to surface at the North Pole.
USS Skate (SSN-578) hung below the Arctic ice like a matchstick suspended an inch from the ceiling of a large room. A knot of sailors in the control room stared intently at an instrument inscribing patterns of parallel lines on a rolling paper tape. The pattern looked like an upside down mountain range.
“Heavy ice, ten feet,” said one of the sailors.
Suddenly the lines converged into a single narrow bar. “Clear water!” the sailor called out.
Commander James Calvert, the skipper, studied the marks on the paper closely. He stopped the submarine, ordered “up periscope,” and peered into the eyepiece. The clarity of the water and the amount of light startled him. At this same depth in the Atlantic—180 feet—the water was black or dark green at best, but here in the Arctic, it was pale blue like the tropical waters off the Bahamas. The crew laughed nervously as Calvert reported seeing nothing but a jellyfish. https://www.navalhistory.org/2011/08/11/uss-skate-ssn-578-becomes-the-first-submarine-to-surface-at-the-north-pole
J Doug Swallowsays
#214 25 Dec 2020 at 2:06 AM nigelj copty/pasted: “Taken together, these records indicate that the current Arctic sea ice decline is unprecedented in the last several centuries.”
When the people that put together the report in question here “National Snow and Ice Data Center :: Advancing knowledge of Earth’s frozen regions” actually try to hide the truth about what the historical aspect of the Arctic sea ice situation is. That is criminal dishonesty, no matter how one looks at it, and for this to funded by my tax dollars is infuriating.
“NSIDC’s research and scientific data management activities are supported by NASA, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and other federal agencies, through competitive grants and contracts.”
To get the true view of what has happened with the Arctic and its ice we can look to industry and in this case the Crowley shipping company that supports the petroleum industry that the kinds of fools that put together these fraudulent reports would like to see closed down. The petroleum industry provides commodities that the public needs and demands. What do the lies that the National Science Foundation put out do for us; not a damn thing is the quick answer?
Crowley Celebrates 50 Years of ears of
Service in Service in Alaska
“When oil was discovered at Prudhoe Bay, the oil industry turned to Crowley. Beginning in 1968, utilizing the earlier pioneering experience in the Arctic, Crowley began the summer sealifts to Prudhoe Bay. Since then, 334 barges carrying nearly 1.3 million tons of cargo have been successfully delivered to the North Slope, including modules the size of ten story buildings and weighing nearly 6,000 tons.
With pipeline construction well underway in 1975, the Crowley summer sealift flotilla to the North slope faced the worst Arctic ice conditions of the century. In fleet size, it was the largest sealift in the project’s history with 47 vessels amassed to carry 154,420 tons of cargo, including 179 modules reaching as tall as nine stories and weighing up to 1,300 tons each. Vessels stood by for nearly two months waiting for the ice to retreat. Finally in late September the ice floe moved back and Crowley’s tugs and barges lined up for the slow and arduous haul to Prudhoe Bay. When the ice closed again, it took as many as four tugs to push the barges, one at a time, through the ice. In 2001, Crowley transported the largest modules ever made in Alaska from Anchorage to BP Explorations, Inc.’s Northstar Island and oil field on the North Slope. Another, single-barge sealift is planned for this summer. Nineteen-seventy-five was also notable for Crowley’s initial foray into environmental services and general freight services. Crowley Environmental Services was a growing concern from 1975 to 1987 providing oil and chemical spill response, training, product sales and technical consulting services to industry and government.” http://www.crowley.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Alaska-50-Years.pdf
J Doug Swallowsays
#283 30 Dec 2020 at 1:56 PM MA Rodger says: “The clueless troll continues with his demonstration of incompetance @266, but now he appears to have run out of things climatological to say.
Even so, what he says in attempting to summate his time with us here still doesn’t add up”.
If this were to get beyond the moderator, it will be interesting to get MA Rodger’s view of how I have come to understand the part that the essential for all terrestrial life on Earth, CO₂, that is 1.6 time more dense/heavier than the rest of the atmosphere that it is contained in and what part that it could play in the Earth’s temperature or in changing its climate.
I realize it would amount to MA Rodger having to deal somewhat with what the subject of this conversation should be; such as about CO₂, and not about someone that MA Rodger appears to be obsessed with degrading, me, because I hold a different view of this subject. This is another quote that I’m sure that MA Rodger, as well as others in this discussion, will take exception to.
“Where all think alike, no one thinks very much”. Walter Lippmann
There are some obsessed with the supposed increase of 338 ppm of CO₂ to 414.68 ppm of CO₂ and I hope that this information will help the alarmist to sleep better at nights.
A part per million is like 1 drop of ink in a large kitchen sink.
A large kitchen sink is about 13-14 gallons. There
are 100 drops in one teaspoon, and 768 teaspoons
per gallon.
Some other things that are one part per million are…
One drop in the fuel tank of a mid-sized car
One inch in 16 miles
About one minute in two years
One car in a line of bumper-to-bumper traffic from Cleveland to San Francisco.
One penny in $10,000.
I know that you understand that these 76.68 additional ppm are spread out over this 16 miles in different one inch segments and wouldn’t it be a task to be told to sort out the 414 pennies from the number that it would take to make up $10,000.
At 414.68 parts per million, CO₂ is a minor constituent of earth’s atmosphere– less than 4/100ths of 1% of all gases present. Compared to former geologic times, earth’s current atmosphere is CO₂ impoverished.
Let’s picture this in another way to really get an idea of the scale of CO₂ compared to the total atmosphere. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is 324 meters high (1063ft). If the height of the Eiffel Tower represented the total size of the atmosphere then the natural level of CO₂ would be 8.75 centimeters of that height (3.4 inches) and the amount added by humans up until today would be an extra 3.76 centimeters (1.5 inches)
J Doug Swallowsays
#283 30 Dec 2020 at 1:56 PM MA Rodger says: “The clueless troll continues with his demonstration of incompetance @266, but now he appears to have run out of things climatological to say.
Even so, what he says in attempting to summate his time with us here still doesn’t add up”.
If this were to get beyond the moderator, which it will not be able to do, it will be interesting to get MA Rodger’s view of how I have come to understand the part that the essential for all terrestrial life on Earth, CO₂, that is 1.6 time more dense/heavier than the rest of the atmosphere that it is contained in and what part that it could play in the Earth’s temperature or in changing its climate.
There is no greenhouse effect caused by CO₂. The Earth is warmed due to the pressure of the gases in its atmosphere that is reflected in how much mercury that pressure will displace which amounts to the barometric pressure at various altitudes and that is directly reflected in the temperature range at that altitude. I know much about this relationship between altitude and temperature from having went over the 17,769 ft Tharong-La pass on the Annapurna circuit in Nepal and also on my hike to Everest Base camp in Nepal & also when on Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Then we have alarmist maintaining that; “This research has improved our understanding of how much the world will eventually warm if the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is maintained at double the level of pre-industrial times”. Plus this nonsense; “There is much greater certainty that, if left unchecked, global warming would be high enough to bring very severe impacts and risks worldwide”, when in fact there is no evidence that CO₂ has anything to do with the Earth’s temperature or its climate. I enjoy seeing what other fable that someone who is so illogical and gullible to believe that the trace gas, CO₂, that is only .03-.04% of the total atmosphere of the Earth has the unbelievable ability to now do to the planet since it became a tool of the unscrupulous people to use to try to control the citizens of the world. In today’s world, who controls the energy controls the world’s population.
#51 Jan 2021 at 2:21 PM mike says: “I was pleased to see JDS dispatched to the crankshaft. He was begging for that assignment, as are some others here”. It appears that ‘mike’ is among a shrinking group of alarmist that will not ever accept the truth regarding his hoax about the essential for all terrestrial life on Earth, CO₂, NOT being what can change the Earth’s climate.
What you alarmist ignore is this truth. The sun makes up 99.86% of the mass of the solar system. Do you agree with that summation, ‘mike’? Carbon dioxide is .03% of the earth’s atmosphere. Do you agree with that summation, ‘mike’? Of the two, the sun or CO₂, which do you believe has the most influence on the earth’s climate? The people associated with the essential for the survival of modern civilization, the fossil fuel industries also know the correct answer and will continue to supply the resources that are in demand.
What is the atmosphere of Earth made of? Earth’s atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide with very small percentages of other elements. Our atmosphere also contains water vapor. In addition, Earth’s atmosphere contains traces of dust particles, pollen, plant grains and other solid particles. http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/ask/64-What-is-the-atmosphere-of-Earth-made-of-
How large is the Sun compared to Earth?
Compared to Earth, the Sun is enormous! It contains 99.86% of all of the mass of the entire Solar System. The Sun is 864,400 miles (1,391,000 kilometers) across. This is about 109 times the diameter of Earth. The Sun weighs about 333,000 times as much as Earth. It is so large that about 1,300,000 planet Earths can fit inside of it. Earth is about the size of an average sunspot! http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/ask/5-How-large-is-the-Sun-compared-to-Earth-
J Doug Swallowsays
Is 2021 going to be another record hot year?
“What has triggered the rally is colder than normal weather in Asia and Europe and a complete lack of availability of LNG tankers while supply outages have really tightened up the market,” said Samer Mosis at S&P Global Platts. https://electroverse.net/
CITY OF BEIJING JUST RECORDED ITS COLDEST TEMPERATURE SINCE 1966 JANUARY 7, 2021 Furthermore, 10 out the 20 national-level meteorological stations in Beijing registered their lowest-ever early-January temperatures Thursday morning. https://electroverse.net/
Extreme windchills have also buffeted the Nunavut communities of Shepherd Bay and Taloyoak in recent days, with both registering lows of -62C (-79.CF). https://electroverse.net/
#72 8 Jan 2021 at 12:23 PM MA Rodger says: “The full year 2020 averages +0.807ºC, just pipping El Niño-boosted 2016 to top spot, although close enough for folk to declare the two equal top”.
Your warming trend, which amounts to about 1°C (1.8°F) since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution around 1750, or 270 years ago, is so well documented that there is no reason for all of this hype that people now use to try to claim that it is CO₂, by some strange act of magic, can cause the planet to warm. It never had that ability to do so in the past and it does not have it now, in spite of what some folks are trying to get ignorant and uneducated folks to believe now. Would illogical people like MA Rodger be more content if this below was the condition that prevailed on the planet that they know nothing about, Earth, during the LIA, or are they happier claiming that the planet is getting too hot because of the use of fossil fuels that has done more for humanity that a few alarmist complaining about 1.8°F of warming since 1750?
This is about the Island that you now reside on, MA Rodger.
“Famine in those days meant that people died of starvation on a massive scale and as brutal as they were, famines and hunger were familiar occurrences in Medieval England; the main years of famine include 1315 to 1317, 1321, 1351 and 1369; though hunger was nothing new either; for most people, the poor, there never seemed enough to eat and life expectancy was relatively short and many children died.
According to records of the Royal family, amongst the best cared for in society, the average life expectancy in 1276 was 35.28 years; between 1301 and 1325 during the Great Famine it was 29.84, whilst between 1348 and 1375. during the Black Death and subsequent plagues, it went down to only 17.33.
The Great Famine was mostly restricted to Northern Europe, which included the British Isles, northern France, the Low Countries, Scandinavia, Germany and western Poland.
During the Medieval Warm Period, the period prior to 1300, the population of Europe had exploded, reaching levels that were not matched again in some places until the nineteenth century, parts of France
today are less populous than at the beginning of the fourteenth century.
However, the yield ratios of wheat, the number of seeds one could eat per seed planted, had been dropping since 1280 and food prices had been climbing; in good weather the ratio could be as high as 7: l,
whilst during bad years as low as 211, that is, for every” seed planted, two seeds were harvested, one for next year’s seed and one for food; by comparison, modern farming has ratios of around 30: l.
The Great Famine: http://www.halinaking.co.uk/Location/Yorkshire/Frames/History/1315%20Great%20Famine/Great%20Famine.htm
JANUARY 8: UK’s highest recorded temperature for this day was the 14.9C (58.8F) set at Aber (Gwynedd) in 1988.
Climate is cyclic, never linear.
J Doug Swallowsays
#73 8 Jan 2021 at 12:42 PM MA Rodger says: “So what are these “certain parts of Earth” you speak of?” It is obvious the one that has held the world wide record of having had the highest temperature on Earth recorded on 10 July 1913 at Greenland Ranch (Death Valley) CA USA of 56.7°C (134°F) also had more atmospheric pressure than other areas because it is -178 feet below sea level. If you could have examined at my #68 post of world record high temperatures with an open mind, you would come to understand that they all share one common trait, they all occurred at very low elevations. I hope that you are aware that the normal air pressure at sea level is 14.7 pounds per square inch.
It seems fair that I should be able to ask MA Rodger some questions about his believe that the trace gas, CO₂, that is at its present level of 414.91 ppm on the Keeling Curve, is now causing the Earth’s temperature to become dangerously high globally? I trust that you will acknowledge that the official high temperature, according to the World Meteorological Organization, that was set at the Greenland Ranch on 10 July, 1913 of 134°F. On 10 July, 2021, that will be 108 years ago. While MA Rodger is coming up with perhaps another name to call me and attempting to explain the question regarding the all-time high temp, he can look into what I submit below.
There are some obsessed with the supposed increase of 338 ppm of CO₂ to 414.91 ppm of CO₂ and I hope that this information will help the alarmist to sleep better at nights.
A part per million is like 1 drop of ink in a large kitchen sink.
A large kitchen sink is about 13-14 gallons. There
are 100 drops in one teaspoon, and 768 teaspoons
per gallon.
Some other things that are one part per million are…
One drop in the fuel tank of a mid-sized car
One inch in 16 miles
About one minute in two years
One car in a line of bumper-to-bumper traffic from Cleveland to San Francisco.
One penny in $10,000.
I know that you understand that these 76.91 additional ppm are spread out over this 16 miles in different one inch segments and wouldn’t it be a task to be told to sort out the 414 pennies from the number that it would take to make up $10,000.
At 414.91 parts per million, CO₂ is a minor constituent of earth’s atmosphere– less than 4/100ths of 1% of all gases present. Compared to former geologic times, earth’s current atmosphere is CO₂ impoverished.
MA Rodger should picture this in another way to really get an idea of the scale of CO₂ compared to the total atmosphere. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is 324 meters high (1063ft). If the height of the Eiffel Tower represented the total size of the atmosphere then the natural level of CO₂ would be 8.75 centimeters of that height (3.4 inches) and the amount added by humans up until today would be an extra 3.76 centimeters (1.5 inches).
In another post I will show MA Rodger why CO₂, being 1.6 times more dense than the rest of the atmosphere, is very important when discussing the life giving trace gas.
UK’s highest recorded temperature for this day was the 16.1C (61F) set at Balmacara (Highland) in 1971.
Climate is cyclic, never linear.
J Doug Swallowsays
#91 10 Jan 2021 at 2:48 PM Mal Adapted says: “it is unreasonable and unrealistic to expect one “experiment” to be citable as “the proof.” That should read as “evidence” that your manufactured devil in the sky, the trace gas that is absolutely essential for all terrestrial life on earth, CO₂, that is between .03-.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere. CO₂ is now at 414.91 ppm according to the Keeling Curve at Mauna Loa and you true believers have no idea how insignificant that number is in relationship to the real world. If one million inches were laid out on the ground, that number would create a line 16 miles long. Now scatter 414.91 ppm of CO₂ at random on this 16 mile long line and then maybe you true believers can get some idea about why your devil in the sky, CO₂, after 107 years, has not caused the all-time high temperature record to be exceeded of 56.7°C (134°F) that was set on 10 July 1913. I do not know, nor care, what the CO₂ level was at Greenland Ranch (Death Valley) California, USA, that I have been to, that is -178 feet below sea level; but, it is very safe to assume that it was less than the present level of 414.91 ppm at Mauna Loa. It is for Mal Adapted, Kevin McKinney, & the other true believers, to explain why this record still holds, if they believe with no evidence to verify the claims, that the trace gas that is 1.6 times more dense than the rest of the Earth’s atmosphere (I presented the evidence to verify that fact in comment #104) is going to change the planet’s climate and raise the temperature to extreme levels unless some kind of action is taken to stop this manufactured climate emergency of runaway increasing temperatures. http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00093.1?af=R&
Please, to put parts per million into the proper perspective, there are one million minutes in two years’ worth of minutes.
I was up in the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 1991 but when we were there in 2019 we did not go up in it because of the lines.
The Eiffel Tower in Paris is 324 meters high (1063ft). If the height of the Eiffel Tower represented the total size of the atmosphere then the natural level of CO₂ would be 8.75 centimeters of that height (3.4 inches) and the amount added by humans up until today would be an extra 3.76 centimeters (1.5 inches)
J Doug Swallowsays
#103 11 Jan 2021 at 7:58 AM CCHolley says: “RE. J. Doug Swallow @88
why I would go with what Richard Lindzen opinions are regarding this topic of the Earth’s ‘warming’.
Too funny. A trial judge in Minnesota ruled that Lindzen was a non-creditable witness when it comes to expressing an opinion on climate sensitivity to CO2”.
