A new model simulation of the Gulf Stream System shows a breakdown of the gigantic overturning circulating in the Atlantic after a CO2 doubling.
A new study in Science Advances by Wei Liu and colleagues at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego and the University of Wisconsin-Madison has important implications for the future stability of the overturning circulation in the Atlantic Ocean. They applied a correction to the freshwater fluxes in the Atlantic, in order to better reproduce the salt concentration of ocean waters there. This correction changes the overall salt budget for the Atlantic, also changing the stability of the model’s ocean circulation in future climate change. The Atlantic ocean circulation is relatively stable in the uncorrected model, only declining by about 20% in response to a CO2 doubling, but in the corrected model version it breaks down completely in the centuries following a CO2 doubling, with dramatic consequences for the climate of the Northern Hemisphere.
The potential instability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation or AMOC – commonly known as the Gulf Stream System – has been a subject of research since the 1980s, when Wallace Broecker warned in an essay in Nature of Unpleasant Surprises in the Greenhouse. The reason for this was growing evidence of abrupt climate changes in the history of the Earth due to instability of Atlantic currents.
Fig. 1 Schematic of the Atlantic ocean circulation (simplified). In red the relatively warm surface flow is seen, in blue the cold deep water flow. The northward surface flow and southward deep flow together make up the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), popularly dubbed Gulf Stream System. Image by S. Rahmstorf (Nature 1997), Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0.
Why the AMOC has a tipping point
The basic physical mechanism of this instability was already described by Henry Stommel in 1961. The freshwater balance (precipitation minus evaporation), which determines the salt content, is central to this. Freshwater continually flows into the northern Atlantic through precipitation, rivers and ice-melting. But supply of salty waters from the south, through the Gulf Stream System, balances this. If however the current slows, there is less salt supply, and the surface ocean gets less salty. This fresher water is lighter than saltier water and therefore cannot sink into the depths so easily. Since this sinking – the so-called deep water formation – drives the Gulf Stream System, the current continues to weaken. There is a critical point when this becomes an unstoppable vicious circle. This is one of the classic tipping points in the climate system.
However, it’s still unclear where exactly this tipping point is. Most models show a significant slowdown in the Gulf Stream System by 20% to 50% in typical global warming scenarios up to the year 2100, but do not exceed the tipping point that would lead to its collapse. However, there is a large spread between different models – which is not surprising since the stability of the Atlantic flow depends on a subtle balance in the salinity and thus also in the freshwater budget, which is only inaccurately known. In addition, there have long been serious indications that the models are not only inaccurate, but perhaps all systematically biased towards an exceedingly stable AMOC. We discussed these papers in a review article in PNAS in 2009.
What makes the new study different?
According to lead author Wei Liu, the starting point of the new study was my paper from 1996 on the relationship between the freshwater balance and stability of the flow. Back then I showed how to determine the stability of the AMOC from an analysis of the freshwater transport in the Atlantic at 30° south. The decisive factor is whether the AMOC brings freshwater into the Atlantic basin or whether it exports it (in the latter case, working to increase salinity in the Atlantic). My article ended with the suggestion to clarify this from observational data. That was later done by colleagues from Holland (Weijer et al. 1999). Several studies followed which performed this diagnosis for different climate models (e.g., Pardaens et al. 2003, de Vries and Weber 2005, Dijkstra 2007, Drijfhout et al. 2010, Hawkins et al. 2011). According to the observational data, the AMOC is exporting freshwater, which is why freshwater will accumulate in the Atlantic when the AMOC breaks down. That is precisely the instability described by Stommel 1961 and Broecker 1987. In the models, on the other hand, the AMOC in most cases imports freshwater, so the flow is fundamentally stable there. The differences in AMOC stability between different models cannot be understood without the fundamental criterion of whether the AMOC imports or exports freshwater, and by what amount. Liu et al. 2014 have identified a known common bias in all coupled climate GCMs without flux adjustments, the “tropical bias”, which makes them import freshwater in contrast to what observations show for the real ocean. A model bias towards stability is also consistent with the fact that most models underestimate the cooling trend observed in the subpolar Atlantic, which is indicative of an ongoing significant AMOC weakening, as we have argued (Rahmstorf et al. 2015).
The new study attempts to correct this model deficit by modifying the freshwater exchange at the sea surface in a model by using a so-called flux correction (which also involves the heat exchange, but this should be secondary). As a result, the salinity distribution in the ocean of the model for today’s climate is in better agreement with that of the real ocean. This is an important criterion: while precipitation and evaporation over the oceans are difficult to measure and therefore only very imprecisely known, we have detailed and precise information about the salinity distribution from ship measurements. Apart from the improved salinity distribution, this correction has no significant influence on the model climate for the present.
And now the result …
With both model variants – with and without the subtle correction of the salinity distribution – an experiment was performed in which the amount of CO2 in the air was doubled. The reaction of the Atlantic circulation is shown in the following graph. Without correction, the AMOC once again proves to be very stable against the massive disturbance. With the correction, in contrast, the flow breaks down in the course of about 300 years. It has lost a third of its strength after 100 years.
