RealClimate is a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists and has been operating since Dec 2004. We aim to provide the context sometimes missing in mainstream commentary on climate science. The discussion here is mostly restricted to scientific topics though we maintain open threads for the political or economic implications of the science and for discussions of possible solutions. All posts are signed by the author(s), except ‘group’ posts which are collective efforts from the whole team. Please note this is a moderated forum.
Technical details
We use WordPress blogging software and are hosted at Openstack.com. Current site design is by Oliver Mösing.
Google Custom Search results are from a subset of the web that we consider provide quality information on climate science. This includes scientific agencies, mainstream climate centres and universities around the world.
We welcome translation efforts for all our substantive articles. Currently, we host translations of many articles that have been provided from the wider community and additionally we link to external translations. Availability is denoted by the appropriate language flag (note that national flags are merged if the languages are in common). If you would like to get involved translating either to the existing languages, or any new language, please let us know.
The contributors to this site do so in a personal capacity during their spare time and their posts do not represent the views of the organizations for which they work, nor the agencies which fund them. The contributors are solely responsible for the content of the site and receive no remuneration for their contributions.
RealClimate is not affiliated with any environmental organisations. Although our domain was originally hosted by Science Communications Network (and previously Environmental Media Services), and our initial press release was organised for us by Fenton Communications, none of these organizations were in any way involved in the initial planning for RealClimate, and never had any editorial or other control over content. Neither Fenton nor SCN nor EMS ever paid any contributor to RealClimate.org any money for any purpose at any time. Neither did they pay us expenses, buy our lunch or contract us to do research. This information has always been made clear to anyone who asked.
If you would like to contact us, suggest a topic to be covered, contribute a relevant commentary, or be part of this effort on a more permanent basis, please email RealClimate (replace -at- with @). Please do not bother to send us press releases, newsletters or queries about link exchanges.
If you would like to link to us and stream our RSS feed, feel free. You can use any of our banner graphics or icons, or let us know if you want something of a particular size.,