Not surprisingly, given the mind set of alarmist, that CCHolley would consider this judge’s opinions to be more valid than what Richard Lindzen’s are:
“This matter is pending before Administrative Law Judge LauraSue Schlatter
pursuant to a Notice and Order for Hearing filed by the Public Utilities Commission
(Commission) on October 15, 2014.1” So,CCHolley, just how qualified do you believe that Judge LauraSue Schlatter is, given her education, to render any decisions on this matter?
LauraSue Schlatter
Judge Schlatter has been a Contract Administrative Law Judge since September 2020.
J.D., Magna Cum Laude & Order of the Coif, University of Minnesota Law School
M.F.A., Playwriting, Time/Warner Fellow, Brandeis University
B.A., Theater Arts with English minor, Cornell University https://mn.gov/oah/about-us/judge-profiles/administrative-law-judges/laurasue-schlatter-detail.jsp
It is really “too funny” isn’t it, when a person who has a B.A., Theater Arts with English minor, Cornell University &
M.F.A., Playwriting, Time/Warner Fellow, Brandeis University can make decisions on how a state’s electricity will be generated?
Refresh yourself on the qualifications of the person that you seem to want to vilify now because he knows the truth about this anthropogenic climate change hoax.
Richard Lindzen is a dynamical meteorologist with interests in the broad topics of climate, planetary waves, monsoon meteorology, planetary atmospheres, and hydrodynamic instability. His research involves studies of the role of the tropics in mid-latitude weather and global heat transport, the moisture budget and its role in global change, the origins of ice ages, seasonal effects in atmospheric transport, stratospheric waves, and the observational determination of climate sensitivity. He has published more than 200 scientific papers and books. From 1983, when he joined the faculty at MIT, until he retired in 2013, he was Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology. https://eapsweb.mit.edu/people/rlindzen
This ruling by people who have no idea what they are dealing with is like this beyond stupid ruling by the Supreme Court that CO₂ is a pollutant.
“But the Court decided that greenhouse gases fit well within the CAA capacious definition of “air pollutant”, and the EPA has statutory authority to regulate GHG emissions from new motor vehicles. It was a split ruling, with five judges voting in favor and four dissenting”.
I wonder if any of the five judges voting in favor of this idiotic ruling realize that each one of their wasted exhaled breaths contains this “air pollutant”, CO₂? How long would life exist on Earth without CO₂?
J Doug Swallowsays
#93 10 Jan 2021 at 8:48 PM nigelj says: “This is the same JDS who on last months UV thread @208 posted a list of various hottest year claims to try to support his climate science denialism. Its such a huge and hilarious contradiction even by his standards”. The other gibberish that he presents is hard to understand what nigelj’s point was, if he even had a point. Perhaps nigelj can find the time to elucidate on what that very hidden point is because I will again post the #208 world record high temperatures with this clarification regarding the El Azizia, Libya temperature that was changed.
1. Previous record of 58 degrees celsius recorded at El Azizia, Libya was reviewed (2010-2012) by a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Commission of Climatology (CCl) special international panel of meteorological experts. Their conclusion rejected the long-held record, citing (a) problematical instrumentation, (b) a likely inexperienced observer, (c) an observation site which was not representative of the desert surroundings, (d) poor matching of the extreme to other nearby locations and (e) poor matching to subsequent temperatures recorded at the site.
Source: World Meteorological Organization.
J Doug Swallow says:
24 Dec 2020 at 7:14 AM
What follows are world record high temperatures: World (Africa) El Azizia, Libya; Sept. 13, 1922, (136F):
North America (U.S.), Death Valley, Calif.; July 10, 1913 (134F)
Asia; Tirat Tsvi, Israel, June 21, 1942, (129F):
Australia, Cloncurry, Queensland; Jan. 16, 1889 (128F):
Europe, Seville, Spain, Aug. 4, 1881 (122F): (for whatever reason, this one has been changed to what is shown below)
Europe Athens, Greece (and Elefsina, Greece) July 10, 1977 118.4 48.0
South America, Rivadavia, Argentina; Dec. 11, 1905 (120F):
Canada, Midale and Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan, Canada; July 5, 1937 (113F):
Oceania; Tuguegarao, Philippines, April 29, 1912 (108F):
Persian Gulf (sea-surface): Aug. 5, 1924 (96F):
Antarctica; Vanda Station, Scott Coast, Jan. 5, 1974 (59F):
South Pole, Dec. 27, 1978, (7.5F).
Highest average annual mean temperature (world): Dallol, Ethiopia (Oct. 1960 Dec. 1966), 94° F.
Longest hot spell (world): Marble Bar, W. Australia, 100° F (or above) for 162 consecutive days, Oct. 30, 1923 to Apr. 7, 1924. Notice anything regarding the dates of these records? Anyone heard of the dust bowl & wasn’t that in the 30’s? http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001375.html
I have been to New Zealand three separate times and encounter some very nice, intelligent folks on both islands. It is now obvious that I never met nigelj.
J Doug Swallowsays
#93 nigelj seemed to have a well-hidden point to try to make where if one presents temperature records, in his mind, that is “climate science denialism”. An astute person would have noticed that the dates of these high temp records are this; July 10, 1913, June 21, 1942, July 7, 1931, Jan. 2, 1960, July 10, 1977, Dec. 11, 1905 & Jan. 5, 1974. nigelj should have no problem explaing why and how this record for the coldest Temperature in the Northern Hemisphere was recorded on 22 December 1991 in his world with a terrible fever.
New Coldest Northern Hemispheric Temperature Record
WMO has recognized a temperature of -69.6°C (-93.3°F) at an automatic weather station in Greenland on 22 December 1991 as the lowest ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere. https://wmo.asu.edu/new-coldest-northern-hemispheric-temperature
J Doug Swallowsays
I should have added this record to the one that I had presented to #93 nigelj about the coldest Temperature in the Northern Hemisphere that was set in 1991 to get his kindly appraisal of what it means in the broader picture of his world that is about to be incinerated because of CO₂.
“New Record for Coldest Place on Earth, in Antarctica
Scientists measure lowest temperature on Earth via satellites
[…]Using new satellite data, scientists have measured the most frigid temperature ever recorded on the continent’s eastern highlands: about -136°F (-93°C)—colder than dry ice.
The temperature breaks the 30-year-old record of about -128.6°F (-89.2°C), measured by the Vostok weather station in a nearby location.
Although they announced the new record this week, the temperature record was set on August 10, 2010.” http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/12/131210-coldest-place-on-earth-antarctica-science/
Mr. Know It Allsays
Oh my LORD! Ice Age Farmer on YouTube was right!
Siberian cold spell, longest in 14 years. Temps have been below -40C for a month, and are expected to stay in the -50 to -60C range for the remainder of January:
We know that MA Rodger will dig up some flawed information at the end of 2021 to make the claim that 2021 was the hottest year ever. 2021 seems to be getting off to a rather cool start according to what follows. Yes, we know that if it a series of cold events, that is only weather and we also know that, according to the alarmist, if it is a hot event in the summer, such as in Paris a couple of years ago, that is climate change.
Yakutia sees longest cold spell in 14 years as Siberia quivers through abnormally harsh temperatures
January 19, 2021 at 16:10 UTC (20 hours ago)
The Siberian region of Yakutia has shivered through its longest cold spell in 14 years, with temperatures plunging below -40 °C (-40 °F) during the middle of December 2020. The area is currently in the grip of an abnormally long period of harsh cold that is considered unusual, even for Siberia’s standards. https://watchers.news/2021/01/19/yakutia-sees-longest-cold-spell-in-14-years-as-siberia-quivers-through-abnormally-harsh-temperatures/
JANUARY 19, 2021 https://electroverse.net/
JANUARY 12, 2021 https://electroverse.net/
[Note we will work on the model-observation comparison page to add the 2020 data point to the graphs, and update the datasets to their latest versions, but nothing dramatic will change – the latest observations remain pretty much in line with what models predicted. ]
This valid information below demonstrates that you have no idea what you are talking about and that the truth is of no interest to you. Does that sum up your kind of “science”, Gavin Schmidt?
SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 “In addition to the cold, many regions also received their most-ever snowfall this early in the season: seventeen inches of global warming goodness fell in Wyoming, New Mexico saw its earliest flakes on record, and parts of Colorado suffered their earliest snowfall in decades—these are just a few of the astonishing weather reports coming out of a record-setting September week.
Rapid City, SD, set a U.S. record for the fastest turnaround between 100 degree temperatures and measurable snow, after it hit 102 degrees on Saturday, only to then see an inch of snow on Monday. This two-day gap broke the record for shortest amount of time between those two weather observations — the previous record being Ardmore, SD, in Sept 1929 when a similar event took place over the course of approximately three days. https://electroverse.net/just-count-the-cold-records-that-have-fallen-over-the-past-24hrs/
JULY 19, 2020
Looking at the GFS, practically ALL of Africa turned “blue” and “purple” last week as the mercury ACROSS the 30.37 million km² continent sank below the seasonal average–by more than 12C in some parts:
Albert Van Lingen provided a screen grab of sugarcane frozen solid in the fields of Pongola, North Natal, SA:
MARCH 27, 2020
Beginning this weekend, brutal Arctic cold will engulf practically ALL of Europe sinking temperatures some 16C below-the-seasonal-average for many: GFS runs are predicting rare April snow accumulating during the next 14-or-so days, particularly in Norway, Sweden, NE Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, the Balkans, Italy, the Alps, Spain, and even the UK (also, note the substantial falls in Eastern Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan): https://electroverse.net/europes-big-spring-freeze-arctic-blast-to-grip-the-continent-delivering-sub-zero-temps-and-rare-april-snow/
Thousands without power as April snow storm hits Maine
Central Maine Power is reporting 204,370 customers are without power while Emera Maine reports 51,600 outages.
Updated: 5:31 PM EDT April 10, 2020
Central Maine Power (CMP) is reporting there are still more than 175,000 customers without power while Emera Maine reports 59,326 outages Friday evening. A majority of the outages are in Androscoggin, Franklin, Cumberland, Waldo, Kennebec, and York Counties.
On Friday morning, there were more than 250,000 customers without power. https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/local/thousands-without-power-as-april-snow-storm-hits-maine/97-3d6c35cd-65bf-4659-a156-46b5f467ac86
MARCH 23, 2020
The MSM has a blatant warm-bias, that’s been clear for years…
The Vostok Station clocked a bone-chilling -75.3C (-103.54F) on the morning of Friday, March 20, as spotted by @TempGlobal on Twitter: https://electroverse.net/antarctica-just-set-its-coldest-march-temperature/
Wyoming’s Interstate 80 shut down from Evanston to Lyman early Thursday
by County10 | Updated Mar 26, 2020 at 11:09AM
As of 7:00 a.m. Thursday, Interstate 80 is closed between Evanston and Lyman. The Wyoming Department of Transportation website estimates reopening in 6-8 hours.
Slick roads in Fremont County also exist Thursday morning on South Pass, and WY 135.
WYDOT updates road conditions constantly, check the latest here or dial 511. https://county10.com/wyomings-interstate-80-shut-down-from-evanston-to-lyman-early-thursday/
JANUARY 26, 2020
Russia’s readings are approaching some of the coldest ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, as the lower-latitudes continue to refreeze in line with historically low solar activity… https://electroverse.net/record-cold-sweeps-russia/
All of Alberta under extreme cold warning, wind chills of -40 expected all week
Posted January 12, 2020 2:33 pm
Updated January 13, 2020 10:46 pm
#1 Francis says: When the measured temperature goes down from one year to the next, where does that heat go? Atmosphere? Deep ocean? Unmeasured locations?
[Response: The heat capacity of the atmosphere is small, and so can be affected by oscillations in ocean heat uptake or the escape of heat out to space. These are both quite well measured (in some respects) but not quite well enough to provide a complete answer to your question. – gavin]
Because Gavin can give no reasonable answer to the question that was presented to him about; “where does that heat go? ” we can ascertain from the valid information that I now present to gavin that it is not going to Antarctica.
PUBLISHED JUNE 27, 2018 JUST HOW COLD can it get on Earth’s surface? About minus 144°F, according to recent satellite measurements of the coldest known place on the planet. Scientists recorded this extreme temperature on the ice sheet deep in the middle of Antarctica during the long, dark polar winter. As they report this week in Geophysical Research Letters, the team thinks this is about as cold as it can possibly get in our corner of the solar system. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2018/06/coldest-place-earth-measured-temperature-antarctica-science/
J Doug Swallowsays
There is much that Gavin Schmidt does not know.
In a joint press conference NOAA and NASA have just released data for the global surface temperature for 2013. In summary they both show that the ‘pause’ in global surface temperature that began in 1997, according to some estimates, continues. http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/files/NOAA_NASA_2013_Global_Temperatures_Joint_Briefing.pdf
Statistically speaking there has been no significant trend in global temperatures over this period. All these years fall within the error bars of 0.1 deg C. The trend is less than this and is statistically insignificant. There is no statistical case for representing the post-1997 data as anything other than a constant line. The graphs presented at the press conference omitted those error bars.
When asked for an explanation for the ‘pause’ by reporters Dr Gavin Schmidt of NASA and Dr Thomas Karl of NOAA spoke of contributions from volcanoes, pollution, a quiet Sun and natural variability. In other words, they don’t know.
NASA has a temperature anomaly of 0.61 deg C above the average of 14.0 (1951 – 80) making it the 7th warmest year. Note that it is identical to 2003 and only 0.01 above 2009 and 2006. Taking into account the errors there has been no change since last year.
NOAA also has 2013 as the 4th warmest year, at 0.62 deg C above the global 20th century average of 13.9 deg C. Note that only 0.09 deg C separates their top ten warmest years. Each year has an associated error of 0.1 deg.
Given that the IPCC estimates that the average decadal increase in global surface temperature is 0.2 deg C, the world is now 0.3 deg C cooler than it should have been. http://www.thegwpf.com/nasa-noaa-confirm-global-temperature-standstill-continues/
making both of them look like walnut-size brained dinosaurs of a long ago dead world
“Average global temps
In the 1880s: 56.7 F.
1920s to 1980s: 57.2 F.
Circa 2000 to 2010: 58.1 F.
These are not ‘hot’ temps. Below 60 degrees most people start putting on sweaters and jackets. At 58⁰F in your living room you’re probably gonna turn up the heat! It is a good temp for longer term wine storage”.
58.1⁰F – 56.7⁰F = 1.4⁰F in approximately 130 is not very much rise in temperature; unless one is a brainwashed alarmist that has no use for facts, or honesty.
#1 Thomas Fuller says: “Hence we do not know how far back from the ocean we should move roads and homes, how high the sea walls should be built, what regulations should be regarding construction in flood plains, etc., etc.”
Had New York City taken this that James Hansen said in 1989 seriously, what measure should they have taken to avert the catastrophe that never happened?
During an interview in New York City in 1989, Hansen was asked: “If what you’re saying about the greenhouse effect is true, is anything going to look different down there in 20 years?” Hansen reportedly turned to a window overlooking Broadway, and said, “Well, there will be more traffic. The West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water. And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there. The trees in the median strip will change.”
What was so outrageous about this that I tried to post? Do you have the courage, or integrity, to email an answer to my question?
When I watched this You Tube where you did not care to meet with Dr Spencer face to face, you said that you know that it was not the sun, volcanoes or just natural variability that has caused the pause.
John Stossel – Climate Change & Global Greening
•Apr 16, 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLgUv_znMMw
J Doug Swallowsays
#41 9 Feb 2021 at 6:51 AM Barton Paul Levenson says: “And carbon dioxide is a pollutant when, like now, it’s 48% higher than the preindustrial level. As toxicologists say, “The dose makes the poison.” How can Barton Paul Levenson be sure that CO₂ is 48% higher than the preindustrial level? Barton Paul Levenson needs to be made aware of some fun facts about his devil in the sky, CO₂.
“What is carbon dioxide? Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless, non-flammable gas that naturally occurs in the atmosphere. CO2 is produced by body metabolism and is a normal component of exhaled breath. It also results from the burning of fossil fuels and natural sources such as volcanic eruptions. CO2 levels in outdoor air typically range from 300 to 400 ppm (0.03% to 0.04%) but can be as high as 600-900 ppm in metropolitan areas. Although it is most commonly present as a gas, CO2 can also exist in a solid (dry ice) form. How are FSIS employees exposed to carbon dioxide?”
“What OSHA standards and exposure guidelines apply? OSHA has established a Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for CO2 of 5,000 parts per million (ppm) (0.5% CO2 in air) averaged over an 8-hour work day (time-weighted average or TWA.) The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends an 8- hour TWA Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of 5,000 ppm and a Ceiling exposure limit (not to be exceeded) of 30,000 ppm for a 10-minute period. A value of 40,000 is considered immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH value)”. http://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/bf97edac-77be-4442-aea4-9d2615f376e0/Carbon-Dioxide.pdf?DMO=AJPERES
J Doug Swallowsays
#41 9 Feb 2021 at 6:51 AM Barton Paul Levenson says: “And carbon dioxide is a pollutant when, like now, it’s 48% higher than the preindustrial level. As toxicologists say, “The dose makes the poison.”