Fig. 2 Time series of the Atlantic flow (AMOC) in the two model variants: without correction (blue) and with correction (orange). In model year 201, the CO2 concentration in the model is doubled and then left at this level. Source: Liu et al., Science Advances 2016.
As expected, the breakdown of the heat-bringing Gulf Stream System leads to a cooling in the northern Atlantic, as shown in Figure 3. Land areas are also affected: besides Greenland and Iceland mainly Great Britain and Scandinavia.
Fig. 3 Temperature change in the winter months (DJF), 300 years after CO2 doubling in the experiment. Due to the almost completely extinct Atlantic flow, the northern Atlantic region has cooled significantly. Source: Wei Liu, with permission.
This new study is certainly not the last word on this important question. Compared to the measured data the correction appears to be somewhat too strong – the adjusted model version might therefore be too unstable. As computing time is scarce and expensive, the CO2 concentration in the experiments was abruptly doubled, rather than gradually ramped up in a more realistic emission scenario. The experiment was carried out with only one climate model; for robust conclusions, one usually waits until a series of models shows consistent results. (However, consistent with the new results two earlier climate GCMs and a number of simpler models have shown an AMOC that exports freshwater and is bistable, i.e. could potentially pass a tipping point and break down, as discussed by Liu et al. 2014.)
Also, no meltwater influence from the dwindling continental ice on Greenland was taken into account, which could additionally weaken the flow. On this topic, only three weeks ago a new study was published (Bakker et al. 2016) comparing future warming scenarios, once with and once without consideration of the influx of Greenland meltwater. (An emulator was used for this study; that is a highly simplified computer model that reproduces the results of complex circulation models in a time-saving way, so that many experiments can be performed with it.) With unmitigated emissions (RCP8.5 scenario), the Gulf Stream System weakens on average by 37% by the year 2300 without Greenland melt. With Greenland meltwater this doubles to 74%. And a few months ago, a study with a high-resolution ocean model appeared, suggesting that the meltwater from Greenland is likely to weaken the AMOC considerably within a few decades (Böning et al. 2016 – as we reported).
There are, therefore, two reasons why thus far we could have underestimated the risk of a breakdown of the Gulf Stream System. First, climate models probably have a systematic bias towards stable flow. Secondly, most of them do not take into account the melting ice of Greenland. As the new studies show, each of these factors alone can lead to a much stronger weakening of the Gulf Stream system. We now need to study how these two factors work together. I hope these worrying new results will encourage as many other research groups as possible to pursue this question with their own models!
Washington Post: Scientists say the global ocean circulation may be more vulnerable to shutdown than we thought
Climate Central: Potential for Collapse of Key Atlantic Current Rises
The Verge: Climate change may shut down a current that keeps the North Atlantic warm
The Atlantic: The Atlantic Ocean and an Actual Debate in Climate Science
Video lecture on the Gulf Stream System
More on the Gulf Stream System slowdown at RealClimate
Q & A about the Gulf Stream System slowdown and the Atlantic ‘cold blob’
AMOC slowdown: connecting the dots
What’s going on in the North Atlantic?
A hypothesis about the cold winter in eastern North America
Blizzard Jonas and the slowdown of the Gulf Stream System
- W.S. Broecker, "Unpleasant surprises in the greenhouse?", Nature, vol. 328, pp. 123-126, 1987. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/328123a0
- H. STOMMEL, "Thermohaline Convection with Two Stable Regimes of Flow", Tellus, vol. 13, pp. 224-230, 1961. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.2153-3490.1961.tb00079.x
- T.M. Lenton, H. Held, E. Kriegler, J.W. Hall, W. Lucht, S. Rahmstorf, and H.J. Schellnhuber, "Tipping elements in the Earth's climate system", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 105, pp. 1786-1793, 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0705414105
- M. Hofmann, and S. Rahmstorf, "On the stability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 106, pp. 20584-20589, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0909146106
- S. Rahmstorf, "On the freshwater forcing and transport of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation", Climate Dynamics, vol. 12, pp. 799-811, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s003820050144
- W. Weijer, W.P.M. de Ruijter, H.A. Dijkstra, and P.J. van Leeuwen, "Impact of Interbasin Exchange on the Atlantic Overturning Circulation", Journal of Physical Oceanography, vol. 29, pp. 2266-2284, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0485(1999)029<2266:IOIEOT>2.0.CO;2
- A.K. Pardaens, H.T. Banks, J.M. Gregory, and P.R. Rowntree, "Freshwater transports in HadCM3", Climate Dynamics, vol. 21, pp. 177-195, 2003. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00382-003-0324-6
- P. de Vries, and S.L. Weber, "The Atlantic freshwater budget as a diagnostic for the existence of a stable shut down of the meridional overturning circulation", Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 32, 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2004GL021450
- H.A. Dijkstra, "Characterization of the multiple equilibria regime in a global ocean model", Tellus A, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusa.v59i5.15173
- S.S. Drijfhout, S.L. Weber, and E. van der Swaluw, "The stability of the MOC as diagnosed from model projections for pre-industrial, present and future climates", Climate Dynamics, vol. 37, pp. 1575-1586, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00382-010-0930-z
- E. Hawkins, R.S. Smith, L.C. Allison, J.M. Gregory, T.J. Woollings, H. Pohlmann, and B. de Cuevas, "Bistability of the Atlantic overturning circulation in a global climate model and links to ocean freshwater transport", Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 38, pp. n/a-n/a, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2011GL047208
- W. Liu, Z. Liu, and E.C. Brady, "Why is the AMOC Monostable in Coupled General Circulation Models?", Journal of Climate, vol. 27, pp. 2427-2443, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00264.1
- S. Rahmstorf, J.E. Box, G. Feulner, M.E. Mann, A. Robinson, S. Rutherford, and E.J. Schaffernicht, "Exceptional twentieth-century slowdown in Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation", Nature Climate Change, vol. 5, pp. 475-480, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/NCLIMATE2554
- P. Bakker, A. Schmittner, J.T.M. Lenaerts, A. Abe‐Ouchi, D. Bi, M.R. van den Broeke, W. Chan, A. Hu, R.L. Beadling, S.J. Marsland, S.H. Mernild, O.A. Saenko, D. Swingedouw, A. Sullivan, and J. Yin, "Fate of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Strong decline under continued warming and Greenland melting", Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 43, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2016GL070457
- C.W. Böning, E. Behrens, A. Biastoch, K. Getzlaff, and J.L. Bamber, "Emerging impact of Greenland meltwater on deepwater formation in the North Atlantic Ocean", Nature Geoscience, vol. 9, pp. 523-527, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2740
How would the modeled lower North Atlantic temperatures impact Arctic ice area and albedo feedback ?
This is of significant practical concern to me, as my brother’s house in Portsmouth VA USA is roughly 1.5 meters above mean high tide.
Here’s what I think I’ve heard. A brief 2012 35% slowdown in the Gulf Stream resulted in an immediate 4 inch rise in US East Coast sea level. And, a complete and permanent cessation of the AMOC would result in between a meter and a meter and a half of sea level rise along the US East Coast.
That, on top of projected sea level trends, would make low-lying areas of the Virginia Tidewater region uninhabitable, I think.
My question is whether the Gulf Stream will likely exhibit “start-and-stop” behavior as it slows. (As in the 2012 event.) And, whether the models that are being used can offer any information about that or not.
Let me make my point crudely. If you project a 50% decline in Gulf Stream flow, I think it matters to me whether that’s a) a 50% decline in each of 12 months, or b) zero flow for six months, followed by a re-start at 100% flow for six months. I think flooding damage is likely to be much higher under b).
And then, markets being what they are, if we see even one such significant and prolonged “stutter” in the Gulf Stream, it will probably become difficult to sell a US East Coast house that sits at 1.5 meters above mean high tide.
So my general question is whether the Gulf Stream flow is expected to become more erratic as it slows in response to global warming.
They may be altering the “reaction” of the model by applying flux adjustments, and given that this is only one model, I do not find their results to be that compelling. Several models in CMIP3 used flux adjustments (and so presumably had reduced state bias) and a reasonable number of CMIP5 models indicate that they are currently bistable (likely capable of a maintaining a collapsed state). However, only very few other models show that warming could cause a collapse of the AMOC, and only under fairly extreme warming (like RCP8.5). It does not mean that a rapid collapse is not possible – especially if Greenland melt is included – just unlikely given what we can glean from models so far.
[Response: Hi Michael, good that you stop by! Have you had a look at Fig. 1 of Wei Liu’s paper? It shows that compared to observational estimates, all CMIP5 models have an AMOC that is a lot too stable, judging from the AMOC stability indicator. See also his previous 2014 paper. So I don’t think it is correct to just treat all models as equally likely and say that if only one model shows a collapse than this is unlikely to be correct. Rather, I think there is good evidence that all CMIP5 models are biased towards a too stable AMOC so I’d say it is likely that these are all wrong on this particular issue. -stefan]
What is the potential impact on arctic sea ice decline ?
This recent paper (Bakker et al. 2016) seems to arrive at a similar conclusion.
With CO2 doubling and Methane being added by leaps and bounds and Nitrous Oxide just starting a massive ramp-up, I doubt that these projections can be valid beyond the short term. I see no mentioning of the fact that way over 90 percent of the Arctic Sea Ice will not be there to melt and produce large amounts of freshwater content. The Greenland melt should continue, but as the ice melts in coverage area (more land is exposed) the melting ice run off should decrease. Nobody mentioned the stability of the salt content of the oceans, but with all that water vapor going into the sky I would expect salt content to go up. Is that written into the projections for 2100?
[Response: What goes up must come down… What evaporates will rain down within a few days (I think ten on average). Moisture content of the atmosphere goes up a bit with global warming – true – but that is a negligible amount of water loss from the ocean’s point of view (worth just a few millimeters of sea level). A bigger effect on global ocean salinity is the continental ice loss, which dilutes the ocean water. You can work this out easily: average depth of the global ocean is ~3700 meters. So if you melt enough ice to add 120 meters to sea level (which happened at the end of the last Ice Age) you decrease salinity by approximately 120/3700 = 3 %. That is about 1 salinity unit (out of a mean ocean water salinity of 35 psu). That is, during the Last Glacial Maximum the global ocean was about 1 psu saltier than now. If we add ten more meters to sea level by melting ice in the coming centuries, that would reduce mean ocean salinity by about 0.1 psu. This reduction in the mean is not an issue – this freshwater pooling in the surface ocean in certain regions is the problem. -stefan]
The Gulf Stream keeps North East USA and North West Europe warmer than they should be.