If Barton Paul Levenson is correct in his assessment of CO₂; “…carbon dioxide is a pollutant when, like now, it’s 48% higher than the preindustrial level”. The EPA did not list carbon dioxide at this site as being a common air pollutant.
Criteria Air Pollutants
The Clean Air Act requires EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six common air pollutants (also known as “criteria air pollutants”). These pollutants are found all over the U.S. They can harm your health and the environment, and cause property damage. https://www.epa.gov/criteria-air-pollutants
“The main contaminant of submarine air is CO2. In ordinary buildings 1000 ppm is usually considered as a maximum concentration. This value is not based on health effects but on the rate of ventilation. In submarines, higher CO2 concentrations are permitted, usually 5000- 7000 ppm.” https://www.irbnet.de/daten/iconda/CIB7571.pdf
J Doug Swallowsays
#30 13 Feb 2021 at 7:23 AM Barton Paul Levenson says: “BPL: Because they’re global maps. The lower 48 are only 1.5% of the Earth’s surface”. Barton Paul Levenson & Gavin A. Schmidt should notice what was occurring in the other side of the planet during this time period.
A Real Heat Wave The town of Marble Bar in Western Australia is legendary for its hot weather. From Oct. 31, 1923, to April 7, 1924, the tiny town scorched with 160 consecutive days over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius). That’s a world record. Think of the 194 people in Marble Bar next time it gets hot in your hometown. Their average high temperature is over 100 F for January, February, March, November and December (the summer months in the Southern Hemisphere).
“Eighty three years ago today, Mawson was sailing along the Antarctic coast. In 2013, global warming nutcases trying to retrace Mawson’s route are hoping an icebreaker comes and saves them.
Sir DOUGLAS MAWSON’S second expedition on SCOTT’S Discovery to Antarctic waters south of the Indian Ocean and Australia is by this time already near the coast which he skirted and explored in the Summer of 1929-30. He identified Enderby and Kemp Lands, first seen by British explorers a hundred years before. https://www.nytimes.com/1930/12/28/archives/mawsons-expedition.html http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FB0D11F73F5C117A93CAAB1789D95F448385F9
Sir DOUGLAS MAWSON’S second expedition on SCOTT’S Discovery to Antarctic waters south of the Indian Ocean and Australia is by this time already near the coast which he skirted and explored in the Summer of 1929-30. He identified Enderby and Kemp Lands, first seen by British explorers a hundred years
Antarctic trap: Stranded ship awaiting Australian rescue after Chinese, French turn away December 29, 2013 10:17 “The Akademik Shokalskiy, with 74 scientists, tourists and crew members on board, has been on a privately-funded research expedition to Antarctica to retrace the footsteps of an Australian geologist, who explored the Antarctic a century ago. The voyage was to visit Douglas Mawson’s Antarctic huts, which previously couldn’t be accessed because of an iceberg.” http://rt.com/news/ship-stuck-antarctic-rescue-935/
A Russian vessel is stranded in ice off the coast of Antarctica with 74 people onboard, including the scientific team recreating explorer Douglas Mawson’s Australasian Antarctic Expedition from a century ago.
[…]Had the ship carrying the trio of explorers in 1912, the Aurora, gotten icebound the same way the M.V. Akademik Shokalskiy did, there would have been no rescue option and certain death.
J Doug Swallowsays
“Average global temps
In the 1880s: 56.7 F.
1920s to 1980s: 57.2 F.
Circa 2000 to 2010: 58.1 F.
These are not ‘hot’ temps. Below 60 degrees most people start putting on sweaters and jackets. At 58⁰F in your living room you’re probably gonna turn up the heat! It is a good temp for longer term wine storage”. https://www.iceagenow.info/temperatures-have-been-falling-for-8000-years/
58.1⁰F – 56.7⁰F = 1.4⁰F in 130 years is nothing to wreak a nation’s economy over, unless that is your plan.
“If you can adjust temperatures to 2/10ths of a degree, it means it wasn’t certain to 2/10ths of a degree.” Lindzen pointed out, “We’re talking about less than a tenth of degree with an uncertainty of about a quarter of a degree. Moreover, such small fluctuations—even if real—don’t change the fact that the trend for the past 20 years has been much less than models have predicted.”
The former MIT professor believes the “hottest year” claims are returning us to a bygone era. “To imply that a rise of temperature of a tenth of a degree is proof that the world is coming to an end—has to take one back to the dark ages,” he explained in 2017.13 “As long as you can get people excited as to whether it’s a tenth of a degree warmer or cooler, then you don’t have to think, you can assume everyone who is listening to you is an idiot. The whole point is so crazy because the temperature is always going up or down a little. What is astonishing is that in the last 20 years it hasn’t done much of anything,” he added. “What they don’t mention is there has been a big El Nino in 2016 and in recent months the temperature has been dropping back into a zero trend level.”
“Just two minutes later as you are letting Fido have a potty break on the lawn, you notice that the frigid air you walked out the door into is not so frigid anymore. You look at your thermometer and the temperature has shot up to 45 degrees. That’s right, a temperature increase of 49 degrees in just two minutes!
But wait, that’s not the end of this wild morning weather story. After the temperature climbs all the way to 54 degrees at 9 a.m., it crashes down again 58 degrees in 27 minutes to -4 degrees once again.
Sounds like a dream, but it’s not. All of this happened in Spearfish, S.D. on January 22, 1943. https://weather.com/sports-recreation/ski/news/5-extreme-temperature-drops-20130118
What will NOAA and NASA tell us about February, 2021?
Houston, TX
Wednesday 10 AM • Overcast
Winter Storm Warning
F/ C
Humidity: 66%
Wind: 15 KPH E
Show More
Dallas, TX
Wednesday 10 AM • Snow
Winter Storm Warning
F/ C
Humidity: 67%
Wind: 12 KPH E
Show More
The historic Arctic front crippling Texas’s power system, sending energy prices soaring to record levels, is intensifying with at least 5 million people across the U.S. now plunged into darkness, unable to heat their homes.
Polar cold is once again riding anomalously-far south on the back of a weak and wavy meridional jet stream flow–a phenomenon predicted to increase over the coming years/decades as the Grand Solar Minimum (low solar activity) tightens its grip.
Texans are feeling the brunt of this latest blast with over 4 million people across the Lone Star State now left without power in freezing conditions and drifting snow. But even as far up as North Dakota homes are losing power in the midst of an unprecedented deep freeze that continues to break thousands upon thousands of low temperature records, daily. https://electroverse.net/record-smashing-snow-and-ice-storms-leave-5-million-americans-without-power-and-counting/
Severe snowstorm hits northern Japan, JMA warns it could become the strongest in years
February 16, 2021 at 17:23 UTC (9 hours ago)
A severe snowstorm started affecting northern Japan on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, causing flooding and transport disruptions. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) warned it could become the most powerful blizzard in years and cause whiteout conditions through Wednesday, February 17.
A rapidly developed low pressure system is advancing westward over the Sea of Okhotsk, bringing extremely strong winds and causing storm surge that already flooded many homes in western parts of Hokkaido.
Wind gusts of up to 162 km/h (101 mph) were recorded at Cape Erimo, Hokkaido, 135 km/h (84 mph) in Sakata city, Yamagata Prefecture, and 111 km/h (69 mph) in Akita City, Tohoku.
The blizzard triggered the closure of nearly 600 schools, the cancelation of about 70 flights, and the disruption of more than 200 train services, according to the Kyodo News. https://watchers.news/2021/02/16/northern-japan-snowstorm-february-2021/
Widespread disruption after heaviest snowfall in 12 years hits Greece
February 16, 2021 at 14:59 UTC (12 hours ago)
Heavy snowfall has caused widespread disruption in many parts of Greece, including the capital — Athens, on Monday, February 15, 2021, resulting in delayed transport, power outages, and suspended services. According to the National Meteorological Service, this was the country’s ‘fiercest’ snowfall in terms of intensity and volume in 12 years.
The snow, which is common in the north but rare in the capital, put many services across the country to a standstill. Most public transport services were delayed, while toppled trees caused power outages in several mountainside suburbs.
Parts of the nation’s main highway were closed, most ferry services to the islands were canceled, and flights from regional airports disrupted. https://watchers.news/2021/02/16/widespread-disruption-after-heaviest-snowfall-in-12-years-hits-greece/
I am wondering, if now after a rather cold start, if Gavin Schmidt and his NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Science in New York is going to be telling us some time this year that 2021 it is on course to be the hottest year of the last 50 years. I have dealt with these climate change advocates long enough to know the talking points that they all use; such as: If it is cold events, that is just weather but when it is a hot few days in Paris, such as what happened in 2019, then that is a sure indication of climate change. So what has changed to cause this widespread freezing temperature episode in the Northern Hemisphere? As of Feb 15, 2021, the Keeling curve claims that there is 416.06 ppm of CO₂ on the Mauna Loa observatory. If there had been more CO₂ in the atmosphere, would that have kept the majority of the Northern Hemisphere from setting all of these cold temperature records?
These are some facts about January 2021.
Arctic sea ice: Sixth lowest January extent on record
Arctic sea ice extent during January 2021 was the sixth lowest in the 43-year satellite record, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Antarctic sea ice extent in January 2021 was the 13th lowest in the 43-year satellite record.
Notable global heat and cold marks for January 2021
– Hottest temperature in the Northern Hemisphere: 42.0°C (107.6°F) at Andres Figueroa, Mexico, January 1 and 2;
– Coldest temperature in the Northern Hemisphere: -61.4°C (-78.5°F) at Geo Summit, Greenland, January 29;
– Hottest temperature in the Southern Hemisphere: 47.1°C (116.8°F) at Reobourne, Australia, January 14;
– Coldest temperature in the Southern Hemisphere: -44.1°C (-47.4°F) at Dome Fuji, Antarctica, January 19;
– Highest 2021 average temperature to date (Jan. 1-31) worldwide: 33.9°C (93.0°F) at Roebourne, Australia; and
– Highest 2021 average temperature to date (Jan. 1-31) in the Northern Hemisphere: 30.0°C (86.0°F) at Navrongo, Ghana.
(Courtesy of Maximiliano Herrera)
Major weather stations’ new all-time heat or cold records in January 2021
Among global stations with a record of at least 40 years, 34 set, not just tied, a new all-time cold record in January, and two stations set all-time heat records:
Vega de Liordes (Spain) min. -35.8°C, January 7: New national record low for Spain (unofficial, recorded in a sinkhole);
Huailai (China) min. -24.3°C, January 7;
Chengde (China) min. -27.2°C, January 7;
Xingtai (China) min. -17.1°C, January 7;
Zhangjiakou (China) min. -26.8°C, January 7;
Baoding (China) min. -22.0°C, January 7;
Datong (China) min. -31.1°C, January 7;
Mount Wutai (China) min. -32.8°C, January 7;
Naran Bulag (China) min. -39.2°C, January 7;
Jining (China) min. -30.0°C, January 7;
Chifeng (China) min. -29.5°C, January 7;
Shangdianzi (China) min. -26.5°C, January 7;
Tongzhou (China) min. -22.4°C, January 7;
Shunyi (China) min. -20.6°C, January 7;
Changping (China) min. -19.7°C, January 7;
Haenam (South Korea) min. -17.1°C, January 8;
Uljin (South Korea) min. -16.1°C, January 8;
Towada (Japan) min. -20.1°C, January 9;
Furue (Japan) min. -6.9°C, January 9;
Wakayanagi (Japan) min. -19.9°C, January 9;
Kawatabi (Japan) min. -14.3°C, January 9;
Komanoyu (Japan) min. -15.5°C, January 9;
Furukawa (Japan) min. -17.6°C, January 9;
Shiogama (Japan) min. -9.6°C, January 9;
Kamigori (Japan) min. -10.3°C, January 9;
Fukuwatari (Japan) min. -10.1°C, January 9;
Wake (Japan) min. -10.6°C, January 9;
Soeda (Japan) min. -7.5°C, January 9;
Yorii (Japan) min. -9.2°C, January 9;
Seosan (South Korea) min. -19.7°C, January 9;
Rakna (United Arab Emirates) min. -2.0°C, January 9: New national record low for the United Arab Emirates (for low-elevation places);
Ras Al Khaimah Airport (United Arab Emirates) min. 4.3°C, January 9;
Madrid Cuatro Vientos Airport (Spain) min. -13.0°C, January 12;
Madrid University (Spain) min. -11.0°C, January 12;
Maquinchao (Argentina) max. 38.9°C, January 22; and
Cipolletti (Argentina) max. 43.8°C, January 22.
One all-time national/territorial cold record set or tied in 2021
As of February 12, 2021, one nation or territory had set or tied an all-time national cold record:
United Arab Emirates (for places at low elevations): -2.0°C (28.4°F) at Rakna, January 9.
No all-time national/territorial heat records have been set thus far in 2021.
Ten monthly national/territorial heat records beaten or tied as of February 12
– January (10): Mexico, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Japan, Malta, Tunisia, Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Spain
No national/territorial monthly cold records in addition to the one all-time national record in the UAE mentioned above have been set thus far in 2021.
Hemispherical and continental temperature records in 2021
None. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2021/02/noaa-january-2021-was-ninth-warmest-on-record-in-the-u-s-seventh-warmest-globally/
J Doug Swallowsays
#65 16 Feb 2021 at 1:22 PM Piotr says: “Still he probably keeps his best arguments for Internet, where more people can view it – like his Intelligent Design in climatology – see my (113) in”. I assume that Piotr has never spent any time involved in being amazed that the trace gas that is responsible for all terrestrial life on Earth, CO₂, that all plant life on Earth must have to grow and therefore to provide the nourishment for animal life, is 1.6 times heavier than the rest of the atmosphere. If Piotr wants to prove this fact for themselves, they can fill a balloon with CO₂ and then see how far you can drag it before it burst. Obtain some dry ice, that I hope you know is CO₂, and in a still area with no air movement; place it in a cup of water and try to see where the vapor that spills over the rim goes. A clue for you to watch for, down is where it goes. Or you can get out of the basement and go to near 18,000 feet above sea level as I have done in Nepal on two separate occasion, such as when I hiked over Tharong-La Pass on the Annapurna circuit in Nepal and to Everest Base camp. There is 1/2 of the atmosphere at 18,000; so, it is obvious there is a lack of O₂ at that altitude as well as on Kilimanjaro where I was. Tell me from some experience that you have had how much CO₂ is present at 18,000 feet.
It is obvious that the gases that comprise the atmosphere mix and move but it is also obvious that the heavier gases such as CO₂, that is 1.6 times heavier than what is called “air”, sinks, as this information taken from the Excel spreadsheet extension of CRC 85th edition 2004-2005 handbook on physics and chemistry. The mass of CO2 in the atmosphere is approximately 1.06186E+14 x 10^14 kg . The Mass of Oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere is: 0.23 x (5.12 x 1018kg) = 1.1776 x 1018 kg (1.2 x 1018 kg)
% increase in CO2 per year = 1.1 x 1015/1.23 x 1018 x 100% = 0.089% or 8.9 x 10-4
Total % increase in CO2 in one year is: 8.9 x 10-4 x 0.03 = 2.7 x 10-5
So, in one year the Carbon Dioxide content of the atmosphere would change from 0.03% to 0.030027%. (these figures are for the burning of gasoline)
To increase CO2 by a third: 1.23 x 1018/3 = 4.1 x 1017.
would take: 4.1 x 1017/1.1 x 1015 = 372 years. http://members.shaw.ca/tfrisen/is_there_enough_oxygen.htm
J Doug Swallowsays
#66 19 Feb 2021 at 10:48 AM William B Jackson says: “CO2 likewise is good in proper proportions, plants grown with excessive amounts tend to be weak their food value reduced etc”. William B Jackson needs to clarify just what ‘excessive’ amounts of CO₂ are. In green houses the operators generally increase the CO₂ levels to at least 1,200 ppm.
Greenhouse Carbon Dioxide Supplementation “Exposure of plants to lower levels of CO2 even for a short period can reduce rate of photosynthesis and plant growth. Generally, doubling ambient CO2 level (i.e. 700 to 800 parts per million) can make a significant and visible difference in plant yield. […]An increase in ambient CO2 to 800-1000 ppm can increase yield of C3 plants up to 40 to 100 percent and C4 plants by 10 to 25 percent while keeping other inputs at an optimum level. Plants show a positive response up to 700 to need of 1,800 parts per million, but higher levels of CO2 may cause plant damage (Figure 1).” https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/greenhouse-carbon-dioxide-supplementation.html
Your denial of reality is noted!
J Doug Swallowsays
#34 19 Feb 2021 at 3:00 PM Susan Anderson says: “But that’s a whole year. Confusing, an’t it!?
Trouble is, almost all scientists have a “bad” habit of telling the truth, and some cold does enter in; winter isn’t gone yet”.
Here is what a respected climatologist with MIT, Richard Lindzen, says about the global temperature during the last 100 Years: Monday, February 09, 2009 “Most of the climate community has agreed since 1988 that global mean temperatures have increased on the order of one degree Fahrenheit over the past century, having risen significantly from about 1919 to 1940, decreased between 1940 and the early ’70s, increased again until the ’90s, and remaining essentially flat since 1998”.
“Average global temps
In the 1880s: 56.7 F.
1920s to 1980s: 57.2 F.
Circa 2000 to 2010: 58.1 F.
These are not ‘hot’ temps. Below 60 degrees most people start putting on sweaters and jackets. At 58⁰F in your living room you’re probably gonna turn up the heat! It is a good temp for longer term wine storage”. https://www.iceagenow.info/temperatures-have-been-falling-for-8000-years/
58.1⁰F – 56.7⁰F = 1.4 ⁰F in 130 years is nothing to wreak a nation’s economy over, unless that is your plan.
J Doug Swallowsays
“NOAA names 2020 second-hottest year on record; NASA says it tied for hottest ever” It is beyond believe how all of what occurred below could happen when it is terribly hot in both Rapid City, SD, Australia, Europe, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago and also where I use to live in AK, Fairbanks.
SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 “In addition to the cold, many regions also received their most-ever snowfall this early in the season: seventeen inches of global warming goodness fell in Wyoming, New Mexico saw its earliest flakes on record, and parts of Colorado suffered their earliest snowfall in decades—these are just a few of the astonishing weather reports coming out of a record-setting September week.
Rapid City, SD, set a U.S. record for the fastest turnaround between 100 degree temperatures and measurable snow, after it hit 102 degrees on Saturday, only to then see an inch of snow on Monday. This two-day gap broke the record for shortest amount of time between those two weather observations — the previous record being Ardmore, SD, in Sept 1929 when a similar event took place over the course of approximately three days. https://electroverse.net/just-count-the-cold-records-that-have-fallen-over-the-past-24hrs/
Huge Snowfalls in Australia
22 Aug 20 Ski areas in Australia have reported more than 60cm (two feet) of snowfall over the past three days.
A super storm has been dumping on the country’s ski slopes since Wednesday, with increasing intensity in terms of the amount of snow falling every 24 hours. https://www.inthesnow.com/huge-snowfalls-in-australia/
JANUARY 24, 2020
The mercury dipped below 20C on the dual-island Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago for the second time this month — “a rare occurrence,” according to the T&T Meteorological Service. “The other occurrence was on the Jan. 4, when a temperature of 19.5C was recorded.” https://electroverse.net/frigid-conditions-engulf-trinidad-tobago/>
“Look at averages and trends.” The temperatures aren’t extreme by Interior Alaska standards, but Fairbanks hasn’t had a cold stretch like this in years. January 11, 2020 So negative, yet so positive: At nearly 40 below zero, Fairbanks knows how to chill The temperatures aren’t extreme by Interior Alaska standards, but Fairbanks hasn’t had a cold stretch like this in years. https://www.adn.com/alaska-life/2020/01/11/so-negative-yet-so-positive-at-nearly-40-below-zero-fairbanks-knows-how-to-chill/?fbclid=IwAR1bDK08NPDn96EnNvqy-EwPI21DVWpcJpflYMtjcyjckrBkzfl_cfeCXv8
I hope that Susan Anderson realizes that with all of these cold temperature across the planet, it is so great that the NOAA names 2020 second-hottest year on record & NASA says it tied for hottest ever or just imagine how many innocent people could have frozen to death.
I know that Gavin A. Schmidt will never allow his loyal fans to see the above information that really makes one wonder how the appraisals about the “hottest years” are arrived at. Very scientifically, I’m sure.
J Doug Swallowsays
#35 20 Feb 2021 at 8:05 AM Ray Ladbury says: “They are not based on statistics that are likely to reveal a warming trend. That is, they are quite insensitive to the trend”. Am I to assume from what Ray Ladbury is telling me that if my FACTS do not fit in with his forgone conclusions about what the trend in the Earth’s temperature record should be; that therefore they are not valid? What is at question here is that for the climate alarmist to try to prove that the essential for all life on Earth’s trace gas, CO₂, has an influence on the Earth’s temperature and its climate, is a rise in the Earth’s temperature. Numerous ice core samples show that the climate warms before the levels of CO₂ increase and by many years; so, Ray Ladbury needs to deal with that fact before berating me over ‘cheery picking’ some facts. Certainly the Earth’s temperature has risen since the end of the proven Little Ice Age or we would still be experiencing the hard times for humanity that accompanied the LIA when there generally was a lack of sufficient food and the life expectation was very low compared to today’s figures.
I have a few questions for Ray Ladbury that you will not answer. Just which period in the past would have qualified for your climatic “utopia” since you believe that things are so bad now?
Would it have been before 1900 when the life expectancy for men was 46.3 and 48.1 for women in the US; by 1998 according to a Berkeley study, that had improved to 73.8 for men and 79.5 for women. https://u.demog.berkeley.edu/~andrew/1918/figure2.html
Meanwhile this is what average global temps have done; so, the question is; is there a correlation between life expectancy and an increase in the Earth’s temperature?
In the 1880s: 56.7 F.
1920s to 1980s: 57.2 F.
Circa 2000 to 2010: 58.1 F.
58.1⁰F – 56.7⁰F = 1.4 ⁰F in 130 years is nothing to wreak a nation’s economy over, unless that is your plan. What is the change in temperature where ever you are during the course of 24 hours?
J Doug Swallowsays
#11 22 Feb 2021 at 5:35 PM Jeremy Grimm says: “Speaking more plainly I understand a little about the refinement of models using “artificial intelligence”, “sensitivity tests”, “subselection of ensembles” and regard such refinement as fancy techniques and fancy ways of fudging model inputs to assure that model outputs better fit what the modeler expects — ‘tweaking’. I believe model tweaking goes on, is probably quite necessary in many/most cases”. Perhaps in 2014 the NOAA Climate Prediction Center should have done more ‘tweaking’ of their data because they were less accurate in their predictions than what the Farmers’ Almanac was using who knows what to guide their predictions.
Farmers’ Almanac More Reliable Than Warming Climate Models
Posted 02/21/2014 06:14 PM ET
Bad Science: It turns out that a 200-year-old publication for farmers beats climate-change scientists in predicting this year’s harsh winter as the lowly caterpillar beats supercomputers that can’t even predict the past.
Last fall, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) predicted above-normal temperatures from November through January across much of the continental U.S. The Farmers’ Almanac, first published in 1818, predicted a bitterly cold, snowy winter.
The Maine-based Farmers’ Almanac’s still-secret methodology includes variables such as planetary positions, sunspots, lunar cycles and tidal action. It claims an 80% accuracy rate, surely better than those who obsess over fossil fuels and CO2.
The winter has stayed cold in 2014, and snowfall and snow cover are way above average. USA Today reported on Feb. 14 that there was snow on the ground in part of every state except Florida. That includes Hawaii. http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/022114-690857-farmers-almanac-more-accurate-than-climate-models.htm
224 – nigelj
“There is also the fact that America was far more prosperous under Obama than in previous decades.”
In case you did not notice, under O the entire world economy nearly collapsed, and we never had a robust recovery – it was a slow ramp back up. Yes, I know it started under Bush.
“Although obviously you want to minimise illegals, but all administrations have worked to do that.”
Wrong. None have done anything more than give it lip service, there is no wall, we do not require e-verify, there are no penalties for hiring undocumented workers, cities refuse to turn over criminals to authorities, etc, etc, etc. But it’s too late now, the demise of the USA is written in stone at this point, unless something drastic occurs like an armed revolution; although many would prefer to just split the country into 2 nations – that would be my preference. The DemonRATs won. The USA is finished. Y’all happy now? You’re going to get what you deserve, and unless we split the country, it ain’t gonna be pretty:
227 – nigelj
” I couldn’t agree more, but America already does this, and very thoroughly…”
Wrong. Tell me again how those background checks work when people sneak over the border undetected. You aren’t listening to CNN and MSLSD are you? Based on BPL’s comment 235, he may be as well.
#227 MARodger: With or without various El Niño temperature spikes, Victor the Troll insists “there is no long-term correlation” between global temperature and atmospheric CO2 (except between 1980 and 1998).
V: Don’t blame me. The absence of long-term correlation is displayed very clearly in Grumbine’s scattergram — only he omits the dates, making the climate history difficult to spot. Once we take the dates into account, it becomes clear that the diagonal that’s supposed to indicate a correlation is limited to the period ca. 1980-1998. Before 1980 (corresponding to 335 ppm), we see what looks like a random jumble. After 1998 (corresponding to 370 ppm), we see a period where CO2 levels continue to climb where temperatures either level off or rise only slightly.
Your version covers a longer time period, but the result is essentially the same, aside from the spike produced toward the end by the El Nino of 2015-2016. Your insistence that the presence of this spike somehow compensates for the clear lack of correlation displayed in your own scattergram over a 16 year period is indeed touching. Sorry, but a statistical correlation is defined as “the degree to which two or more attributes or measurements on the same group of elements show a tendency to vary together.” ( https://www.dictionary.com/browse/correlation ) Data collected over a 2 year period can’t possibly compensate, presto chango, for a period of 16 years where the attributes very clearly do NOT vary together.
MAR: So it doesn’t matter that we can calculate the linear correlation between global temperature and atmospheric CO2 to produce a line rising with remarkable consistently from bottom left to top right.
V: Oh yes, the “correlation” can be calculated for sure. As Grumbine indicates on his graph, the correlation coefficient he came up with is 0.78. Which tells us something very useful about the value of such a calculation. I.e., that, in itself, it is meaningless. In the absence of a critical analysis of the sort I’ve performed, the numbers mean little. Literally: garbage in garbage out. Aka pseudoscience.
As usual, MAR chimes in with his usual mix of silly invective, pointless blather and meaningless bluff. His amateurish attempt at psychoanalysis is belied by his mis-spelling of “subconscious” as “subconscience.” Just in case one might assume it’s a typo and he’s not a nitwit, he does this twice.
He then goes on to demonstrate his utter lack of reading comprehension by once again totally misconstruing the scattergram analysis I presented on my “grubby little” blog page.
MAR: What the moron is perhaps getting at is that he can happliy cherry-pick some sections of that 120-year-long record and of these cherry-picks he found only the one 1979-98 provides the same result as the “very strongly correlated” period 1900-2019. So I don’t see that such an analysis would lead to his denialist assertion that this full 120-year period shows no correlation when his eyeball was telling him it was “very strongly correlated.”
V: No cherry picking needed, Mr. R. All you need do is match the CO2 levels with their corresponding dates and the problem becomes obvious. He of course fails to grasp the all important distinction I’ve made between a purely statistical correlation and a meaningful one. Does he fail to get it because HE’s the moron? Or because he is, very simply, in denial. Probably a bit of both.
He then proceeds to link us to a couple of graphs that make no sense whatsoever. He really seems to have gone over the edge at this point. I guess I have that effect on him. In one we see a bunch of funny little red dots all lined up to illustrate “calculated temperature using CO2 correlation.” Sorry Mr. R, but I have no idea what you are getting at. Temperatures are depicted by displaying temperature data and correlations are depicted by displaying scattergrams. What is your point? The second graph is even more confusing, especially since he references three lines but displays only two. And what pray tell is “temperature calculated from CO2 correlation”???
It’s hard to take you seriously folks, when your “scientific arguments” are so heavily laden with insults and ad hominems. It doesn’t take a Ph. D. in psychology to identify the obvious signs of defensiveness — which tells me that deep down you have doubts about the “science” you profess to have mastered.
CCHolley: The time of day is defined by the position of the sun, correlation has nothing to do with it.
V: When last I checked, sundials are no longer widely used, CC. We use clocks now. And watches. According to my watch it is now 2:11 PM. No need for me to check the position of the sun. Moreover, for the enlightenment of all the “scientists” posting here, a correlation is a correlation, even if one term is defined by the other. Correlation is based simply on the relation between two sets of data.
And speaking of the sun, I’ve given the issue some thought and realized that comparing the lack of correlation between solar output and global temperatures to a lack of correlation between CO2 levels and temperatures is ludicrous. CO2 levels are now up to 415ppm, roughly 125 units higher than the level in 1890. That’s close to 1/3 the current level. On the other hand, variations in solar output over any comparable period are miniscule compared to the total energy output of the sun during any similar period. Actually “miniscule” doesn’t begin to describe such a huge difference. If total solar output rose from 1890 to present at a rate proportional to the rise in CO2 levels, you can bet there’d be a crystal clear correlation with global temperatures. Of course, the Earth would be toast, so let’s pray that never happens.
Thus, attempting to compare the effects of solar variation with those of CO2 levels is grossly misleading. (Now where have I seen that term before?) The fact that there is NO long-term correlation between CO2 and temperature cannot, therefore, be so easily dismissed. And by the way, that lack of correlation has nothing to do with “the physics.” As I’ve stressed more than once, correlation involves a relation between two sets of data. Period. Physics has nothing to do with it.
And speaking of correlation, I’m amazed at the degree of ignorance displayed in these pages when it comes to my critical analysis of the three misleading scattergrams presented by MAR, BPL and Grumbine. There is no way you can make a silk purse out of those sow’s ears. Yet we see so many here turning themselves inside out in an effort to do so. Yes, Wolfe used monthly rather than yearly data, so what? The rise from the “mid-70’s” to the “late 90’s” is displayed clearly enough in his graph despite the apparent “noise.” So what’s your point? As far as the last 5 years are concerned, sorry, but a period of only 5 years cannot possibly produce a long-term correlation where none was apparent in the 130 years prior to that period. Why would anyone think it could?
Now as far as “the physics” is concerned: science is filled with hypotheses based on a combination of math and lab tests. And in the vast majority of cases such hypotheses have failed to obtain support when tested in the real world. Real world testing is especially important in the realm of climate, where all sorts of factors that can’t be replicated in the lab come into play. The ultimate real-world test is therefore the test of whether or not a rise in CO2 levels will in fact produce a rise in global temperatures over time. When we see a correlation between the two for only a 20 year period from the late 19th century to the present, it looks very much as though “the physics” as tested in the lab has failed to produce the predicted result when tested in the real world. While correlation does not necessarily imply causation, causation is in fact very much dependent on correlation.
So, OK, I’ve been reminded that other factors are involved that might well be masking a correlation that remains hidden. Fine. Now demonstrate to me what those factors are and how they operate to obscure the steady rise in temperatures necessary to support your hypothesis. Because without such real-world support, “the physics” you so confidently point to is falsified. And sorry but it’s not enough to simply produce a list of factors, such as volcanic eruptions (or lack of same), solar irradiation, industrial aerosols, etc. The existence of factors that MIGHT POSSIBLY be relevant, is not the same as supporting evidence.
The problem is especially acute when we consider the well-known 40 year period from ca. 1940 through ca. 1979, when temperatures first took a 10 year plunge, then leveled off, while CO2 levels were soaring. The odd notion that an underlying temperature rise was masked by the presence of industrial aerosols was thoroughly debunked by me several months ago on these pages when I displayed a series of temperature graphs from regions with little to no industrial activity. Guess what? Temperatures failed to rise in these regions as well. Simply pointing to effects such as these as though they amounted to supporting evidence when clearly they don’t is a sign that there is something very wrong with the thinking behind “the consensus” we are continually being reminded of.
I wonder why so many flawed papers indicating manmade CO2 is causing global warming is not yet retracted. Many peer-reviewed paper showed it is a flawed propaganda but still that theory gets funding and promotion. Is there some very basic thing wrong in the policy of climate science?
3 Barton Paul Levenson
Most of the state-of-the-art CGCMs have the double-ITCZ problem. They are characterized by too much precipitation over of the Tropics (e.g., Northern Hemisphere ITCZ, South Pacific convergence zone, Maritime Continent, and the equatorial Indian Ocean), and are often associated with insufficient precipitation over the equatorial area. The models without this problem have very poor predictive performance.
Quote: “The question everyone has is whether this extended range is credible.”
The question that should be asked is whether ANY of the climate models are credible. The enormous range of ECS gives the answer. In any honest modeling endeavor, a convergence is required before any claims of credibility.
Providing ration thoughts to climate alarmists and expecting anything rational in return is not rational. However, It is fun to kick the hive once in a while.
As a dedicated climate denier, I would like to know how to collect my payoffs from the oil companies. Does anyone here have a phone number or address?
When you call somebody a “Denier”, they become your enemy.
An enemy will never help you to solve your problems.
So the more people that you call a “Denier”, the less likely you are to solve global warming.
A global warming paradox
I have a friend called Mickey Orlando Mann. Mickey lives and works in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
According to the “weatherbase.com” website, these are Mickey’s current temperature statistics:
– annual average temperature = 13.3 degrees Celsius
– average winter low temperature = -3.6 degrees Celsius (for January)
– average summer high temperature = 30.6 degrees Celsius (for July)
In summary, Mickey normally experiences a temperature range of about 34.2 degrees Celsius over a year, with an average temperature of 13.3 degrees Celsius.
Mickey is very worried about global warming. He knows that global temperatures have risen by about 1 degree Celsius since pre-industrial times. If global warming increases by another 0.5 degrees Celsius (taking us to the 1.5 degrees Celsius temperature limit), them Mickey expects that his quality of life will suffer.
If global warming increases by another 1.0 degrees Celsius from the current temperatures (taking us to the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit), then Mickey expects that his quality of life will be seriously affected.
Mickey is so worried about the prospect of reaching the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit, that he has worked out what his temperature statistics would be, if that catastrophe were to happen.