If this heat belt slows the resultant lowering in temperature will be disruptive to both societies.
I do not think it is a “IF” I feel it is going to happen with the amount of fresh water coming off the ice sheets and melting sea ice.
Perhaps even the diluted sea water may be cooler and more dense than further south but this inherently must slow the drag effect that pulls up the warmer water towards this area.
Perhaps i did not say that very well i mean that the sink of dense saline cold water will be less when the salinity is lessened.
The outcome would be a colder situation for both sides of the North Atlantic.
This of course will feed nicely into the people who regard the world as their back yard.
Trying to explain this to people who are eyes closed is not very easy i feel
Russell, ‘oogled your question and this popped up:
Decadal prediction relies on the idea that some natural variations in the climate system, such as changes in the strength of ocean currents, unfold predictably over several years. At times, their impacts can overwhelm the general warming trend caused by greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by humans.
Yeager’s past work in this area has focused on decadal prediction of sea surface temperatures. A number of recent studies linking changes in the North Atlantic ocean circulation to sea ice extent led Yeager to think that it would also be possible to make decadal predictions for Arctic winter sea ice cover using the NCAR-based Community Earth System Model…
cite for that:
DOI: 10.1002/2015GL065364
I would think the modeled cooling in southern Greenland would greatly reduce the melting of the ice sheet. In that sense at least it ought to be a stabilizing influence.
[Response: No Greenland melting whatsoever is included in these simulations. That is a far more drastic “stabilising influence” than the fact that once the AMOC has largely collapsed, melting from Greenland might be reduced. Once the AMOC is past its tipping point, reduced melting does not help anyway. -stefan]
that’s cited to:
Zhengyu Liu, Anders E. Carlson, Feng He, Esther C. Brady, Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, Bruce P. Briegleb, Mark Wehrenberg, Peter U. Clark, Shu Wu, Jun Cheng, Jiaxu Zhang, David Noone, and Jiang Zhu. Younger Dryas cooling and the Greenland climate response to CO2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, June 25, 2012 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1202183109
They always talk about cooling in NE US & N Europe due to the slow down or breakdown, but I’m wondering what would happen to the Gulf of Mexico? Would that get hotter?
Do you guys think any of us will be around in 300 years? It’s doubtful.
[Response: I sure doubt I will be… -stefan]
Two thoughts:
1: Any property at/near sea level is a risky investment – values will decline long before most properties are under water;
2: Uncertainty (in this case, over AMOC) is not our friend – the outcome could be worse than thought, rather than better. All the more incentive to minimise risk by returning to Holocene-like climate conditions ASAP. Not that we will…
How do short term climate forcing agents (like methane and black carbon) contribute to the danger of triggering a tipping point in the Gulf Stream System?
We are sometimes told that the temperature increase from the short-lived agents dissipates relatively quickly so their effects are only important when we are close to the “peak temperature”.
I would be interested to know where the extra heat goes that is trapped by the agents: radiated into space, ice melt, warmer oceans or somewhere else?
Do any of these increase the danger of triggering a Gulf Stream System tipping point? If so, how much?
I do wonder if the role of the Gulf Stream is overstated when it comes to the UK’s temperate climate. I have heard it stated in the past that if the Gulf Stream shut down, it would lead to another ice age. My thought is that the UK’s temperate climate is primarily due to SWly prevailing winds blowing from the relatively warm ocean, as opposed to places on the eastern side of a large continent which will frequently receive cold polar continental airmasses in winter, because the mid-latitude westerlies will be blowing from a cold continental interior. The Gulf Stream is a second order effect in my opinion. Compare the mean daily max and min temperatures over each month of Seattle and London. Seattle has cooler sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean upstream of the W/SW prevailing winds.
[Response: The model includes all those effects of course, so Fig. 3 in a way answers your question about how strong the AMOC effect is. Compare London there with places on the same latitude at the Pacific. I see about 3 °C difference. It’s bigger for Ireland and Scotland, and much bigger for Iceland. -stefan]
This is an interesting, disturbing finding.
But I have a fundamental question: Why is the AMOC the same as the “Gulf Stream System”? Isn’t there also a significant component of the latter that is wind driven? Is this also breaking down in this simulation?
[Response: I am using terminology here from the MPI in Hamburg (as linked with the term under Fig. 1). It is a question of translating the more specific and complex scientific terminology to something a general audience can relate to; they write:
And of course the Gulf Stream itself does not break down as it is largely wind driven – to show that component, my schematic diagram also includes the wind-driven subtropical gyre, to which the Gulf Stream is the western boundary current. -stefan
Barbara asked: “Do you guys think any of us will be around in 300 years? It’s doubtful…”
That’s a disturbing question, hinging on what’s meant by “us.” Of course it’s unlikely to umpty-ump decimal places that any of the individuals reading this thread will be. So are you suggesting that H. Sap–an abbreviation that seems more apt than ever, somehow–is at risk of extinction? Inquiring minds and all that…
@17: It is important to understand that the NAC is largely wind-driven, in other words, the two go together, which means that less Gulf Stream (roughly) = less SW wind reaching NW Europe.