These are Mickey’s global warming temperature statistics, if we warm by another 1 degrees Celsius (taking us to the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit):
– annual average temperature = 14.3 degrees Celsius
– average winter low temperature = -2.6 degrees Celsius (for January)
– average summer high temperature = 31.6 degrees Celsius (for July)
In summary, Mickey would experiences a temperature range of about 34.2 degrees Celsius over a year, with an average temperature of 14.3 degrees Celsius.
But you don’t need to worry about Mickey, because he has a global warming contingency plan. Mickey’s parents gave him the middle name of “Orlando”, and Mickey has always dreamed of moving to the city that he was named after. If things get too hot for Mickey in Philadelphia, then Mickey plans to retire to Orlando, Florida, like many of his older friends have already done.
To take his mind off global warming, Mickey decided to look up the current temperature statistics for Orlando, Florida, to see what temperatures the people who live in Orlando are currently experiencing.
These are Orlando’s current temperature statistics:
– annual average temperature = 22.9 degrees Celsius
– average winter low temperature = 9.9 degrees Celsius (for January)
– average summer high temperature = 33.2 degrees Celsius (for July)
In summary, Orlando currently experiences a temperature range of about 23.3 degrees Celsius over a year, with an average temperature of 22.9 degrees Celsius.
Looking at these temperature statistics, Mickey suddenly realised that the people who live in Orlando, Florida, are currently experiencing temperatures far, far hotter than Philadelphia will have at the 2.0 degrees Celsius limit. How can they live in such extreme temperatures?
The current average temperature in Orlando is 8.6 degrees Celsius hotter than the average temperature that Philadelphia will have at the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit.
The current average summer high temperature in Orlando is 1.6 degrees Celsius hotter than the average summer high temperature that Philadelphia will have at the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit.
Mickey wondered why any sane person would move to Orlando, Florida, when it is currently far, far hotter than Philadelphia would be at the 2.0 degrees Celsius temperature limit.
Mickey thought about this for a while, and then he saw the answer to his question. All of the people who live in Orlando, Florida, are mad.
121 in LA we are all going to die.
@81 Barry Finch
It’s quite amazing how these “greenhouse gases” with their “springy covalent bonds” suddenly decide at this man-made abitrary point called the tropopause, I’m not going to be a greenhouse gas anymore,I’ve decided to hang around in some of these other spheres, including the thermosphere, and shield the planet from the 1360 watts of radiation blazing down from the Sun 24/7.
@164 Astringent
“blackbody radiation” …. black body… black…
Nothing to do with colour….riiiight I hold a black ball and a white ball in either hand facing the Sun. The black ball gets hotter…. but it’s nothing to do with colour…riight.
What colour is a red parrot, Astringent? That’s right… it’s blue. Norwegian blue.
@ 162 BPL
You don’t quite get it ,do you, BPL. It’s 1360watts/sq.m at the top of the atmosphere NOT your 340watts/sq.m., as depicted in Trenberth’s looney EEB diagrams. The 1360w/sq.m is a real measurement from real satellites…. your 340 w/sq.m at the TOA is just imaginary, concocted on the blackboard, calculated crap. You’ve geometrically whittled down the 1360w/sq from the Sun before it even arrives at the TOA. … you’ve got only 340w/sq.m arriving at and passing through the TOA.
The 1360w/sq.m at the TOA is a YEARLY GLOBAL AVERAGE, BPL. It must remain as it is… It’s the nett result of a flickering, waxing and waning Sun. They wait one year to get that result. You’re surely intelligent enough to realise that a YEARLY GLOBAL AVERAGE cannot be mathematically worked on any more. You’ve already got the answer, the maths is over. You’re already at the bottom of the page…you’re trying to muck round with the number at the bottom of the page with the double lines under it. …the 1360w/sq.m.
It’s reality… a measured reality, its even now observed in the thermosphere where nitric oxide and CO2 molecules are seen to glow red hot, with an active Sun. (SABER study) .. no way is that 340w/sq.m of yours,CALCULATED at the TOA, capable of achieving that. .. the 340w/sq.m. at the TOA is total bollocks.
It’s 1360w/sq.m at the TOA, BPL. Harden up and get used to it.
@91 Ravenpaw
I always thought it was called the “RADIATIVE greenhouse effect” Good luck with trying to slow the speed of radiation from the air molecules to the spaces between them and further into space. Einstein would have been very impressed if you’d managed to refute his constant for the speed of light.
Release the Kraken
Just a few timely reminders, lest we forget:
Significant temperature rise from 1910 through ca. 1940 while CO2 levels remained relatively low (“[Research] has shown that the temperature rise up to 1940 was . . . mainly caused by some kind of natural cyclical effect, not by the still relatively low CO2 emissions.” Spencer Weart, “The Discovery of Global Warming.”)
Global temperatures dropped or remained steady over a 40 year period, from ca. 1940 through 1979, while CO2 levels rose significantly.
Global temperatures rose only slightly from 1998 through early 2016 over a period of 18 years (the notorious “hiatus”), while CO2 levels soared.
Hence: NO correlation between CO2 levels and global temperatures for the last 110 years at least.
The rate of sea level rise has decreased rather than increased as expected, since 1992 ( Fasulo et al.: https://www.nature.com/articles/srep31245 ).
” . . . many consider wildfire as an accelerating problem, with widely held perceptions both in the media and scientific papers of increasing fire occurrence, severity and resulting losses. However, important exceptions aside, the quantitative evidence available does not support these perceived overall trends. Instead, global area burned appears to have overall declined over past decades, and there is increasing evidence that there is less fire in the global landscape today than centuries ago. (“Global trends in wildfire and its impacts: perceptions versus realities in a changing world” – published by the Royal Society, 2016 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4874420/)
According to this graph, as presented in a recent study published in the journal Nature, there is no evidence that droughts worldwide have been increasing in either frequency or intensity since the survey began in 1982: https://media.springernature.com/lw685/springer-static/image/art%3A10.1038%2Fsdata.2014.1/MediaObjects/41597_2014_Article_BFsdata20141_Fig5_HTML.jpg?as=webp (The darker the color the more severe the drought.)
See https://www.nature.com/articles/sdata20141 for full paper.
As for hurricanes, we see no obvious trend for either hurricane frequency or intensity since 1970, as illustrated in the following graph: https://specials-images.forbesimg.com/dam/imageserve/5e172e9f888ec00007eac964/960×0.png?cropX1=-1&cropY1=-1&cropX2=-1&cropY2=-1&quality=75&fit=scale&background=000000&uri= (source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerpielke/2020/01/09/tropical-cyclone-landfalls-around-the-world-over-the-past-50-years/?sh=39f7b1a63b00 )
And yes, of course, as we know very well, each of these findings can be “explained” in various ways and by various means. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that in each case the raw evidence does NOT appear to support the current state of alarm over “climate change” that is currently sweeping the world, prompting draconian demands that could easily destroy civilization as we know it.
#110 21 Dec 2020 at 6:49 AM Barton Paul Levenson says: “BPL: Start here” to, I assume, believe that he is answering my call for the empirical experiment, that is repeatable, that demonstrates that the essential for all terrestrial life on Earth trace gas, that makes up only between .03-.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere and is 1.6 times more dense than that rest of the atmosphere, CO₂, has the ability to change the Earth’s climate.
These experiments listed here could be done; so, why can’t what I ask for be done and reported on?
Albert Einstein addressed the theory of quantum entanglement. In Dec. of 2011 this experiment was carried out:
Quantum Entanglement Links 2 Diamonds.
Speaking of Albert Einstein, he had an answer for those continually trying to claim that there is a consensus for their flawed, unproven hypothesis regarding anthropogenic global warming, climate change or whatever the charlatans now call it: “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of the truth” Albert Einstein.
Here are some other experiment that HAVE been conducted.
Einstein was right, neutrino researchers admit.
Jasper Kirkby photographed inside the CLOUD chamber.
“New Data Boosts Case for Higgs Boson Find.
How close are we to finding dark matter? http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-24987749
“Svensmark: Evidence continues to build that the Sun drives climate, not CO2″.
Meanwhile this is what Barton Paul Levenson offered up to answer my call for valid experiments regarding CO₂;
“However, despite widespread scientific discussion and modelling of the climate impacts of wellmixed greenhouse gases, there is little direct observational evidence of the radiative impact of increasing atmospheric CO2”. That sure proves nothing about CO₂ causing the Earth’s climate to change, much less its temperature to rise.
“Here we present observationally based evidence of clearsky CO2 surface radiative forcing that is directly attributable to the increase, between 2000 and 2010, of 22 parts per million atmospheric CO2”.
How does the purported, “clearsky CO2 surface radiative forcing”, explain the Earth’s temperature hiatus?
Although the absolute probability of a 20-year hiatus is small, the probability that an existing 15-year hiatus will continue another five years is much higher (up to 25%). Therefore, given the recognized contribution of internal climate variability to the reduced rate of global warming during the past 15 years, we should not be surprised if the current hiatus continues until the end of the decade. Following the termination of a variability-driven hiatus, we also show that there is an increased likelihood of accelerated global warming associated with release of heat from the sub-surface ocean and a reversal of the phase of decadal variability in the Pacific Ocean.
Barton Paul Levenson’s ‘proof’ that CO₂ causing the Earth’s climate to change & its temperature to rise reminded me of these assertion made by Mark Twain about the alarmist take on what they call their climate change ‘science’.
“There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such trifling investment of facts.” Mark Twain
“What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” Mark Twain
“The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance. … How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!” Mark Twain
#214 25 Dec 2020 at 2:06 AM nigelj says: “The Bering sea is a small part of the arctic, so the records are of very little use. Did you even read it? Proper reconstructions show the following”. Did you even read this where what you copy/pasted says this; “To gauge what Arctic sea ice was like before then, scientists use a combination of historical records and proxy measurements such as marine sediment cores”. And then they go on to offer up this unsubstantiated bit of conjecture; “Taken together, these records indicate that the current Arctic sea ice decline is unprecedented in the last several centuries.” which is total nonsense, that some uneducated folks seem all too willing to believe.
The National Academies of Sciences report, “Dispatches from the Front Lines of Climate Change”, has this picture with no explanation regarding the date that this occurred on so I looked it up and it was on Apr. 19, 2004. Naturally the report did not want to tell us that on 11 August, 1958 the Skate had become the first submarine to surface at the North Pole.
North Polar Region (Apr. 19, 2004) – The crew of the Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Hampton (SSN 767) posted a sign reading “North Pole” made by the crew after surfacing in the polar ice cap region. Hampton and the Royal Navy Trafalgar class attack submarine HMS Tireless took part in ICEX 04, a joint operational exercise beneath the polar ice cap. Both the Tireless and Hampton crews met on the ice, including scientists traveling aboard both submarines to collect data and perform experiments. The Ice Exercise demonstrates the U.S. and British Submarine Force’s ability to freely navigate in all international waters, including the Arctic. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Journalist Kevin Elliott. (RELEASED) (Photo by JOC Kevin Elliott)
#214 25 Dec 2020 at 2:06 AM nigelj needs to notice that it actually looks like there was less ice at the North Pole when the USS Skate surfaced there on 11 August 1958 than when the Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Hampton did the same thing on Apr. 19, 2004. That would take some miracle for nigelj to come to understand that what he has been telling me about the Arctic and its ice has been simply false crap of the worst kind, that due to his brainwashing sessions on the amazing powers of the trace gas, CO₂, nigelj believes without question.
USS Skate (SSN-578) Becomes the First Submarine to Surface at the North Pole
USS Skate (SSN-578) made submarine history on 11 August 1958 when it became the first submarine to surface at the North Pole.
USS Skate (SSN-578) hung below the Arctic ice like a matchstick suspended an inch from the ceiling of a large room. A knot of sailors in the control room stared intently at an instrument inscribing patterns of parallel lines on a rolling paper tape. The pattern looked like an upside down mountain range.
“Heavy ice, ten feet,” said one of the sailors.
Suddenly the lines converged into a single narrow bar. “Clear water!” the sailor called out.
Commander James Calvert, the skipper, studied the marks on the paper closely. He stopped the submarine, ordered “up periscope,” and peered into the eyepiece. The clarity of the water and the amount of light startled him. At this same depth in the Atlantic—180 feet—the water was black or dark green at best, but here in the Arctic, it was pale blue like the tropical waters off the Bahamas. The crew laughed nervously as Calvert reported seeing nothing but a jellyfish.
#214 25 Dec 2020 at 2:06 AM nigelj copty/pasted: “Taken together, these records indicate that the current Arctic sea ice decline is unprecedented in the last several centuries.”
When the people that put together the report in question here “National Snow and Ice Data Center :: Advancing knowledge of Earth’s frozen regions” actually try to hide the truth about what the historical aspect of the Arctic sea ice situation is. That is criminal dishonesty, no matter how one looks at it, and for this to funded by my tax dollars is infuriating.
“NSIDC’s research and scientific data management activities are supported by NASA, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and other federal agencies, through competitive grants and contracts.”
To get the true view of what has happened with the Arctic and its ice we can look to industry and in this case the Crowley shipping company that supports the petroleum industry that the kinds of fools that put together these fraudulent reports would like to see closed down. The petroleum industry provides commodities that the public needs and demands. What do the lies that the National Science Foundation put out do for us; not a damn thing is the quick answer?
Crowley Celebrates 50 Years of ears of
Service in Service in Alaska
“When oil was discovered at Prudhoe Bay, the oil industry turned to Crowley. Beginning in 1968, utilizing the earlier pioneering experience in the Arctic, Crowley began the summer sealifts to Prudhoe Bay. Since then, 334 barges carrying nearly 1.3 million tons of cargo have been successfully delivered to the North Slope, including modules the size of ten story buildings and weighing nearly 6,000 tons.
With pipeline construction well underway in 1975, the Crowley summer sealift flotilla to the North slope faced the worst Arctic ice conditions of the century. In fleet size, it was the largest sealift in the project’s history with 47 vessels amassed to carry 154,420 tons of cargo, including 179 modules reaching as tall as nine stories and weighing up to 1,300 tons each. Vessels stood by for nearly two months waiting for the ice to retreat. Finally in late September the ice floe moved back and Crowley’s tugs and barges lined up for the slow and arduous haul to Prudhoe Bay. When the ice closed again, it took as many as four tugs to push the barges, one at a time, through the ice. In 2001, Crowley transported the largest modules ever made in Alaska from Anchorage to BP Explorations, Inc.’s Northstar Island and oil field on the North Slope. Another, single-barge sealift is planned for this summer. Nineteen-seventy-five was also notable for Crowley’s initial foray into environmental services and general freight services. Crowley Environmental Services was a growing concern from 1975 to 1987 providing oil and chemical spill response, training, product sales and technical consulting services to industry and government.”
#283 30 Dec 2020 at 1:56 PM MA Rodger says: “The clueless troll continues with his demonstration of incompetance @266, but now he appears to have run out of things climatological to say.
Even so, what he says in attempting to summate his time with us here still doesn’t add up”.
If this were to get beyond the moderator, it will be interesting to get MA Rodger’s view of how I have come to understand the part that the essential for all terrestrial life on Earth, CO₂, that is 1.6 time more dense/heavier than the rest of the atmosphere that it is contained in and what part that it could play in the Earth’s temperature or in changing its climate.
I realize it would amount to MA Rodger having to deal somewhat with what the subject of this conversation should be; such as about CO₂, and not about someone that MA Rodger appears to be obsessed with degrading, me, because I hold a different view of this subject. This is another quote that I’m sure that MA Rodger, as well as others in this discussion, will take exception to.
“Where all think alike, no one thinks very much”. Walter Lippmann
There are some obsessed with the supposed increase of 338 ppm of CO₂ to 414.68 ppm of CO₂ and I hope that this information will help the alarmist to sleep better at nights.
A part per million is like 1 drop of ink in a large kitchen sink.
A large kitchen sink is about 13-14 gallons. There
are 100 drops in one teaspoon, and 768 teaspoons
per gallon.
Some other things that are one part per million are…
One drop in the fuel tank of a mid-sized car
One inch in 16 miles
About one minute in two years
One car in a line of bumper-to-bumper traffic from Cleveland to San Francisco.
One penny in $10,000.
I know that you understand that these 76.68 additional ppm are spread out over this 16 miles in different one inch segments and wouldn’t it be a task to be told to sort out the 414 pennies from the number that it would take to make up $10,000.
At 414.68 parts per million, CO₂ is a minor constituent of earth’s atmosphere– less than 4/100ths of 1% of all gases present. Compared to former geologic times, earth’s current atmosphere is CO₂ impoverished.
Let’s picture this in another way to really get an idea of the scale of CO₂ compared to the total atmosphere. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is 324 meters high (1063ft). If the height of the Eiffel Tower represented the total size of the atmosphere then the natural level of CO₂ would be 8.75 centimeters of that height (3.4 inches) and the amount added by humans up until today would be an extra 3.76 centimeters (1.5 inches)
#283 30 Dec 2020 at 1:56 PM MA Rodger says: “The clueless troll continues with his demonstration of incompetance @266, but now he appears to have run out of things climatological to say.
Even so, what he says in attempting to summate his time with us here still doesn’t add up”.