The comment about ‘another ice age’ sounds too much like the Daily Mail, not a reliable source for anything about climate. In any case, it’s almost certainly media hyperbole rather than a scientific finding.
One thing the graphic fails to reference is the baseline of the temperature changes – is that relative to present temperatures, or relative to the temperatures as they are likely to be down the line? It makes a big difference.
As with all analysis of the AMOC, the critical unanswerable is the timeline, and the way in which the patterns change. If the process is progressive, then impacts like the Winters of 2010-2011 in the UK will repeat with increasing frequency until the background GW overtakes it. UKCIP 2009 had this down as between the 2080’s and 2100. It doesn’t feel that a lot has changed, here, apart from the degree of confidence that a slowdown/shutdown is inevitable.
At this moment, we have open water at the Bearing Straight. PIOMAS ice volume is being analyzed for the December average but it appears to be coming in around -8.5% below the previous record low.
As the NH Summer insolation returns to the upper latitudes, this lack of ice will greatly amplify regional albedo impacts. This effect is going to rapidly increase as China continues to reduce its SO2 emissions and sea ice volume drives further ice declines. I estimate the first September ice free condition sometime around 2021 +/- 2 years and no later than 2025.
Due to the effect of returning solar insolation and retreating ice edge boundaries, this increased solar absorption is very great. A 2013 Caldeira paper showed ~3.0 W/m^2 globally averaged forcing for a year-around ice free state. I estimate that an ice free condition of June 21 will be equal to the total forcing produced by a doubling of CO2 WITH LR/WV feedbacks. (~2.3 W/m^2).
However, this effect will NOT be globally averaged but will instead be directed wholly at the Arctic Ocean. I expect this to occur sometime around 2065 but will very likely happen much more rapidly if recent studies of non-linearity of ECS are correct and ECS is closer to 4.5 vs. current 3.0.
In this new regime, with a complete absence of sea ice and snow in the Northern Hemisphere, with rapid warming of the arctic region due to increased solar absorption, a jump in regional temps will occur. This rapid warming impact will greatly increase the meridional transport of 1000Hpa tropical water vapor into the region, leading to rainfall on the slopes of Greenland up to 600 meters elevation.
At this point we will begin to see the Greenland pulse, on a scale of the Agassiz event. Though the dynamics described above may be sufficient to halt AMOC flow before that.
p.s. the current slowing of AMOC appears to be a factor in the current jumps in both CO2 and CH4 atm. abundances. I estimate AMOC is responsible for ~5-8% of the total oceanic sink.
Thank you. The video is amazingly accessible to this maths-challenged observer who loves visuals.
I’m in New England, and note that we will be “warmer” which contradicted my uneducated impression. While weather is not climate, it is peculiar to be so warm in winter, which we mostly have been for the last few years. Ocean temp is currently 7C (46F) which is a bit high, I think. But the ocean is quite variable around here, and also significantly moderates Boston at all times.
The current slowing of AMOC appears to be a factor in the current jumps in both CO2 and CH4 atm. abundances. I estimate AMOC is responsible for ~5-8% of the total oceanic sink due to the increase of low-concentration water provided to the surface via overturning.
However, at this moment, we have open water at the Bearing Straight. PIOMAS ice volume is being analyzed for the December average but it appears to be coming in around -8.5% below the previous record low.
As the NH Summer insolation returns to the upper latitudes, this lack of ice will greatly amplify regional albedo impacts. This effect is going to rapidly increase as China continues to reduce its SO2 emissions and sea ice volume drives further ice declines. I estimate the first September ice free condition sometime around 2021 +/- 2 years and no later than 2025.
Due to the effect of returning solar insolation and retreating ice edge boundaries, this increased solar absorption is very great. A 2013 Caldeira paper showed ~3.0 W/m^2 globally averaged forcing for a year-around ice free state. I estimate that an ice free condition of June 21 will be equal to the total forcing produced by a doubling of CO2 WITH LR/WV feedbacks. (~2.3 W/m^2).
However, this effect will NOT be globally averaged but will instead be directed wholly at the Arctic Ocean. I expect this to occur sometime around 2065 but will very likely happen much more rapidly if recent studies of non-linearity of ECS are correct and ECS is closer to 4.5 vs. current 3.0.
In this new regime, with a complete absence of sea ice and snow in the Northern Hemisphere, with rapid warming of the arctic region due to increased solar absorption, a jump in regional temps will occur. This rapid warming impact will greatly increase the meridional transport of 1000Hpa tropical water vapor into the region, leading to rainfall on the slopes of Greenland up to 600 meters elevation.
At this point we will begin to see the Greenland pulse, on a scale of the Agassiz event. Though the dynamics described above may be sufficient to halt AMOC flow before that.
Stefan wrote:
“The decisive factor is whether the AMOC brings freshwater into the Atlantic basin or whether it exports it (in the latter case, working to increase salinity in the Atlantic). My article ended with the suggestion to clarify this from observational data. That was later done by colleagues from Holland (Weijer et al. 1999).”