If this were to get beyond the moderator, which it will not be able to do, it will be interesting to get MA Rodger’s view of how I have come to understand the part that the essential for all terrestrial life on Earth, CO₂, that is 1.6 time more dense/heavier than the rest of the atmosphere that it is contained in and what part that it could play in the Earth’s temperature or in changing its climate.
There is no greenhouse effect caused by CO₂. The Earth is warmed due to the pressure of the gases in its atmosphere that is reflected in how much mercury that pressure will displace which amounts to the barometric pressure at various altitudes and that is directly reflected in the temperature range at that altitude. I know much about this relationship between altitude and temperature from having went over the 17,769 ft Tharong-La pass on the Annapurna circuit in Nepal and also on my hike to Everest Base camp in Nepal & also when on Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Then we have alarmist maintaining that; “This research has improved our understanding of how much the world will eventually warm if the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is maintained at double the level of pre-industrial times”. Plus this nonsense; “There is much greater certainty that, if left unchecked, global warming would be high enough to bring very severe impacts and risks worldwide”, when in fact there is no evidence that CO₂ has anything to do with the Earth’s temperature or its climate. I enjoy seeing what other fable that someone who is so illogical and gullible to believe that the trace gas, CO₂, that is only .03-.04% of the total atmosphere of the Earth has the unbelievable ability to now do to the planet since it became a tool of the unscrupulous people to use to try to control the citizens of the world. In today’s world, who controls the energy controls the world’s population.
Altitude Above Sea Level Temperature Barometer In. Hg. Abs. Atmospheric Pressure
500 feet 57⁰F 14⁰C 29.38 17.48 PSI
15,000 feet 6⁰F -14⁰C 16.89 8.29 PSI
#51 Jan 2021 at 2:21 PM mike says: “I was pleased to see JDS dispatched to the crankshaft. He was begging for that assignment, as are some others here”. It appears that ‘mike’ is among a shrinking group of alarmist that will not ever accept the truth regarding his hoax about the essential for all terrestrial life on Earth, CO₂, NOT being what can change the Earth’s climate.
What you alarmist ignore is this truth. The sun makes up 99.86% of the mass of the solar system. Do you agree with that summation, ‘mike’? Carbon dioxide is .03% of the earth’s atmosphere. Do you agree with that summation, ‘mike’? Of the two, the sun or CO₂, which do you believe has the most influence on the earth’s climate? The people associated with the essential for the survival of modern civilization, the fossil fuel industries also know the correct answer and will continue to supply the resources that are in demand.
What is the atmosphere of Earth made of? Earth’s atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide with very small percentages of other elements. Our atmosphere also contains water vapor. In addition, Earth’s atmosphere contains traces of dust particles, pollen, plant grains and other solid particles. http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/ask/64-What-is-the-atmosphere-of-Earth-made-of-
How large is the Sun compared to Earth?
Compared to Earth, the Sun is enormous! It contains 99.86% of all of the mass of the entire Solar System. The Sun is 864,400 miles (1,391,000 kilometers) across. This is about 109 times the diameter of Earth. The Sun weighs about 333,000 times as much as Earth. It is so large that about 1,300,000 planet Earths can fit inside of it. Earth is about the size of an average sunspot! http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/ask/5-How-large-is-the-Sun-compared-to-Earth-
Is 2021 going to be another record hot year?
“What has triggered the rally is colder than normal weather in Asia and Europe and a complete lack of availability of LNG tankers while supply outages have really tightened up the market,” said Samer Mosis at S&P Global Platts. https://electroverse.net/
CITY OF BEIJING JUST RECORDED ITS COLDEST TEMPERATURE SINCE 1966 JANUARY 7, 2021 Furthermore, 10 out the 20 national-level meteorological stations in Beijing registered their lowest-ever early-January temperatures Thursday morning.
Extreme windchills have also buffeted the Nunavut communities of Shepherd Bay and Taloyoak in recent days, with both registering lows of -62C (-79.CF).
Historic snow engulfs capital Madrid just 2 days after Spain registered its coldest temperature on record January 10, 2021.
Powerful blizzard affecting areas along the Sea of Japan, JMA urges residents to remain cautious January 08, 2021
Heavy snow engulfs Jammu and Kashmir, cuts it off from the rest of the country, India January 05, 2021
#72 8 Jan 2021 at 12:23 PM MA Rodger says: “The full year 2020 averages +0.807ºC, just pipping El Niño-boosted 2016 to top spot, although close enough for folk to declare the two equal top”.
Your warming trend, which amounts to about 1°C (1.8°F) since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution around 1750, or 270 years ago, is so well documented that there is no reason for all of this hype that people now use to try to claim that it is CO₂, by some strange act of magic, can cause the planet to warm. It never had that ability to do so in the past and it does not have it now, in spite of what some folks are trying to get ignorant and uneducated folks to believe now. Would illogical people like MA Rodger be more content if this below was the condition that prevailed on the planet that they know nothing about, Earth, during the LIA, or are they happier claiming that the planet is getting too hot because of the use of fossil fuels that has done more for humanity that a few alarmist complaining about 1.8°F of warming since 1750?
This is about the Island that you now reside on, MA Rodger.
“Famine in those days meant that people died of starvation on a massive scale and as brutal as they were, famines and hunger were familiar occurrences in Medieval England; the main years of famine include 1315 to 1317, 1321, 1351 and 1369; though hunger was nothing new either; for most people, the poor, there never seemed enough to eat and life expectancy was relatively short and many children died.
According to records of the Royal family, amongst the best cared for in society, the average life expectancy in 1276 was 35.28 years; between 1301 and 1325 during the Great Famine it was 29.84, whilst between 1348 and 1375. during the Black Death and subsequent plagues, it went down to only 17.33.
The Great Famine was mostly restricted to Northern Europe, which included the British Isles, northern France, the Low Countries, Scandinavia, Germany and western Poland.
During the Medieval Warm Period, the period prior to 1300, the population of Europe had exploded, reaching levels that were not matched again in some places until the nineteenth century, parts of France
today are less populous than at the beginning of the fourteenth century.
However, the yield ratios of wheat, the number of seeds one could eat per seed planted, had been dropping since 1280 and food prices had been climbing; in good weather the ratio could be as high as 7: l,
whilst during bad years as low as 211, that is, for every” seed planted, two seeds were harvested, one for next year’s seed and one for food; by comparison, modern farming has ratios of around 30: l.
The Great Famine:
JANUARY 8: UK’s highest recorded temperature for this day was the 14.9C (58.8F) set at Aber (Gwynedd) in 1988.
Climate is cyclic, never linear.
#73 8 Jan 2021 at 12:42 PM MA Rodger says: “So what are these “certain parts of Earth” you speak of?” It is obvious the one that has held the world wide record of having had the highest temperature on Earth recorded on 10 July 1913 at Greenland Ranch (Death Valley) CA USA of 56.7°C (134°F) also had more atmospheric pressure than other areas because it is -178 feet below sea level. If you could have examined at my #68 post of world record high temperatures with an open mind, you would come to understand that they all share one common trait, they all occurred at very low elevations. I hope that you are aware that the normal air pressure at sea level is 14.7 pounds per square inch.
It seems fair that I should be able to ask MA Rodger some questions about his believe that the trace gas, CO₂, that is at its present level of 414.91 ppm on the Keeling Curve, is now causing the Earth’s temperature to become dangerously high globally? I trust that you will acknowledge that the official high temperature, according to the World Meteorological Organization, that was set at the Greenland Ranch on 10 July, 1913 of 134°F. On 10 July, 2021, that will be 108 years ago. While MA Rodger is coming up with perhaps another name to call me and attempting to explain the question regarding the all-time high temp, he can look into what I submit below.
There are some obsessed with the supposed increase of 338 ppm of CO₂ to 414.91 ppm of CO₂ and I hope that this information will help the alarmist to sleep better at nights.
A part per million is like 1 drop of ink in a large kitchen sink.
A large kitchen sink is about 13-14 gallons. There
are 100 drops in one teaspoon, and 768 teaspoons
per gallon.
Some other things that are one part per million are…
One drop in the fuel tank of a mid-sized car
One inch in 16 miles
About one minute in two years
One car in a line of bumper-to-bumper traffic from Cleveland to San Francisco.
One penny in $10,000.
I know that you understand that these 76.91 additional ppm are spread out over this 16 miles in different one inch segments and wouldn’t it be a task to be told to sort out the 414 pennies from the number that it would take to make up $10,000.
At 414.91 parts per million, CO₂ is a minor constituent of earth’s atmosphere– less than 4/100ths of 1% of all gases present. Compared to former geologic times, earth’s current atmosphere is CO₂ impoverished.
MA Rodger should picture this in another way to really get an idea of the scale of CO₂ compared to the total atmosphere. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is 324 meters high (1063ft). If the height of the Eiffel Tower represented the total size of the atmosphere then the natural level of CO₂ would be 8.75 centimeters of that height (3.4 inches) and the amount added by humans up until today would be an extra 3.76 centimeters (1.5 inches).
In another post I will show MA Rodger why CO₂, being 1.6 times more dense than the rest of the atmosphere, is very important when discussing the life giving trace gas.
UK’s highest recorded temperature for this day was the 16.1C (61F) set at Balmacara (Highland) in 1971.
Climate is cyclic, never linear.
#91 10 Jan 2021 at 2:48 PM Mal Adapted says: “it is unreasonable and unrealistic to expect one “experiment” to be citable as “the proof.” That should read as “evidence” that your manufactured devil in the sky, the trace gas that is absolutely essential for all terrestrial life on earth, CO₂, that is between .03-.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere. CO₂ is now at 414.91 ppm according to the Keeling Curve at Mauna Loa and you true believers have no idea how insignificant that number is in relationship to the real world. If one million inches were laid out on the ground, that number would create a line 16 miles long. Now scatter 414.91 ppm of CO₂ at random on this 16 mile long line and then maybe you true believers can get some idea about why your devil in the sky, CO₂, after 107 years, has not caused the all-time high temperature record to be exceeded of 56.7°C (134°F) that was set on 10 July 1913. I do not know, nor care, what the CO₂ level was at Greenland Ranch (Death Valley) California, USA, that I have been to, that is -178 feet below sea level; but, it is very safe to assume that it was less than the present level of 414.91 ppm at Mauna Loa. It is for Mal Adapted, Kevin McKinney, & the other true believers, to explain why this record still holds, if they believe with no evidence to verify the claims, that the trace gas that is 1.6 times more dense than the rest of the Earth’s atmosphere (I presented the evidence to verify that fact in comment #104) is going to change the planet’s climate and raise the temperature to extreme levels unless some kind of action is taken to stop this manufactured climate emergency of runaway increasing temperatures.
Please, to put parts per million into the proper perspective, there are one million minutes in two years’ worth of minutes.
I was up in the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 1991 but when we were there in 2019 we did not go up in it because of the lines.
The Eiffel Tower in Paris is 324 meters high (1063ft). If the height of the Eiffel Tower represented the total size of the atmosphere then the natural level of CO₂ would be 8.75 centimeters of that height (3.4 inches) and the amount added by humans up until today would be an extra 3.76 centimeters (1.5 inches)
#103 11 Jan 2021 at 7:58 AM CCHolley says: “RE. J. Doug Swallow @88
why I would go with what Richard Lindzen opinions are regarding this topic of the Earth’s ‘warming’.
Too funny. A trial judge in Minnesota ruled that Lindzen was a non-creditable witness when it comes to expressing an opinion on climate sensitivity to CO2”.
Not surprisingly, given the mind set of alarmist, that CCHolley would consider this judge’s opinions to be more valid than what Richard Lindzen’s are:
“This matter is pending before Administrative Law Judge LauraSue Schlatter
pursuant to a Notice and Order for Hearing filed by the Public Utilities Commission
(Commission) on October 15, 2014.1” So,CCHolley, just how qualified do you believe that Judge LauraSue Schlatter is, given her education, to render any decisions on this matter?
LauraSue Schlatter
Judge Schlatter has been a Contract Administrative Law Judge since September 2020.
J.D., Magna Cum Laude & Order of the Coif, University of Minnesota Law School
M.F.A., Playwriting, Time/Warner Fellow, Brandeis University
B.A., Theater Arts with English minor, Cornell University
It is really “too funny” isn’t it, when a person who has a B.A., Theater Arts with English minor, Cornell University &
M.F.A., Playwriting, Time/Warner Fellow, Brandeis University can make decisions on how a state’s electricity will be generated?
Refresh yourself on the qualifications of the person that you seem to want to vilify now because he knows the truth about this anthropogenic climate change hoax.
Richard Lindzen is a dynamical meteorologist with interests in the broad topics of climate, planetary waves, monsoon meteorology, planetary atmospheres, and hydrodynamic instability. His research involves studies of the role of the tropics in mid-latitude weather and global heat transport, the moisture budget and its role in global change, the origins of ice ages, seasonal effects in atmospheric transport, stratospheric waves, and the observational determination of climate sensitivity. He has published more than 200 scientific papers and books. From 1983, when he joined the faculty at MIT, until he retired in 2013, he was Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology.
This ruling by people who have no idea what they are dealing with is like this beyond stupid ruling by the Supreme Court that CO₂ is a pollutant.
“But the Court decided that greenhouse gases fit well within the CAA capacious definition of “air pollutant”, and the EPA has statutory authority to regulate GHG emissions from new motor vehicles. It was a split ruling, with five judges voting in favor and four dissenting”.
I wonder if any of the five judges voting in favor of this idiotic ruling realize that each one of their wasted exhaled breaths contains this “air pollutant”, CO₂? How long would life exist on Earth without CO₂?
#93 10 Jan 2021 at 8:48 PM nigelj says: “This is the same JDS who on last months UV thread @208 posted a list of various hottest year claims to try to support his climate science denialism. Its such a huge and hilarious contradiction even by his standards”. The other gibberish that he presents is hard to understand what nigelj’s point was, if he even had a point. Perhaps nigelj can find the time to elucidate on what that very hidden point is because I will again post the #208 world record high temperatures with this clarification regarding the El Azizia, Libya temperature that was changed.
1. Previous record of 58 degrees celsius recorded at El Azizia, Libya was reviewed (2010-2012) by a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Commission of Climatology (CCl) special international panel of meteorological experts. Their conclusion rejected the long-held record, citing (a) problematical instrumentation, (b) a likely inexperienced observer, (c) an observation site which was not representative of the desert surroundings, (d) poor matching of the extreme to other nearby locations and (e) poor matching to subsequent temperatures recorded at the site.
Source: World Meteorological Organization.
J Doug Swallow says:
24 Dec 2020 at 7:14 AM
What follows are world record high temperatures: World (Africa) El Azizia, Libya; Sept. 13, 1922, (136F):
North America (U.S.), Death Valley, Calif.; July 10, 1913 (134F)
Asia; Tirat Tsvi, Israel, June 21, 1942, (129F):
Australia, Cloncurry, Queensland; Jan. 16, 1889 (128F):
Europe, Seville, Spain, Aug. 4, 1881 (122F): (for whatever reason, this one has been changed to what is shown below)
Europe Athens, Greece (and Elefsina, Greece) July 10, 1977 118.4 48.0
South America, Rivadavia, Argentina; Dec. 11, 1905 (120F):
Canada, Midale and Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan, Canada; July 5, 1937 (113F):
Oceania; Tuguegarao, Philippines, April 29, 1912 (108F):
Persian Gulf (sea-surface): Aug. 5, 1924 (96F):
Antarctica; Vanda Station, Scott Coast, Jan. 5, 1974 (59F):
South Pole, Dec. 27, 1978, (7.5F).
Highest average annual mean temperature (world): Dallol, Ethiopia (Oct. 1960 Dec. 1966), 94° F.
Longest hot spell (world): Marble Bar, W. Australia, 100° F (or above) for 162 consecutive days, Oct. 30, 1923 to Apr. 7, 1924. Notice anything regarding the dates of these records? Anyone heard of the dust bowl & wasn’t that in the 30’s?
I have been to New Zealand three separate times and encounter some very nice, intelligent folks on both islands. It is now obvious that I never met nigelj.
#93 nigelj seemed to have a well-hidden point to try to make where if one presents temperature records, in his mind, that is “climate science denialism”. An astute person would have noticed that the dates of these high temp records are this; July 10, 1913, June 21, 1942, July 7, 1931, Jan. 2, 1960, July 10, 1977, Dec. 11, 1905 & Jan. 5, 1974. nigelj should have no problem explaing why and how this record for the coldest Temperature in the Northern Hemisphere was recorded on 22 December 1991 in his world with a terrible fever.
New Coldest Northern Hemispheric Temperature Record
WMO has recognized a temperature of -69.6°C (-93.3°F) at an automatic weather station in Greenland on 22 December 1991 as the lowest ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere.
I should have added this record to the one that I had presented to #93 nigelj about the coldest Temperature in the Northern Hemisphere that was set in 1991 to get his kindly appraisal of what it means in the broader picture of his world that is about to be incinerated because of CO₂.
“New Record for Coldest Place on Earth, in Antarctica
Scientists measure lowest temperature on Earth via satellites
[…]Using new satellite data, scientists have measured the most frigid temperature ever recorded on the continent’s eastern highlands: about -136°F (-93°C)—colder than dry ice.