The answer was not clarified from observational data. Observational data was fed into a 2D model, and the model returned an answer based upon how the model was constructed. To clarify with observational data, you would need to directly measure the fluxes.
#6 Joe Neubarth
“With CO2 doubling and Methane being added by leaps and bounds and Nitrous Oxide just starting a massive ramp-up, I doubt that these projections can be valid beyond the short term.”
Well, we have to start somewhere, don’t we? What other scenarios would you suggest, and in which direction – climatically speaking – should they be aimed? Are you suggesting a much faster rate of warming should be used in the climate forcing? Presumably much faster warming would generate much faster melt of Greenland and other Arctic ice fields, and therefore an even more severe shock to the (AMOC) system.
“I see no mentioning of the fact that way over 90 percent of the Arctic Sea Ice will not be there to melt and produce large amounts of freshwater content. The Greenland melt should continue, but as the ice melts in coverage area (more land is exposed) the melting ice run off should decrease.”
Assuming that this is indeed ‘fact’, there will still be input from precipitation into the sea, and direct runoff from exposed land areas which are no longer ice covered e.g. Greenland, Baffin Island and so on. There’s also the possibility of increased fluvial input from the major rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean; not sure what the climate models indicate in this respect, someone else here may know. Possibly the issue to query here is what happens if the AMOC shuts down/slows down significantly. Specifically, what would it take for the system to start working again, at the current rate or something approaching what we are familiar with?
“Nobody mentioned the stability of the salt content of the oceans, but with all that water vapor going into the sky I would expect salt content to go up. Is that written into the projections for 2100?”
It is all a matter of mass balance, and where it is distributed spatially. I very much doubt that all the melted ice will end up in the atmosphere as water vapour; be interesting to see if someone has some figures on this. As regards a moister atmosphere in a warmer world, my understanding is that this will lead to more precipitation in the polar and temperate latitudes. All that extra evaporation has to go somewhere, and some areas will probably get much wetter as a result. We had an example of this in the U.K. last Winter, 2015/2016, following the v. strong El Nino, and the atmospheric river effect which brought record rainfall and flooding to much of the British Isles. We also had a warm and wet winter in 2013/2014. Some climate models predict El Nino occurring with greater frequency – almost annually? – and magnitude, which implies a lot more of the same. Difficult to see how salt content of the polar and temperate ocean waters is going to go up in those circumstances.
AMOC carries oxygen-rich water to the ocean depths, thousands of metres from the atmosphere, where it sustains complex organisms. Do we have any idea what the consequences are of the kind of slowdown of AMOC suggested by this latest study in terms of ocean anoxia and euxinia. Are we looking at a future of oceans, and eventually the atmosphere, suffused with hydrogen sulphide?
Hank @8,
Did you notice that the NCAR diagram from Yeager et al (2015) shows that their model underestimates the melting of the sea ice up until 2007?
The sea ice retreated even further in 2012. And in 2016, the winter Arctic sea ice extent has been running at a new all time low for the time of year for several months now, which you can verify here if you select 2016. http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/charctic-interactive-sea-ice-graph/
How can we accept their prediction that the Arctic sea ice will show little increase in melt over the next decade? It seems to me more likely that the inability to fully recover during this winter will lead to more loss during the summer making it yet more difficult for the sea ice to refreeze during the winter. In other words it has passed a tipping point into a positive feedback loop where less summer ice means less winter ice anc less winter ice leads to less summer ice, leading to it melt away abruptly and completely!
Correct link to above Hansen et al 2016 study quote on AMOC implications and so on.
The main take away is that a AMOC shutdown is a likely scenario under BAU, and possible implications include a dark scenario of irreversible altercation of our environment, effecting Northern Hemisphere lives, and pose undiscussed new logistic and travel challenges, due to stronger winds. This means how safe will ship and air travel be for intercontinental exchange?
If we go a little farther we can expect geomorphological hazards due to mass shifts, waves, winds, rain patterns, as outlined in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xndhx7KpSU0
I suppose there is something to be said for maintaining the traditional distinction between modeled and strictly ‘observational’ data. But as Paul Edwards documents at considerable length in his “A Vast Machine”, it’s a distinction that seems a bit quaint when the ever-growing reliability of weather forecasts is founded overwhelmingly on modeled, not directly observational, data.
After all, people do customarily construct those models to give accurate results. That’s kind of the point.
[Response: There is almost no such thing as pure observed data. Already reading temperature off a mercury thermometer requires a model of how the length of the mercury column correlates with temperature. -stefan]
@27, for an overview of that issue (of which AMOC slowdown is just one part) see this series of talks:
“Ocean ventilation and deoxygenation in a warming world”, Sep 2016
14 talks or so with abstracts and mp3 files, a very good overview of the whole subject.
Slioch @27 — Have you read “Six Degrees” by Mark Lynas? That is likely to answer your question.
24 prokaryotes … 5 stars :-)
27 Slioch says: “Are we looking at a future of oceans, and eventually the atmosphere, suffused with hydrogen sulphide?”
Paleoclimate science and earth history suggests that is entirely possible. But of course “it depends” solely on the present…. As each day and year unfolds it’s always the present, so it always “depends”.
Prof. Peter Ward UW put the ‘yardstick’ as being if/when the Earth hits 1000ppm of CO2 it’s almost guaranteed there will be no ice at the poles and the hydrogen sulphide world returns for millions of years yet again.
In my mind it kinda works like 1+1 = 2 and beyond self-evident. Still people don’t care nor believe in climate science nor scientists and especially not the environmentalists. Kinda a catch 22
Kevin McKinney wrote:
“But as Paul Edwards documents at considerable length in his “A Vast Machine”, it’s a distinction that seems a bit quaint when the ever-growing reliability of weather forecasts is founded overwhelmingly on modeled, not directly observational, data.”
These are important concepts, so it is useful to understand them. Weather is indeed predicted with models. However, the predictand, the actual weather, is directly measured. Therefore the fidelity of the weather models can be assigned actual numbers, which we call skill. Climate models predict future climate in the same way, but the fidelity/skill cannot be directly measured because we lack observational data about future climate. There is a difference.
Stefan obviously did not attempt to mislead. But when he wrote that the question of net flux was clarified by observational data, he inadvertently implied that the fidelity of his model was verified by observational data in the same way that a weather prediction is validated with thermometer measurements, and that is not what happened. It is an important distinction.
Stefan wrote:
“Already reading temperature off a mercury thermometer requires a model of how the length of the mercury column correlates with temperature.”
I do not agree. Let’s step through this. I have a little vial of mercury, and on a particularly hot day, the cork pops out. Hmmm, methinks. So I construct a thin glass tube with a bulb of mercury at the bottom. I put it in ice water, and I scribe the glass at the mercury line. I then put it in boiling water, notice that the mercury is higher in the glass, and I make a second scribe. I use my ruler to put 98 more scribes in between.
I don’t need to know why or how the mercury expands, or whether it does so linearly. I did not model anything. There is no model to feed data into. But I do have a pretty damn useful way of measuring temperature. If I wanted to answer the question of whether a glass tube that is twice the diameter will have the scribes the same distance apart, I have two choices, I can measure it empirically or I can model it based upon some understanding about the expansion of fluids. It is not all modeling.
[Response: But your marks have no connection to anything else until it’s calibrated – which requires some kind of model. It’s the same way that a proxy measurement of temperature is used. – gavin]
Guys, there’s this wonderful new Internet thing called hyperlinks, very much worth using for long articles instead of pasting the whole text into a comment. Just give us a brief summary/remark on why you think it’s worth reading, and provide a hyperlink.
#30 re “[Response: There is almost no such thing as pure observed data. Already reading temperature off a mercury thermometer requires a model of how the length of the mercury column correlates with temperature. -stefan]”
That was an unexpected and curious thing to say on the subject. Whilst fundamentally true and correct, obviously, it is still quite odd to me.
Like burrowing down into that proverbial rabbit hole, it’s not always helpful in the long term. :-)
Thomas, #33
“Prof. Peter Ward UW put the ‘yardstick’ as being if/when the Earth hits 1000ppm of CO2 it’s almost guaranteed there will be no ice at the poles and the hydrogen sulphide world returns for millions of years yet again”.
This is the part that interests / concerns me: “and the hydrogen sulphide world returns for millions of years yet again”.
Could you give me the reference, please? I’m a geologist. Anoxic environments and temperature anomalies (high and low) are of professional interest.
Would this be of any help?
Overlooked possibility of a collapsed Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in warming climate
Wei Liu1,*,†, Shang-Ping Xie1, Zhengyu Liu2 and Jiang Zhu2
By correcting the model biases, we show that the AMOC collapses 300 years after the atmospheric CO2 concentration is abruptly doubled from the 1990 level.
#31,#32,#33 Thanks for your responses, particularly the RS lecture series, which I will study.
I have to agree with Thomas: a hydrogen sulphide world is looking, to me, almost inevitable with bau. Peter Ward’s warnings are eloquent. His “we do not know of a time with permanent ice at the poles and CO2 above 1000pmmv” (except, of course, prior to the big thaw in snowball Earth), and the present rate of increase of atmospheric CO2 being c.10x greater than previous mass extinctions as far as we know (albeit the total mass being less) are deeply worrying. It is one thing to raise sea levels by several metres, ravage climates, devastate human civilisation and wipe out half of global biodiversity, but a hydrogen sulphide world is an order of magnitude more horrific. And yet hardly anyone seems to talk about it.
I was rather hoping someone would come along and assure me that the dangers of a breakdown of the Gulf Stream System did not include such horrors.
If the temperatures in the north atlantic region would drop so much, the melting of the greenland ice shield might be stopped completely – which would be a positive aspect of the whole thing. Is this true?
37 Richard Hawes hi, you’d be better off contact Ward direct, he’ll reply to you because he replied to me even when working on a dig site when in South Australia. https://www.ess.washington.edu/people/profile.php?pid=ward–peter
best example paleoclimate ref on youtube is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP_Fvs48hb4&feature=youtu.be&t=33m1s
Google scholar has his and colleagues papers, just search https://scholar.google.com.au/scholar?q=%22pd+ward%22+&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5
#34 It’s the same way that a proxy measurement of temperature is used. – gavin
Sure, but personally I would use the word “similar” and not “same”; and the word “process” and not “way”. Words matter mate. imho there’s a huge difference between the direct accuracy of a marked thermometer versus tree rings and ice cores etc.