The temperature breaks the 30-year-old record of about -128.6°F (-89.2°C), measured by the Vostok weather station in a nearby location.
Although they announced the new record this week, the temperature record was set on August 10, 2010.”
Oh my LORD! Ice Age Farmer on YouTube was right!
Siberian cold spell, longest in 14 years. Temps have been below -40C for a month, and are expected to stay in the -50 to -60C range for the remainder of January:
Istanbul suffering from heavy snow:
Bangkok!!! suffering with single digit temperatures:
Extreme cold in Europe, temperatures of -28C in Poland, coldest in 11 years; rail lines cracked!
We know that MA Rodger will dig up some flawed information at the end of 2021 to make the claim that 2021 was the hottest year ever. 2021 seems to be getting off to a rather cool start according to what follows. Yes, we know that if it a series of cold events, that is only weather and we also know that, according to the alarmist, if it is a hot event in the summer, such as in Paris a couple of years ago, that is climate change.
Yakutia sees longest cold spell in 14 years as Siberia quivers through abnormally harsh temperatures
January 19, 2021 at 16:10 UTC (20 hours ago)
The Siberian region of Yakutia has shivered through its longest cold spell in 14 years, with temperatures plunging below -40 °C (-40 °F) during the middle of December 2020. The area is currently in the grip of an abnormally long period of harsh cold that is considered unusual, even for Siberia’s standards.
JANUARY 19, 2021
JANUARY 12, 2021
Historic cold wave and heavy snow hit South Korea
January 11, 2021 at 16:31 UTC (8 days ago)
Iberian Peninsula sets new all-time record low, Storm Filomena to drop historic snow over capital Madrid
January 7, 2021 at 14:01 UTC (12 days ago)
Historic low temperatures sweep North India, a month’s worth of rain in a day hits Delhi
January 4, 2021 at 14:41 UTC (15 days ago)
Hong Kong records its coldest temperature since 1988, large scale crop damage reported
January 13, 2021 at 17:45 UTC (6 days ago)
Dal Lake freezes, Srinagar records coldest night in 30 years as severe cold wave grips Kashmir, India
January 14, 2021 at 17:58 UTC (5 days ago)
Freezing temperatures in Saudi Arabia’s Asir for the first time since 1971
January 14, 2021 at 23:48 UTC (5 days ago)
[Note we will work on the model-observation comparison page to add the 2020 data point to the graphs, and update the datasets to their latest versions, but nothing dramatic will change – the latest observations remain pretty much in line with what models predicted. ]
This valid information below demonstrates that you have no idea what you are talking about and that the truth is of no interest to you. Does that sum up your kind of “science”, Gavin Schmidt?
SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 “In addition to the cold, many regions also received their most-ever snowfall this early in the season: seventeen inches of global warming goodness fell in Wyoming, New Mexico saw its earliest flakes on record, and parts of Colorado suffered their earliest snowfall in decades—these are just a few of the astonishing weather reports coming out of a record-setting September week.
Rapid City, SD, set a U.S. record for the fastest turnaround between 100 degree temperatures and measurable snow, after it hit 102 degrees on Saturday, only to then see an inch of snow on Monday. This two-day gap broke the record for shortest amount of time between those two weather observations — the previous record being Ardmore, SD, in Sept 1929 when a similar event took place over the course of approximately three days.
JULY 19, 2020
Looking at the GFS, practically ALL of Africa turned “blue” and “purple” last week as the mercury ACROSS the 30.37 million km² continent sank below the seasonal average–by more than 12C in some parts:
Albert Van Lingen provided a screen grab of sugarcane frozen solid in the fields of Pongola, North Natal, SA:
Lingen added that it’s the first this has happened in this tropical area.
A staggering -11C (12.2F) was recorded on Berkemeyer’s front step at 06h45.
Summer snowstorm kills nearly 500 livestock animals, strands 400 tourists in Xinjiang, China
July 3, 2020 at 11:09 UTC
MARCH 27, 2020
Beginning this weekend, brutal Arctic cold will engulf practically ALL of Europe sinking temperatures some 16C below-the-seasonal-average for many: GFS runs are predicting rare April snow accumulating during the next 14-or-so days, particularly in Norway, Sweden, NE Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, the Balkans, Italy, the Alps, Spain, and even the UK (also, note the substantial falls in Eastern Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan):
Thousands without power as April snow storm hits Maine
Central Maine Power is reporting 204,370 customers are without power while Emera Maine reports 51,600 outages.
Updated: 5:31 PM EDT April 10, 2020
Central Maine Power (CMP) is reporting there are still more than 175,000 customers without power while Emera Maine reports 59,326 outages Friday evening. A majority of the outages are in Androscoggin, Franklin, Cumberland, Waldo, Kennebec, and York Counties.
On Friday morning, there were more than 250,000 customers without power.
MARCH 23, 2020
The MSM has a blatant warm-bias, that’s been clear for years…
The Vostok Station clocked a bone-chilling -75.3C (-103.54F) on the morning of Friday, March 20, as spotted by @TempGlobal on Twitter: https://electroverse.net/antarctica-just-set-its-coldest-march-temperature/
Wyoming’s Interstate 80 shut down from Evanston to Lyman early Thursday
by County10 | Updated Mar 26, 2020 at 11:09AM
As of 7:00 a.m. Thursday, Interstate 80 is closed between Evanston and Lyman. The Wyoming Department of Transportation website estimates reopening in 6-8 hours.
Slick roads in Fremont County also exist Thursday morning on South Pass, and WY 135.
WYDOT updates road conditions constantly, check the latest here or dial 511.
JANUARY 26, 2020
Russia’s readings are approaching some of the coldest ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, as the lower-latitudes continue to refreeze in line with historically low solar activity…
All of Alberta under extreme cold warning, wind chills of -40 expected all week
Posted January 12, 2020 2:33 pm
Updated January 13, 2020 10:46 pm
#1 Francis says: When the measured temperature goes down from one year to the next, where does that heat go? Atmosphere? Deep ocean? Unmeasured locations?
[Response: The heat capacity of the atmosphere is small, and so can be affected by oscillations in ocean heat uptake or the escape of heat out to space. These are both quite well measured (in some respects) but not quite well enough to provide a complete answer to your question. – gavin]
Because Gavin can give no reasonable answer to the question that was presented to him about; “where does that heat go? ” we can ascertain from the valid information that I now present to gavin that it is not going to Antarctica.
PUBLISHED JUNE 27, 2018 JUST HOW COLD can it get on Earth’s surface? About minus 144°F, according to recent satellite measurements of the coldest known place on the planet. Scientists recorded this extreme temperature on the ice sheet deep in the middle of Antarctica during the long, dark polar winter. As they report this week in Geophysical Research Letters, the team thinks this is about as cold as it can possibly get in our corner of the solar system.
There is much that Gavin Schmidt does not know.
In a joint press conference NOAA and NASA have just released data for the global surface temperature for 2013. In summary they both show that the ‘pause’ in global surface temperature that began in 1997, according to some estimates, continues.
Statistically speaking there has been no significant trend in global temperatures over this period. All these years fall within the error bars of 0.1 deg C. The trend is less than this and is statistically insignificant. There is no statistical case for representing the post-1997 data as anything other than a constant line. The graphs presented at the press conference omitted those error bars.
When asked for an explanation for the ‘pause’ by reporters Dr Gavin Schmidt of NASA and Dr Thomas Karl of NOAA spoke of contributions from volcanoes, pollution, a quiet Sun and natural variability. In other words, they don’t know.
NASA has a temperature anomaly of 0.61 deg C above the average of 14.0 (1951 – 80) making it the 7th warmest year. Note that it is identical to 2003 and only 0.01 above 2009 and 2006. Taking into account the errors there has been no change since last year.
NOAA also has 2013 as the 4th warmest year, at 0.62 deg C above the global 20th century average of 13.9 deg C. Note that only 0.09 deg C separates their top ten warmest years. Each year has an associated error of 0.1 deg.
Given that the IPCC estimates that the average decadal increase in global surface temperature is 0.2 deg C, the world is now 0.3 deg C cooler than it should have been.
making both of them look like walnut-size brained dinosaurs of a long ago dead world
“Average global temps
In the 1880s: 56.7 F.
1920s to 1980s: 57.2 F.
Circa 2000 to 2010: 58.1 F.
These are not ‘hot’ temps. Below 60 degrees most people start putting on sweaters and jackets. At 58⁰F in your living room you’re probably gonna turn up the heat! It is a good temp for longer term wine storage”.
58.1⁰F – 56.7⁰F = 1.4⁰F in approximately 130 is not very much rise in temperature; unless one is a brainwashed alarmist that has no use for facts, or honesty.
#1 Thomas Fuller says: “Hence we do not know how far back from the ocean we should move roads and homes, how high the sea walls should be built, what regulations should be regarding construction in flood plains, etc., etc.”
Had New York City taken this that James Hansen said in 1989 seriously, what measure should they have taken to avert the catastrophe that never happened?
During an interview in New York City in 1989, Hansen was asked: “If what you’re saying about the greenhouse effect is true, is anything going to look different down there in 20 years?” Hansen reportedly turned to a window overlooking Broadway, and said, “Well, there will be more traffic. The West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water. And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there. The trees in the median strip will change.”
What was so outrageous about this that I tried to post? Do you have the courage, or integrity, to email an answer to my question?
When I watched this You Tube where you did not care to meet with Dr Spencer face to face, you said that you know that it was not the sun, volcanoes or just natural variability that has caused the pause.
John Stossel – Climate Change & Global Greening
•Apr 16, 2013
#41 9 Feb 2021 at 6:51 AM Barton Paul Levenson says: “And carbon dioxide is a pollutant when, like now, it’s 48% higher than the preindustrial level. As toxicologists say, “The dose makes the poison.” How can Barton Paul Levenson be sure that CO₂ is 48% higher than the preindustrial level? Barton Paul Levenson needs to be made aware of some fun facts about his devil in the sky, CO₂.
“What is carbon dioxide? Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless, non-flammable gas that naturally occurs in the atmosphere. CO2 is produced by body metabolism and is a normal component of exhaled breath. It also results from the burning of fossil fuels and natural sources such as volcanic eruptions. CO2 levels in outdoor air typically range from 300 to 400 ppm (0.03% to 0.04%) but can be as high as 600-900 ppm in metropolitan areas. Although it is most commonly present as a gas, CO2 can also exist in a solid (dry ice) form. How are FSIS employees exposed to carbon dioxide?”
“What OSHA standards and exposure guidelines apply? OSHA has established a Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for CO2 of 5,000 parts per million (ppm) (0.5% CO2 in air) averaged over an 8-hour work day (time-weighted average or TWA.) The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends an 8- hour TWA Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of 5,000 ppm and a Ceiling exposure limit (not to be exceeded) of 30,000 ppm for a 10-minute period. A value of 40,000 is considered immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH value)”.
#41 9 Feb 2021 at 6:51 AM Barton Paul Levenson says: “And carbon dioxide is a pollutant when, like now, it’s 48% higher than the preindustrial level. As toxicologists say, “The dose makes the poison.”
If Barton Paul Levenson is correct in his assessment of CO₂; “…carbon dioxide is a pollutant when, like now, it’s 48% higher than the preindustrial level”. The EPA did not list carbon dioxide at this site as being a common air pollutant.
Criteria Air Pollutants
The Clean Air Act requires EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six common air pollutants (also known as “criteria air pollutants”). These pollutants are found all over the U.S. They can harm your health and the environment, and cause property damage.
“The main contaminant of submarine air is CO2. In ordinary buildings 1000 ppm is usually considered as a maximum concentration. This value is not based on health effects but on the rate of ventilation. In submarines, higher CO2 concentrations are permitted, usually 5000- 7000 ppm.”
#30 13 Feb 2021 at 7:23 AM Barton Paul Levenson says: “BPL: Because they’re global maps. The lower 48 are only 1.5% of the Earth’s surface”. Barton Paul Levenson & Gavin A. Schmidt should notice what was occurring in the other side of the planet during this time period.
A Real Heat Wave The town of Marble Bar in Western Australia is legendary for its hot weather. From Oct. 31, 1923, to April 7, 1924, the tiny town scorched with 160 consecutive days over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius). That’s a world record. Think of the 194 people in Marble Bar next time it gets hot in your hometown. Their average high temperature is over 100 F for January, February, March, November and December (the summer months in the Southern Hemisphere).
“Eighty three years ago today, Mawson was sailing along the Antarctic coast. In 2013, global warming nutcases trying to retrace Mawson’s route are hoping an icebreaker comes and saves them.
Sir DOUGLAS MAWSON’S second expedition on SCOTT’S Discovery to Antarctic waters south of the Indian Ocean and Australia is by this time already near the coast which he skirted and explored in the Summer of 1929-30. He identified Enderby and Kemp Lands, first seen by British explorers a hundred years before.
Sir DOUGLAS MAWSON’S second expedition on SCOTT’S Discovery to Antarctic waters south of the Indian Ocean and Australia is by this time already near the coast which he skirted and explored in the Summer of 1929-30. He identified Enderby and Kemp Lands, first seen by British explorers a hundred years
Antarctic trap: Stranded ship awaiting Australian rescue after Chinese, French turn away December 29, 2013 10:17 “The Akademik Shokalskiy, with 74 scientists, tourists and crew members on board, has been on a privately-funded research expedition to Antarctica to retrace the footsteps of an Australian geologist, who explored the Antarctic a century ago. The voyage was to visit Douglas Mawson’s Antarctic huts, which previously couldn’t be accessed because of an iceberg.”
A Russian vessel is stranded in ice off the coast of Antarctica with 74 people onboard, including the scientific team recreating explorer Douglas Mawson’s Australasian Antarctic Expedition from a century ago.
[…]Had the ship carrying the trio of explorers in 1912, the Aurora, gotten icebound the same way the M.V. Akademik Shokalskiy did, there would have been no rescue option and certain death.
“Average global temps
In the 1880s: 56.7 F.
1920s to 1980s: 57.2 F.
Circa 2000 to 2010: 58.1 F.
These are not ‘hot’ temps. Below 60 degrees most people start putting on sweaters and jackets. At 58⁰F in your living room you’re probably gonna turn up the heat! It is a good temp for longer term wine storage”.
58.1⁰F – 56.7⁰F = 1.4⁰F in 130 years is nothing to wreak a nation’s economy over, unless that is your plan.
“If you can adjust temperatures to 2/10ths of a degree, it means it wasn’t certain to 2/10ths of a degree.” Lindzen pointed out, “We’re talking about less than a tenth of degree with an uncertainty of about a quarter of a degree. Moreover, such small fluctuations—even if real—don’t change the fact that the trend for the past 20 years has been much less than models have predicted.”
The former MIT professor believes the “hottest year” claims are returning us to a bygone era. “To imply that a rise of temperature of a tenth of a degree is proof that the world is coming to an end—has to take one back to the dark ages,” he explained in 2017.13 “As long as you can get people excited as to whether it’s a tenth of a degree warmer or cooler, then you don’t have to think, you can assume everyone who is listening to you is an idiot. The whole point is so crazy because the temperature is always going up or down a little. What is astonishing is that in the last 20 years it hasn’t done much of anything,” he added. “What they don’t mention is there has been a big El Nino in 2016 and in recent months the temperature has been dropping back into a zero trend level.”
“Just two minutes later as you are letting Fido have a potty break on the lawn, you notice that the frigid air you walked out the door into is not so frigid anymore. You look at your thermometer and the temperature has shot up to 45 degrees. That’s right, a temperature increase of 49 degrees in just two minutes!
But wait, that’s not the end of this wild morning weather story. After the temperature climbs all the way to 54 degrees at 9 a.m., it crashes down again 58 degrees in 27 minutes to -4 degrees once again.
Sounds like a dream, but it’s not. All of this happened in Spearfish, S.D. on January 22, 1943.
I am sure that soon we will be hearing from NASA, NOAA, the Hadley Centre and Berkeley Earth that 2021 is the hottest year on record.
NOAA: January 2021 was ninth-warmest on record in the U.S., seventh-warmest globally
About 46% of the contiguous U.S. was in drought at the end of January, the most for the month since 2013.
What will NOAA and NASA tell us about February, 2021?
Houston, TX
Wednesday 10 AM • Overcast
Winter Storm Warning
F/ C
Humidity: 66%
Wind: 15 KPH E
Show More
Dallas, TX
Wednesday 10 AM • Snow
Winter Storm Warning
F/ C
Humidity: 67%
Wind: 12 KPH E
Show More
The historic Arctic front crippling Texas’s power system, sending energy prices soaring to record levels, is intensifying with at least 5 million people across the U.S. now plunged into darkness, unable to heat their homes.
Polar cold is once again riding anomalously-far south on the back of a weak and wavy meridional jet stream flow–a phenomenon predicted to increase over the coming years/decades as the Grand Solar Minimum (low solar activity) tightens its grip.
Texans are feeling the brunt of this latest blast with over 4 million people across the Lone Star State now left without power in freezing conditions and drifting snow. But even as far up as North Dakota homes are losing power in the midst of an unprecedented deep freeze that continues to break thousands upon thousands of low temperature records, daily.
Severe snowstorm hits northern Japan, JMA warns it could become the strongest in years
February 16, 2021 at 17:23 UTC (9 hours ago)
A severe snowstorm started affecting northern Japan on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, causing flooding and transport disruptions. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) warned it could become the most powerful blizzard in years and cause whiteout conditions through Wednesday, February 17.
A rapidly developed low pressure system is advancing westward over the Sea of Okhotsk, bringing extremely strong winds and causing storm surge that already flooded many homes in western parts of Hokkaido.
Wind gusts of up to 162 km/h (101 mph) were recorded at Cape Erimo, Hokkaido, 135 km/h (84 mph) in Sakata city, Yamagata Prefecture, and 111 km/h (69 mph) in Akita City, Tohoku.
The blizzard triggered the closure of nearly 600 schools, the cancelation of about 70 flights, and the disruption of more than 200 train services, according to the Kyodo News.
Widespread disruption after heaviest snowfall in 12 years hits Greece
February 16, 2021 at 14:59 UTC (12 hours ago)
Heavy snowfall has caused widespread disruption in many parts of Greece, including the capital — Athens, on Monday, February 15, 2021, resulting in delayed transport, power outages, and suspended services. According to the National Meteorological Service, this was the country’s ‘fiercest’ snowfall in terms of intensity and volume in 12 years.
The snow, which is common in the north but rare in the capital, put many services across the country to a standstill. Most public transport services were delayed, while toppled trees caused power outages in several mountainside suburbs.
Parts of the nation’s main highway were closed, most ferry services to the islands were canceled, and flights from regional airports disrupted.
“Yesterday was the day that NASA, NOAA, the Hadley Centre and Berkeley Earth delivered their final assessments for temperatures in Dec 2020, and thus their annual summaries. The headline results have received a fair bit of attention in the media (NYT, WaPo, BBC, The Guardian etc.) and the conclusion that 2020 was pretty much tied with 2016 for the warmest year in the instrumental record is robust”. Gavin Schmidt
I am wondering, if now after a rather cold start, if Gavin Schmidt and his NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Science in New York is going to be telling us some time this year that 2021 it is on course to be the hottest year of the last 50 years. I have dealt with these climate change advocates long enough to know the talking points that they all use; such as: If it is cold events, that is just weather but when it is a hot few days in Paris, such as what happened in 2019, then that is a sure indication of climate change. So what has changed to cause this widespread freezing temperature episode in the Northern Hemisphere? As of Feb 15, 2021, the Keeling curve claims that there is 416.06 ppm of CO₂ on the Mauna Loa observatory. If there had been more CO₂ in the atmosphere, would that have kept the majority of the Northern Hemisphere from setting all of these cold temperature records?
These are some facts about January 2021.
Arctic sea ice: Sixth lowest January extent on record
Arctic sea ice extent during January 2021 was the sixth lowest in the 43-year satellite record, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Antarctic sea ice extent in January 2021 was the 13th lowest in the 43-year satellite record.
Notable global heat and cold marks for January 2021
– Hottest temperature in the Northern Hemisphere: 42.0°C (107.6°F) at Andres Figueroa, Mexico, January 1 and 2;
– Coldest temperature in the Northern Hemisphere: -61.4°C (-78.5°F) at Geo Summit, Greenland, January 29;
– Hottest temperature in the Southern Hemisphere: 47.1°C (116.8°F) at Reobourne, Australia, January 14;
– Coldest temperature in the Southern Hemisphere: -44.1°C (-47.4°F) at Dome Fuji, Antarctica, January 19;
– Highest 2021 average temperature to date (Jan. 1-31) worldwide: 33.9°C (93.0°F) at Roebourne, Australia; and
– Highest 2021 average temperature to date (Jan. 1-31) in the Northern Hemisphere: 30.0°C (86.0°F) at Navrongo, Ghana.
(Courtesy of Maximiliano Herrera)
Major weather stations’ new all-time heat or cold records in January 2021
Among global stations with a record of at least 40 years, 34 set, not just tied, a new all-time cold record in January, and two stations set all-time heat records:
Vega de Liordes (Spain) min. -35.8°C, January 7: New national record low for Spain (unofficial, recorded in a sinkhole);
Huailai (China) min. -24.3°C, January 7;
Chengde (China) min. -27.2°C, January 7;
Xingtai (China) min. -17.1°C, January 7;
Zhangjiakou (China) min. -26.8°C, January 7;
Baoding (China) min. -22.0°C, January 7;
Datong (China) min. -31.1°C, January 7;
Mount Wutai (China) min. -32.8°C, January 7;
Naran Bulag (China) min. -39.2°C, January 7;
Jining (China) min. -30.0°C, January 7;
Chifeng (China) min. -29.5°C, January 7;
Shangdianzi (China) min. -26.5°C, January 7;
Tongzhou (China) min. -22.4°C, January 7;
Shunyi (China) min. -20.6°C, January 7;
Changping (China) min. -19.7°C, January 7;
Haenam (South Korea) min. -17.1°C, January 8;
Uljin (South Korea) min. -16.1°C, January 8;
Towada (Japan) min. -20.1°C, January 9;
Furue (Japan) min. -6.9°C, January 9;
Wakayanagi (Japan) min. -19.9°C, January 9;
Kawatabi (Japan) min. -14.3°C, January 9;
Komanoyu (Japan) min. -15.5°C, January 9;
Furukawa (Japan) min. -17.6°C, January 9;
Shiogama (Japan) min. -9.6°C, January 9;
Kamigori (Japan) min. -10.3°C, January 9;
Fukuwatari (Japan) min. -10.1°C, January 9;
Wake (Japan) min. -10.6°C, January 9;
Soeda (Japan) min. -7.5°C, January 9;
Yorii (Japan) min. -9.2°C, January 9;
Seosan (South Korea) min. -19.7°C, January 9;
Rakna (United Arab Emirates) min. -2.0°C, January 9: New national record low for the United Arab Emirates (for low-elevation places);
Ras Al Khaimah Airport (United Arab Emirates) min. 4.3°C, January 9;
Madrid Cuatro Vientos Airport (Spain) min. -13.0°C, January 12;
Madrid University (Spain) min. -11.0°C, January 12;
Maquinchao (Argentina) max. 38.9°C, January 22; and
Cipolletti (Argentina) max. 43.8°C, January 22.
One all-time national/territorial cold record set or tied in 2021
As of February 12, 2021, one nation or territory had set or tied an all-time national cold record:
United Arab Emirates (for places at low elevations): -2.0°C (28.4°F) at Rakna, January 9.
No all-time national/territorial heat records have been set thus far in 2021.
Ten monthly national/territorial heat records beaten or tied as of February 12
– January (10): Mexico, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Japan, Malta, Tunisia, Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Spain
No national/territorial monthly cold records in addition to the one all-time national record in the UAE mentioned above have been set thus far in 2021.
Hemispherical and continental temperature records in 2021
#65 16 Feb 2021 at 1:22 PM Piotr says: “Still he probably keeps his best arguments for Internet, where more people can view it – like his Intelligent Design in climatology – see my (113) in”. I assume that Piotr has never spent any time involved in being amazed that the trace gas that is responsible for all terrestrial life on Earth, CO₂, that all plant life on Earth must have to grow and therefore to provide the nourishment for animal life, is 1.6 times heavier than the rest of the atmosphere. If Piotr wants to prove this fact for themselves, they can fill a balloon with CO₂ and then see how far you can drag it before it burst. Obtain some dry ice, that I hope you know is CO₂, and in a still area with no air movement; place it in a cup of water and try to see where the vapor that spills over the rim goes. A clue for you to watch for, down is where it goes. Or you can get out of the basement and go to near 18,000 feet above sea level as I have done in Nepal on two separate occasion, such as when I hiked over Tharong-La Pass on the Annapurna circuit in Nepal and to Everest Base camp. There is 1/2 of the atmosphere at 18,000; so, it is obvious there is a lack of O₂ at that altitude as well as on Kilimanjaro where I was. Tell me from some experience that you have had how much CO₂ is present at 18,000 feet.
It is obvious that the gases that comprise the atmosphere mix and move but it is also obvious that the heavier gases such as CO₂, that is 1.6 times heavier than what is called “air”, sinks, as this information taken from the Excel spreadsheet extension of CRC 85th edition 2004-2005 handbook on physics and chemistry. The mass of CO2 in the atmosphere is approximately 1.06186E+14 x 10^14 kg . The Mass of Oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere is: 0.23 x (5.12 x 1018kg) = 1.1776 x 1018 kg (1.2 x 1018 kg)
% increase in CO2 per year = 1.1 x 1015/1.23 x 1018 x 100% = 0.089% or 8.9 x 10-4
Total % increase in CO2 in one year is: 8.9 x 10-4 x 0.03 = 2.7 x 10-5
So, in one year the Carbon Dioxide content of the atmosphere would change from 0.03% to 0.030027%. (these figures are for the burning of gasoline)
To increase CO2 by a third: 1.23 x 1018/3 = 4.1 x 1017.
would take: 4.1 x 1017/1.1 x 1015 = 372 years.
#66 19 Feb 2021 at 10:48 AM William B Jackson says: “CO2 likewise is good in proper proportions, plants grown with excessive amounts tend to be weak their food value reduced etc”. William B Jackson needs to clarify just what ‘excessive’ amounts of CO₂ are. In green houses the operators generally increase the CO₂ levels to at least 1,200 ppm.
Greenhouse Carbon Dioxide Supplementation “Exposure of plants to lower levels of CO2 even for a short period can reduce rate of photosynthesis and plant growth. Generally, doubling ambient CO2 level (i.e. 700 to 800 parts per million) can make a significant and visible difference in plant yield. […]An increase in ambient CO2 to 800-1000 ppm can increase yield of C3 plants up to 40 to 100 percent and C4 plants by 10 to 25 percent while keeping other inputs at an optimum level. Plants show a positive response up to 700 to need of 1,800 parts per million, but higher levels of CO2 may cause plant damage (Figure 1).”
Your denial of reality is noted!
#34 19 Feb 2021 at 3:00 PM Susan Anderson says: “But that’s a whole year. Confusing, an’t it!?
Trouble is, almost all scientists have a “bad” habit of telling the truth, and some cold does enter in; winter isn’t gone yet”.
Here is what a respected climatologist with MIT, Richard Lindzen, says about the global temperature during the last 100 Years: Monday, February 09, 2009 “Most of the climate community has agreed since 1988 that global mean temperatures have increased on the order of one degree Fahrenheit over the past century, having risen significantly from about 1919 to 1940, decreased between 1940 and the early ’70s, increased again until the ’90s, and remaining essentially flat since 1998”.
“Average global temps
In the 1880s: 56.7 F.
1920s to 1980s: 57.2 F.
Circa 2000 to 2010: 58.1 F.
These are not ‘hot’ temps. Below 60 degrees most people start putting on sweaters and jackets. At 58⁰F in your living room you’re probably gonna turn up the heat! It is a good temp for longer term wine storage”.
58.1⁰F – 56.7⁰F = 1.4 ⁰F in 130 years is nothing to wreak a nation’s economy over, unless that is your plan.
“NOAA names 2020 second-hottest year on record; NASA says it tied for hottest ever” It is beyond believe how all of what occurred below could happen when it is terribly hot in both Rapid City, SD, Australia, Europe, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago and also where I use to live in AK, Fairbanks.
SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 “In addition to the cold, many regions also received their most-ever snowfall this early in the season: seventeen inches of global warming goodness fell in Wyoming, New Mexico saw its earliest flakes on record, and parts of Colorado suffered their earliest snowfall in decades—these are just a few of the astonishing weather reports coming out of a record-setting September week.
Rapid City, SD, set a U.S. record for the fastest turnaround between 100 degree temperatures and measurable snow, after it hit 102 degrees on Saturday, only to then see an inch of snow on Monday. This two-day gap broke the record for shortest amount of time between those two weather observations — the previous record being Ardmore, SD, in Sept 1929 when a similar event took place over the course of approximately three days.
Huge Snowfalls in Australia
22 Aug 20 Ski areas in Australia have reported more than 60cm (two feet) of snowfall over the past three days.
A super storm has been dumping on the country’s ski slopes since Wednesday, with increasing intensity in terms of the amount of snow falling every 24 hours.
EUROPE’S BIG SPRING FREEZE — ARCTIC BLAST TO GRIP THE CONTINENT DELIVERING SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURES AND RARE APRIL SNOW MARCH 27, 2020 https://electroverse.net/europes-big-spring-freeze-arctic-blast-to-grip-the-continent-delivering-sub-zero-temps-and-rare-april-snow/
A staggering -11C (12.2F) was recorded on Berkemeyer’s front step at 06h45.
JANUARY 24, 2020
The mercury dipped below 20C on the dual-island Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago for the second time this month — “a rare occurrence,” according to the T&T Meteorological Service. “The other occurrence was on the Jan. 4, when a temperature of 19.5C was recorded.” https://electroverse.net/frigid-conditions-engulf-trinidad-tobago/>
“Look at averages and trends.” The temperatures aren’t extreme by Interior Alaska standards, but Fairbanks hasn’t had a cold stretch like this in years. January 11, 2020 So negative, yet so positive: At nearly 40 below zero, Fairbanks knows how to chill The temperatures aren’t extreme by Interior Alaska standards, but Fairbanks hasn’t had a cold stretch like this in years.
I hope that Susan Anderson realizes that with all of these cold temperature across the planet, it is so great that the NOAA names 2020 second-hottest year on record & NASA says it tied for hottest ever or just imagine how many innocent people could have frozen to death.
I know that Gavin A. Schmidt will never allow his loyal fans to see the above information that really makes one wonder how the appraisals about the “hottest years” are arrived at. Very scientifically, I’m sure.
#35 20 Feb 2021 at 8:05 AM Ray Ladbury says: “They are not based on statistics that are likely to reveal a warming trend. That is, they are quite insensitive to the trend”. Am I to assume from what Ray Ladbury is telling me that if my FACTS do not fit in with his forgone conclusions about what the trend in the Earth’s temperature record should be; that therefore they are not valid? What is at question here is that for the climate alarmist to try to prove that the essential for all life on Earth’s trace gas, CO₂, has an influence on the Earth’s temperature and its climate, is a rise in the Earth’s temperature. Numerous ice core samples show that the climate warms before the levels of CO₂ increase and by many years; so, Ray Ladbury needs to deal with that fact before berating me over ‘cheery picking’ some facts. Certainly the Earth’s temperature has risen since the end of the proven Little Ice Age or we would still be experiencing the hard times for humanity that accompanied the LIA when there generally was a lack of sufficient food and the life expectation was very low compared to today’s figures.
I have a few questions for Ray Ladbury that you will not answer. Just which period in the past would have qualified for your climatic “utopia” since you believe that things are so bad now?
Would it have been before 1900 when the life expectancy for men was 46.3 and 48.1 for women in the US; by 1998 according to a Berkeley study, that had improved to 73.8 for men and 79.5 for women.
According to another study in 1930 the life expectancy for both sexes was 59.7 years. and in 2010 it was 78.7 years.
Over the past 160 years, life expectancy (from birth) in the United States has risen from 39.4 years in 1860, to 78.9 years in 2020.
Meanwhile this is what average global temps have done; so, the question is; is there a correlation between life expectancy and an increase in the Earth’s temperature?
In the 1880s: 56.7 F.
1920s to 1980s: 57.2 F.
Circa 2000 to 2010: 58.1 F.
58.1⁰F – 56.7⁰F = 1.4 ⁰F in 130 years is nothing to wreak a nation’s economy over, unless that is your plan. What is the change in temperature where ever you are during the course of 24 hours?
#11 22 Feb 2021 at 5:35 PM Jeremy Grimm says: “Speaking more plainly I understand a little about the refinement of models using “artificial intelligence”, “sensitivity tests”, “subselection of ensembles” and regard such refinement as fancy techniques and fancy ways of fudging model inputs to assure that model outputs better fit what the modeler expects — ‘tweaking’. I believe model tweaking goes on, is probably quite necessary in many/most cases”. Perhaps in 2014 the NOAA Climate Prediction Center should have done more ‘tweaking’ of their data because they were less accurate in their predictions than what the Farmers’ Almanac was using who knows what to guide their predictions.
Farmers’ Almanac More Reliable Than Warming Climate Models
Posted 02/21/2014 06:14 PM ET
Bad Science: It turns out that a 200-year-old publication for farmers beats climate-change scientists in predicting this year’s harsh winter as the lowly caterpillar beats supercomputers that can’t even predict the past.
Last fall, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) predicted above-normal temperatures from November through January across much of the continental U.S. The Farmers’ Almanac, first published in 1818, predicted a bitterly cold, snowy winter.
The Maine-based Farmers’ Almanac’s still-secret methodology includes variables such as planetary positions, sunspots, lunar cycles and tidal action. It claims an 80% accuracy rate, surely better than those who obsess over fossil fuels and CO2.
The winter has stayed cold in 2014, and snowfall and snow cover are way above average. USA Today reported on Feb. 14 that there was snow on the ground in part of every state except Florida. That includes Hawaii.