Gavin, you have said often “models are useful” and I totally agree. However when it comes to a mercury thermometer or a new digital one they are more than useful, they 99.9% accurate as far as determining a present “observation”. eg argo floats today versus GCMs modeled SSTs in the past.
Beware the semantic and jargon traps Gavin, that’s all I’m saying (not complaining). Thermometers are not equivalent to other “models” simply because modelling is used to put marks on a thermometer. The way you and Stefan have said it muddies the waters for the average person in the public space, imho.
PS please find an excuse to come to Australia in 2017 and get a gig on Q&A. Most aussies would warmly welcome you here speaking about what you know, unlike the US Congress. ;-)
ps Gavin, you have said often “models are useful” and I totally agree .. and also said “all models are wrong” too.
I shouldn’t trust the nurse taking my temperature is not too high because the model it is based on is ‘wrong’?
Analogies are useful, and yet must be used with caution and clarity ….. :-)
I think the only question is whether the shutdown will happen within the next few weeks or several months from now.
The rapid decline in the sea ice combined with all the fresh water coming off Greenland has to mean it is going to happen soon.
Richard#37 You can find a number of Peter Ward, University of Washington, lectures on You Tube, for example:
“Who is Afraid of the Big Bad Climate? What is the Worst That Global Warming Could Do?”
Matt Skaggs, #34:
“Weather is indeed predicted with models. However, the predictand, the actual weather, is directly measured.”
Yes, but much less than you think, or than I thought before reading “A Vast Machine.” According to Edwards, only about 10% of the data comprising a weather “analysis”–that’s the term for the data model which is the numerical “picture” of the atmospheric state preceding the forecast–is derived from observation. The rest comes from the preceding forecast, which serves as “first guess” for the new analysis. As he puts it, the observational data “constrains but does not determine”.
It sounds a bit crazy, coming from a “traditional” perspective. But there are good reasons for that reality. One is that the 10% that’s observational is already a huge mass of data, obtained with considerable difficulty and expense; all the additional observation required for purely observational analyses would be utterly impractical on multiple counts. (I suspect that the same would be true of the flux measurements mentioned upthread.)
Another is that it would still have to be modeled anyway, because observation is not perfect; an important part of preparing an analysis has always been data control, including the recognition and correction or discarding of spurious readings.
A third is that observations do not conform to model structure, which demands a homogenous data field. Observations cannot be taken at each and every model gridpoint. So you can interpolate the value for the gridpoint–a process implicit in traditional ‘manual’ weather analysis–or you can take the modeled value from the previous cycle, which was calculated on simulated physical processes at least–a better alternative to interpolation/extrapolation. A corollary of this is that you end up comparing data model to forecast, not raw observation to forecast.
The ultimate justification of this is that it works. Not perfectly, of course; Atlanta for instance just got shut down on the basis of forecast snow that turned out to seriously overpredict accumulations. (Though Asheville got about 5 inches, and I’m hearing the mid-Atlantic coast may be hit harder.) But it works a lot better than forecasting used to, as I well recall, and as objective evaluation of skill demonstrates.
A dramatic example from “AVM” is found in Figure 10.8, p. 273. Way back on August 29, 1985, the European Met analysis showed a synoptic scale eddy in the western Sahara, hundreds of kilometers from any station reporting data. (There were stations closer than that, but the regional telecom net had gone down on the 25th, so none of the observations got through.) Yet the vortex was clearly visible on satellite imagery, just as calculated on the basis of 100% modeled data.
If we were to use “Ocean Mechanical Thermal Energy Conversion” “OMTEC” to our advantage this will never happen folks.
A very good overview of the oxygen depletion issue is here:
The sources of oxygenated water to the deep ocean are the polar regions. North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) forms as part of the AMOC;Antarctic Bottom Water (ABW) forms due to the Antarctic sea ice system, and Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) forms at the Antarctic Polar Front (50-60 S). All three play roles in oxygenating the deep ocean (those are wiki links with lots of good information); so you have to consider all three in any forecast of oxygen ventilation changes.
It’s not just the circulation, however; waming ocean waters mean higher rates of microbial decomposition of sinking organic matter, which sucks oxygen out of the water. The huge amounts of agricultural fertilizers dumped into rivers and coastal waters are also playing a role, as in the Gulf of Mexico dead zone. So you have a whole host of complex factors, making it hard to forecast – along with a relative lack of data on historical deep ocean oxygen levels. It’s a serious concern, however, and is getting more attention:
So, as far as your question, under business-as-usual is it plausible to convert the whole ocean into something like the Black Sea, with only the upper 10% of the ocean having enough oxygen to support aerobic life? It would take a long time; but if you go and burn all the fossil fuels and hit 1000 ppm CO2, it doesn’t seem out of the question.
Just an aesthetic observation, if the area in the graphic does become a whole lot colder then we would have an utterly weird northern hemisphere with the Canadian arctic islands and Alaska, northern Siberia and the Arctic ocean ice free and warmish, and Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard, Scandinavia and the North Atlantic frozen solid!
Just bizarre.
Thomas @ #41